Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 58: Sprints at Night, Distance in the Morning

Yesterday started with some KB cleans in the morning, followed by some weight lifting before some sprints.

The weight workout was about 30 minutes, including:
3x5 on Deadlifts
3x5 on Bench Press
3x8 on 1 Arm Rows
3x5 each side on Windmills

The 3x5's on DL's and BP's are at 90% of 5RM for the first set, then 80% of 5RM for the next 2. 

After that, we did some starts with the timer out of the blocks.
10 sets of 10m starts
5 sets of 20m starts

I'm still trying to work on the best starting block setup for myself.  I realize there are a lot of factors with that, meaning how well you come out, how fast you explode out, and how fast you keep moving. It is a good thing to practice all this on my own, along with our college athlete doing it.  It gives me greater insight versus just observing things and guessing.

This morning I went with a 20 minute run on the treadmill and got 2.5 miles in.  It was a bit tough on my calves, I'm feeling that I'm not used to it and need to spend more time getting them loose at night and in the morning as well.

My Slim Challenge is coming to a 3 week end and I've decided to take a break from it.  I'm basically at 200 and staying steady there.  I feel I'll take a break and continue on with my runs, sprints, and other workouts and then go on it again in a week or two.

Success Starts Here!
Coach Rick Karboviak

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