Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 56: A Run On The New Toy

On Saturday, I picked up a used treadmill in a nearby town and had my friend help me load it and put it downstairs. I now have a pretty good treadmill to use when its not so great outside and have another option than just going to the gym.

This morning, I went for 2.5 miles on it, trying to go at 8 minutes a mile pace.  It ended up being a good 20 minute run and at a faster clip than yesterday's run outside.  It's been quite a while since I ran at that speed, and my outdoor runs have been slower.  I was able to maintain it, but the first mile felt like a little struggle to get there. I think my calves weren't quite as warmed up as they should have been.

Overall, the treadmill felt good for a change and I'm happy I now have an indoor running option at home.

I wanted a treadmill all winter and kicked myself for not buying one last summer when I had the chance. At least now I have one and the room to put one in the basement. This should help keep me on task for my running goals. I don't mind going outside around now, but the weather forces you to dress with a bunch of layers and I hate it when I have half a load of laundry to do after a run. For indoor runs, it is definitely less clothes to wear compared to an outdoor run.

Success Starts Here!
Coach Rick Karboviak

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