Monday, January 16, 2017

Day 15: Fat Bike Rides and Workout D

Yesterday, the weather was finally decent enough to dress up comfortably and enjoy a nice bike ride on the Fat Bike. I ended up aiming for 3 miles at the pace I was going (roughly 10 miles/hour), but as I continued, I felt good enough for a bit more than that.  I ended up doing 4.5 miles in about 28 minutes of time.

This morning I slept in with the day off, and hit up Workout D from The Achievable Body. It's another 16 minute effort of a mix of exercises for 6 reps each. 

I got each round of exercises done in roughly 2 minutes/round, so I ended it with 8 rounds total in the end.

Today might be nice enough again for another fat bike ride outside. We're talking temps in the 20's by the afternoon and a good warm stretch coming this week. 

The fat bike may be heavy and slow, but it sure is a fun ride to do during the winter months. Even though you're going slower than usual, the heavier nature of the bike takes almost as much effort to move. This feels like you're getting in the same kind of workout as you would during the summer in much faster, warmer conditions.

The diet continues to go well and I've pretty much replaced my usual breakfast meal with the replacement shake from AdvoCare.  I'm surprised how much it fills me up.

Take a look at the meal replacement shakes here at .

Success Starts Here!
Coach Rick Karboviak
Home Workouts Plus!

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