Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 12: Halfway There, Plus You Can Get The Program That Never Left The Weight Room, for Free

I got an early start to my day, as I woke up an hour earlier than normal and since I couldn't fall back asleep, I went ahead with my workout.

I had planned another day of kettlebell cleans, doing my usual 240 with 40 done every 3 minutes. However, I wanted to end the week on a physical challenge: See if I could do 100 straight.

I switched every 5 reps per arm, for 20 sets total, getting my first 100 done in 4:30. I rested until 7 minutes, and decided to try another 'long distance' run of however many I could do.  I started with 10 reps per side, got to 80 and drove through to 100 total, surprising myself in the process.  I rested until the 14 minute mark  and went after it again. This time I finished with 60 reps, resting until the 18 minute mark, and finishing with 40 reps to get 300 total in under 20 minutes.

This was surprising to me, and also exciting to get that amount of volume in that total time. A great way to finish the week and also hit my halfway point in the 24DC.

As a part of a fun thing to do this weekend, I decided to give away two of my Kindle guides: Just Swing It, and Just The Workouts, through Amazon's promotional tools.

"Just Swing It!" covers my 24,000 kettlebell swing journey that started with a 10,000 swing challenge done in January. "Just The Workouts" is a dual guide of my "KettleBolics" program and "Indestructible!" workout plan.

 "Indy", as I like to call it, is based on the one program that was a constant throughout HS and college years that showed up in literally every weight room that I was in. It always seemed to be tucked away in the corners and by the benches or squat racks, complete with a chart of the weight to do for every set and number of reps.

I've affectionately called it 'The Program That Never Left The Weight Room".

From today through Sunday, you can get JSI and JTW for free on your Kindle readers & apps.

If you happen to like Just The Workouts, you can buy the companion guide, Just The Chart, to go with it.  Just The Chart pairs up well by giving you the exact poundage for every set/rep based on maximums. JTC is a bargain at only 99 cents.

You can find all my guides and books at

Last night, I gave a quick update on my AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge so far in a Live video feed on my ASAP Workouts page.  

The Max Phase has me taking the MNS packs and also the Meal Replacement Shake, plus OmegaPlex too. I also took some Spark in the morning.

If the 24 Day Challenge package is too much and out of your budget range, I suggest at least doing a 14 day trial run of the MNS series, and perhaps pairing that up with Spark.

Check out the products at

Success Starts Here!
Coach Rick Karboviak
Home Workouts Plus!

PS: If you are interested in The Achievable Body's program to follow (workout videos included in a straight download!), check out

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