Saturday, June 1, 2013

Track Attacks!, Freebie Guide Weekend, & More

Greetings RAW Warriors,

No daily routine today, just some updates on the Kindle side of things.

I just released "Track Attacks!", my newest guide on mini speed sessions to add to the end of your running workouts.

You can go right here to check it out, ASAP:

In Track Attacks!, you'll get 19 little speed sessions on the track, taking 2-8 minutes in most cases, to add to the end of your running workouts.

You can do them in 100M intervals, 200M, and 400M intervals too...but you only do so many, with adequate rest between sets. 

An example I give is the "2 Every 2" workout, where you do a 200M interval at a goal time, and rest until 2 minutes is on your watch...hence, a 200 every 2 minutes.  You do 4 of these efforts for only an extra half-mile of distance onto your run, and it only takes less than 7 minutes of extra time. 

To help kick things off with Track Attacks! this weekend, I selected two other running guides as a 'freebie' promotion that use track workouts and plans as well. Those guides are "7 Weeks to 7 Minutes", and "Blue Ribbons Are For Winning: The 100's".  Check the guides out at

'7 Weeks to 7 Minutes' is a guide with a 7 week program to follow of speed workouts to help reduce your 1600m time to 7 minutes.  A 7-minute mile time is considered to be an 'excellent' rating for most people in their aerobic fitness.  So, even if you are slower than that, there are progressive programs to follow to help get you from 9 minutes/mile to 8, 8 to 7, and even under 7. 3 workouts per week, 7 weeks of training, with Week 8 as your 'testing week' for the 1600m trial.  These are exact workouts I have used with track kids to help reduce their 1600m times in a similar time frame, roughly 7-8 weeks of an outdoor track season. 

'Blue Ribbons: The 100's' is another guide filled with 12 more workouts based on 100m intervals. It is a pretty quick guide, since its just workouts to do on the track.  I started it as a series of guides but ceased it after I made "The 200's" guide and felt it was better to wait and make a guide over the long run, and not as a monthly series.  I am possibly considering making a larger collection of the two Blue Ribbons guides and having a guide just chock-full of track workouts for distance events. Until then, I am still selling the 100's and 200's guides of this series. However, 'The 100's' is free this weekend!

Don't forget to take a look at the new #1 guide for me since its release, "Just Swing It!", at Just Swing It! has been a hot seller ever since it came out in April, as it has been selling 2:1 over my other best seller, "Just The Workouts". It was almost 3:1 by the end of the month of May. I'm not saying all of this to brag about my guide, but its hitting the right cord with people who have an interest in kettlebells and the 10,000 Swing Challenge that's popular in kettlebell circles.  Some call it the "What the Heck Effect" when you do something with kettlebells, and something unexpected changes for you. For me, I was looking to shed a handful of pounds, and it ended up shedding almost 20 for me in two months.  Plus, when I began my running with the track kids, it felt like I never missed a mile over the winter months, even though I had to take a lot of time off for healing a bum foot and nerve issue in my lower leg. That's quite the "What The Heck Effect" for me, and JSI covers in exact detail what I did in January & February. If you haven't picked up a copy, its less than a 20 oz Coke bottle, as all my guides are.  Give it a read and see how the challenge of 10,000 swings can change things up for you, too.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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