Sunday, June 9, 2013

Daily RAW: Last Week of Phase II, 6/10 Workout, SPARTA FitRanX

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Its the last week of the RABC Phase II routine, a 6 week plan I plotted out with other weeks from "Just The Workouts" (the main 8 week program that RABC is based upon).

JTW & RABC Manual are available on your Kindle readers right here: Don't forget about "Just The Chart" either, you don't have to look on the wall or bulletin board for 'That Chart' any more, its now in a unique Kindle guide with 'tap & go' access to what your sets/reps are for your 1 Rep Maxes. For less than $3 total for all 3 of those guides, you have quite the resource literally at your fingertips.

Its a 5x3 week for your Bench & Deadlifts, so lets get started.

Daily RAW: 6/10/13

Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 8
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

KB Swings: 4 x 1 minute each, 1 minute rest between sets

4 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each minute
Bodyweight Squats
Total Body Extensions

The more I get ready for it, the more I am pumped about starting up the FitRanX program for fitness clients and for athletes! We have workouts of the day in both settings, plus with the SPARTA FitRanX program, we have some awesome speed/agility routines to help work on those aspects with some of the highest technology available to track your progress.

With the sprint and agility workouts, I will use the SpeedTrap I Timer to get the closest measurement I can for each sprint and drill they do. This is a much better approach than just going out and running sprints until you are tired.  With the ST Timer, you can precisely track to the hundredth of a second how fast you are going, and when its time to rest more between sets.

I still have room for the SPARTA FitRanX program's case study that I will conduct at the Finley Wellness Center.  Contact me if you want to line up a time to get started with this study!

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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