Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekly RAW: RABC BSD, Week 4 Schedule, Gluten-free update

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is next week's schedule for Week 4 of the BSD Plan. Don't forget to print off your log sheets from the tab up above.

Week 4, Day 1

Bench Press: 5 x 3
Front Squats: 3 x 6
Pulldowns: 3 x 6
DB Lunges: 3 x 6
ASSU's and WM's: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

Week 4, Day 2

Squats: 5 x 3
Military Press: 3 x 6
DB Lunges: 3 x 6
Seated or DB Rows: 3 x 6
Leg Raises & KB Swings: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

Week 4, Day 3

Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Push-Ups: 3 x 6
BW Lunges: 3 x 6
Pull-Ups: 3 x 6
MC's and TBE's: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

The snow is melting away, now the ground is soggy, but the outdoor track season has started!

Personally, my running is going very well now with the gluten-free changes I've made. There have been some longer runs with the track kids I've been able to do fairly well now.  Just a little discomfort at the end, but my times are better than I thought they would be.  On some out & back runs, I can go out easy and come back at a faster time overall.

The weight loss has kind of hit a standstill, close to 20 pounds lost now since January with some fluctuations of 2-3 pounds to 17-18 from that January weight.  I'd say the biggest change is in energy levels during a run, I don't feel so zapped any more and things just flow easier.

I still face some issues on some days where gluten is just unavoidable, but in the bigger picture, its still a lot less than what I used to consume on a daily basis.  Minimization is key, not total elimination, as I've discovered.

I'm going to just add a few workouts throughout the week, maybe just a 10 Minute Tuesday and Fantastic Friday workout this week.

On a final note, Amazon Kindle Store has a new category of "Kindle Short Reads" and some of my guides are in the Top 100 lists for some categories.  A lot of my guides are short, brief and to the point, so if you are in need of quick reads instead of a long, drawn-out guide, go here to discover what I have:
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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