Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Busy Weekend for Bikes

Last weekend, I decided to sell two of my personal mountain bikes and put a few others up for sale that I've worked on as well.  I sold my Schwinn OR2 hybrid bike and also let go of my Ironhorse fat bike.  I was amazed how quickly they went, but it also downsized my garage a bit and created some space...for two others I ended up with.  I found a home for one of those newer ones dropped off to me, and will find a home for the other.

I went on a 26 miler with my buddy on Sunday night on the classic Specialized Crossroads hybrid bike I just fixed up.  This bike is lighter than my previous OR2 and was sort of the impetus of making me sell my two mountain bikes.  I got the bike for a steal and only had to add better tires and tubes, plus fix the shifter up front. 

My last ride also was my last use of the Intra mix from AdvoCare. I'll have to order some more this week.  I do like the combo of either Pre or Spark before my rides, then the Intra during the ride itself. 

As far as weight training goes, I did some KB cleans on Sunday morning, doing 300 reps with the 40# bell and doing 1 arm cleans, 150 each side overall.  Monday was a 2.5 mile run in about 20 minutes, clipping along just fine.  This morning was another round of double KB cleans with the 35's, doing 150 total.  I do 10 reps at the top of each minute.

The rest of the week looks like some rides here/there and some runs in the morning as well.

I also have a new resto project that came my way, so I'm working on restoring that ride as well.

Stay Strong,
Coach Rick
ASAP Workouts
Home Workouts Plus!

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