Sunday, July 21, 2013

Newest Guide: On Drinking Pop?

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Typically I have a lot of workout & training plan guides in my Occupy First Place series of Kindle guides. However, in recent times, I have been asked a lot about my experience with the new SodaStream machines and soda mixes.  In fact, when I posted about it about a month or so ago, it was one of my most read posts and generated a lot of interest.

After using it for quite some time now, I've discovered:

1. I drink a lot less pop, due to being more aware of what I'm drinking since I have to make each batch myself.  A typical work day, I would consume close to, or over, 100 ounces of pop.  Now, I'm drinking about 50 ounces with a 1 liter (33 ounces) and 1/2 liter (17 ounces) bottle I make each morning.

2. I am not using cans or bottles and throwing them away.  One container of soda mix saves 33 cans alone.  Since I have very durable and tough bottles to rinse out and re-use, its a lot less bottles to waste as well (3-4 per day for me alone that I used to!).

3. Its saving me big-time in the wallet, as I'm no longer going to the vending machine for a Dew to get my fix.  1 liter costs me about 67 cents to make, 1/2 liter is about 33 cents.  Considering a 1/2 liter bottle of Coke or Pepsi products costs $1.25 in the store, you can see I'm saving a lot just in that comparison. Its basically $1 a day now to get my soda fix.  I am still amazed at how much money I was wasting on store-bought pop!

4. I'm also having fun with my own creations of soda mixes combined to new flavors.  "Booster Cola" is a favorite of mine, as well as "Mountain Climber", those are mixes of Cola & Energy Drink mix (like Red Bull), and Fountain Mist (Mountain Dew/Mello Yello flavor) and Energy Drink mix.

My new guide, "Super Sodas: An Unofficial SodaStream Soda Guide", is now released and covers the main basics of what SodaStream offers, how you use it, and I give 19 recipes for some flavorful and low-calorie creations you can make. 

Grab it right here:

It is only 99 cents, so its well worth it! You'll save that money pretty easily when you start making your own Soda. In fact, the machine basically pays for itself in the long run.

Grab your copy and start reading it on your Kindle in less than a minute:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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