Friday, August 23, 2013

Daily RAW: 8/23 - FR, DDC, The Kindle Race is on...

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workouts are from FitRanX and another one for the Dog Days Challenge.

Here's the FitRanX WOD from HQ:

 Level 0-3

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Overhead Towel Squat x 8
2. Flutter Kicks x 8
3. Total Body Extension x 8
4. Single Leg Deadlift x 8
5. Knee Tucks x 8
6. Jumping Jacks x 8

Level 3-5

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times,then switch to the next exercise.

1. Single Leg Squat x 8
2. Crunch and Flutter Kick x 8
3. Single Leg Hop x 8
4. Spiderman Push-Ups x 8
5. Plank Walk Ups x 8
6. Single Leg Burpee x 8

 Check Out The Video Library Here:


The Dog Days Challenge routine today was done rather late for me. My afternoon got jammed up with things at work and I also had an interview to do for the VB team's season outlook.  The past 2 seasons I have written up the game reports for the paper, and this year is the same, minus me being the assistant coach.  I think its going to be better for me to write it from the sidelines instead of the point of view from the bench. I can probably get a better intake of what's happening on both sides when I'm not worried about how the kids are performing on the court.

Anyways, the DDC workout was done after all that, when I got 300 cleans in with the 40#, then 200 more with the 35# kettlebell. Here is how it went down:

100 reps with the 40#, in the 20/10 work/rest pattern, 10 per arm for 5 minutes.
100 straight reps with the 40#, alternating every 10 reps, in 4 minutes straight.
Brief rest of 30 seconds, then 100 straight again with the 40#, alternating every 10, in 4 minutes.
Brief rest of 30 seconds, then 200 straight with the 35# kettlebell, alternating every 10, in 8 minutes.

It was the first time I tried to get 500 within a workout.  I wasn't worried about the time, but to do it in just about 22 minutes of time, I was happy with that. It helped to go down in weight for the final 200, as it felt lighter and I really fell into the 'groove' created by the previous 300. 

Once you get in the 'groove', you just feel like it is a mechanical, repeatable action that you don't have to think about, you just fall into it and the reps flow easily.

Kind of like running, but with the actions of a kettlebell doing the same thing for you, falling into a flow and going with it at the pace that feels right naturally.

I thought about ending at 300 tonight, but felt the need to push it a bit and go for 400, then 500 after 400 was reached. It was one of the most smoothest routines I've done over the course of the DDC.

I don't have any freebie guides this weekend, but I have an update for you on the top sellers I have:

"Just The Workouts" is one of my very first guides for Kindle and one that has two distinct programs in it, "KettleBolics" (basis of my kettlebell power routines) and "Indestructible!" (the famous 'program that never left the weight room').  Over the past year its been my #1 seller overall.

One of my newest guides, "Just Swing It!", is rapidly climbing in sales to nip at the toes of JTW. As you may know, JSI is my guide on finishing a 10,000 Kettlebell Swings Challenge (and perhaps making it a 2 month one and going for more, like I ended up doing!). The 10K Swings Challenge is a popular challenge amongst kettlebell enthusiasts.  I think its hit a 'sweet spot' with readers who are searching for workout guides on Kindle.  I don't give numerous plans in the guide, its essentially my daily log over two months of what I did...mainly to give people a glimpse on how to do such a challenge.  People either want super-in-depth workout routines and all the science behind it, or some of them are tired of reading all the super-in-depth stuff and want to skip right to the workouts themselves. JTW & JSI do just that, and at 99 cents a piece, its been a great solution for many readers.

JSI is only 49 sales away from taking the top spot from Just The Workouts. Not sure if it will reach that point by the end of the month, but its been a fun 'race' to watch between the two guides and I'm glad to see many people are using them for what they need.

Check them both out at if you haven't already.

Another one that's selling well is "Super Sodas", my SodaStream guide.  Yes, I made a guide on how to make pop.  You may be thinking it's an 'unhealthy' choice but hear me out: its easy to say "DON'T DRINK POP!!!!" to active people, but guess what: we enjoy our Coke's and our Dew's just as much as less active people do.  Some of us, like me, feel the addition to drinking pop, and need a way to stop it or lessen it greatly.

We've tried 'cold turkey' methods and maybe drinking diet drinks, but they haven't worked (and sometimes the diet stuff makes you feel hungrier if you ask me).

My solution is SodaStream'ing. It not only saves me money, it has helped reduce my intake in half. I used to have 100+ ounces a day at times, now I am having 50 (1.5 liters total).  That's 5 less bottles of 20 ounce pop I'm drinking and tossing away, 100 a month, 1200 a year. (this was stunning to me that I drank perhaps over 1000 bottles of pop in a year!)

I am drinking less overall, mainly limiting it to the morning hours and in the afternoon, I'm pretty good. I may enjoy a half-liter of cream soda at night, but I no longer have the 'craving' for it.  It also controls the carbonation, and its not as super-fizzy as regular bottled/canned pop is.  It tastes so much smoother and I think it tastes a bit better too.

The guide I have is only 99 cents and it gives you a great primer on how a SodaStream works (no batteries, plug-ins, all 'green' powered by C02 air alone) and how simple it is to create your own combination of drinks.  I like "Booster Cola" a lot, which is Red-Bull flavored energy drink mix and a Cola mix. You can't find that in stores...another awesome thing about SS'ing. You can create your own flavors or simply enjoy your own favorites.

Check out the guide at


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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