Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Back at Home with the Kettlebells

The workouts lately for me have been all at home.  I've done a couple runs outside when it was nice enough out, but a large portion of my workouts have been inside.

Kettlebells have been the norm, along with some bodyweight routines of the HWR nature. I'm adding more to the mix on the kettlebell side.  After completing 10,000 swings in January, it was time to get after the other power exercises like cleans, clean and presses, and snatches.

I've kept it short in the 10-15 minute range on these exercises.

Cleans were done for 10 minutes in the 20/10 format, 10 per side on every 20s work, 10s rest pattern.

Clean & Presses were done with a single kettlebell, 5 reps per 20 seconds, following the 20/10 pattern again.

Snatches were done with 5 per side as well, getting 10 total every minute, following the 20/10 pattern too.

This morning's workout was a Double Clean & Press, doing 5 reps at the top of every minute. I did this for 10 minutes to start, and felt another 5 would be fine to shoot for.  After 15 minutes of it, it was time to end it.  I used the two 35# kettlebells I own for this routine.  35's are the only pair of kettlebells I own.

Double C&P's get taxing in a hurry.  They are great calorie churners, from what I've seen the experts say.  I believe them when they say that, too!

Getting back into the HWR routines has been going well for me, too. It feels good just to move your own bodyweight around and not worry about heavy weights swinging around each and every day.

There is a lot you can take from the HWR style of workouts.  You can apply the same principles to kettlebell routines with some basic kettlebell exercises, mixed in with bodyweight ones.

See what you can do with the Home Workout Revolution here:

Coach Rick
Home Workouts Plus

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