Thursday, September 11, 2014

The first rule of Run Club is to talk about Run Club!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I just started up a local running club last night and things started off great for it: at first I just aimed for Wednesday nights at 7pm and now we are adding another time, Saturday mornings at 7am. There were about a dozen people to show up, which was great to see and the word spread quickly online when I announced it last week. 

I have been pondering the idea of making a membership site for running workouts, or perhaps just making a new product to sell for running workouts, or a combo of both.  For now, I am at least planning on a new product, it may just be a Kindle guide or a new e-book with photos and program sheets to print off.

I also like the idea of putting up some running workouts for an exclusive members-only site.  I'm checking out my options on that and seeing which one is going to best fit my needs. This would be a nice way to train/coach multiple people via an exclusive membership site. If you have an interest in this, please message me about it. I'm trying to see as well if enough people want it, should I build it?

As far as lifting workouts have gone, I'm basically doing a 4x5 routine this week:

Bench Press: 4 x 5
1 Arm Rows: 4 x 5
Single Leg Deadlifts: 4 x 5 per side
Bent Presses: (becoming a fave of mine) 4 x 5 per side
Windmills: 4 x 5 per side

My legs were feeling it this morning after a pretty good clip last night for the club run: I did 4 miles in 29:40, basically a 7:25/mile average pace.  I also did 7 miles on the indoor bike Wednesday morning, and decided for that option once again this morning. Monday was Run in the morning, bike in the evening. Tuesday I lifted, Wednesday was another double workout day (bike am, run pm). Today is just the bike. Tomorrow I'm looking to lift. The body is telling me to take a little rest today.

All in all, its been a nice productive week for exercise.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

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