Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Daily RAW: 2013 in Review & What's Ahead for 2014

Greetings RAW Warriors,

As 2013 winds down, 2014 is something to gear up for.

I look back at 2013 and what programs helped me perform better. Here is how it went:

I started off with doing the KB Swings Challenge I did for "Just Swing It!", plus doing the Home Workout Revolution program from Craig Ballantyne. I then transitioned into my track kids' daily routines and still got after some HWR workouts. As summer racing season came about, it was more HWR and track routines. When school began, it was a combo of running, cycling, and kettlebell challenges with Just Clean It!, a month of KB cleans, plus the Long Cycle Challenge and KBXL's plan. 

Through it all, HWR was quite a staple for me. The workouts are short and sweet and could be picked to meet your needs quite easily. Take a serious look at HWR here.

For KB challenges for every desire from Swings to Cleans and Long Cycle, grab your Kindle copy here. KBXL was just launched and has quite a few phases that work as great workout plans by themselves to help you plan out future, self designed challenges. KBXL is only $2.99 while many other guides are only 99¢ each.

2014 looks like a great year to amp up my racing to a higher level and get back to where I was a few years ago as a runner. Kettle bells have really helped me bounce back to where I want to be as an athlete.

Best of luck to you in 2014!

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, December 30, 2013

Daily RAW: RABC Week 1 Workouts, KBXL Launched!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here are some Week 1 Workouts for this week of the RABC Plan, to help get you going on 2014's goals.

Week 1, Day 1

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5

Pulldowns: 3 x 8
All-Star Sit-Ups: 3 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Week 1, Day 2

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5

Bent Over Rows: 3 x 8
Windmills: 3 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Lunges, Push-Ups, Total Body Extensions

Week 1, Day 3

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5

Pulldowns: 3 x 10
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 per side

2 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 per exercise
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

KBXL is Launched!

To help you gear up for 2014's goals, I have launched Kettlebell XL, An Accelerated 90 Day Swings Challenge, on Kindle!  Instead of just a 30 day, 10K Swings challenge, this is a 90 Day, 30K Swings Challenge, planned out with over 48 workouts to do in the course of 90 days.

Just 4 workouts a week on average per phase is all it takes. 

Inside KBXL, you will also get the Long Cycle Challenge, a 30 day routine I did with the Long Cycle (Clean & Jerk) exercise.  The Long Cycle Challenge was done in conjunction with some running workouts and races, to show you how it could be combined with a basic routine of exercise already.

Read more about KBXL here:

If you aren't up to the 90 Day Challenge, don't worry: KBXL has a unique structure where each 3 week phase could be converted into a 4-week phase for a 30 Day Challenge, all on its own. If 5,000 is more realistic for you, then KBXL gives you a 12 workout plan for that. 7,500? You will get 2 different plans from KBXL. If 10,000 is more to your liking, then you can get a 12 workout plan to do for a 4 week phase with the 10K phase's plan.

Give KBXL a shot in 2014 here:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Greetings everyone,

I just wanted to wish you a Very Merry Christmas today. Thank you for the support this past year and I hope when you look back, it was a great one for you. I hoped the guides and posts from this blog helped you make it great!

Merry Christmas!

Coach Rick Karboviak
Rats Alley Barbell Club

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Daily RAW: The 'Zero Zone' time of year

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It seems this time of year is filled with holiday parties and other festivities. For me, its concerts and basketball games at the HS level. I have been in between my elementary coaching season and JH season, shuffling kids to and from practices and games for our school. There usually isn't much time for an extended workout (let alone factoring in snow removal in recent days too).  I typically use this time as a maintenance time of workouts due to a hectic schedule that can change in a matter of hours some days.

I call this a Week Zero time, where each week isn't a part of a plan, but mainly a focus on maintaining what you have.

In previous posts I have covered some Week Zero workouts for this purpose. I also use it as a time to read up on nutrition or new programs out there.

Right now, Craig Ballantyne has a $9 special on his Turbulence Training guide, Build Muscle, Lose Fat 2.0. Grab your downloadable copy HERE:

I also got a new book on gluten free dieting for athletes, called the Gluten Free Edge. Its only #2.51 on Amazon Kindle Store, so look into that book if you are curious on the effects of gluten on athletes. It has been very eye opening and I am only a few chapters into it.

As far as workouts go, there are plenty of workouts in my guides and on the blog here. I would suggest checking out the most read blog posts, listed below at the bottom of this blog.

KBXL is still in the draft process, but looking really well in its first stages. There will be a host of options from the main plan provided in KBXL.

That is all for now.  Here is a quick routine for only 8 minutes with a KB and your bodyweight.

20/10 work/rest pattern used - 2 minutes each exercise
KB Swings x 4 rounds of 20/10
Pushups x 4 rounds
BW Lunges x 4 rounds
All Star Sit Ups x 2 rounds, each side gets two rounds in. Alternate sides per round.

It starts with a KB and finish's with one.  Add in one more 2 minute round of Swings if you want an even 10 minute routine.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

KBXL Update

Greetings RAW Warriors,

No Daily Rats Alley Workouts today, just an update on KBXL:

The framework of my new guide, Kettlebell XL, or KBXL for short, is in place.  There will not only be a 90 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge program in it, but also a bonus 30 Day Long Cycle Challenge in there as well.

KBXL is one of my first programs to really outline a periodized structure applied to a kettlebell swing challenge, giving you not just a set number to attain at the end any way, shape, or how.... but a carefully plotted out plan to follow, for 4 workouts a week and set volumes to attain in each workout day.

A sneak peek of this plan, at least Phase 1, is in my free report from a while back at http://occupyfirstplace.com/OFP5KS.pdf

In that free report, the 5000 Swings goal is spread out over 3 workouts a week in 4 weeks of time.

This time in KBXL, the first phase of 5000 Swings is 4 workouts a week over 3 weeks, a little more condensed.

If you've made it through the Just Swing It! Challenge of 10K in 30 Days (or 24K in 2 months as I did), then you should love the planned out programs provided in KBXL!

Its not completely finished yet, but its in the process and will most certainly be done by the end of the year, just in time perhaps before New Year's. 

My goal? Launch it after Christmas or even slightly before then, so you have some holiday reading and planning to do.

That's all for now. 

Keep lifting merrily and happily.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Daily RAW's for Week 4 of RABC

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It looks like another crazy week ahead, so here are the 3 days' worth of routines for MWF for Week 4 of the RABC Plan.

RABC Week 4: 5 x 3
Day 1:
Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Total Body Extensions

Day 2:
Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Bent Over Rows, 1 Arm: 4 x 8 each side
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Total Body Extensions


Day 3:
Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Swings: 2 rounds of 100 Swings, alternating every 10 with each arm

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Mountain Climbers


KBXL Update:  I am going to finish up the KBXL Challenge Guide, aiming before the end of the month, so that its ready to go by January 1st. 

Until then, if you are planning for a 2014 Challenge and want to give the annual 10,000 Swings Challenge a try (its very popular to do amongst us kettlebell addicts), "Just Swing It!" covers last January & February's workouts that I did. 

KBXL will cover 30,000 Swings over 3 months (not just 3, 10K swing months in a row... its periodized to build up in 3 week phases). JSI covers 24,000 Swings done over the course of 2 months. 

JSI has risen to the top of my guide list and has been perched at #1 for quite a few months now, and I believe its due to the rising popularity of the 10K Swings Challenge.  Everyone from home workout fans to Crossfit folks are taking it on. 

If you haven't grabbed your copy yet for your Kindle (exclusive only to Kindle!), grab it here: http://occupyfirstplace.com or at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp

2014 is looking to be another great year for this blog and the guides I create for you, the readers.  Thank you for your support this year, I look forward to producing more stuff in 2014 to assist you with your performance goals!


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Daily RAW: Injured? Rest! And maybe use KB's.

Greetings RAW Warriors,

In the past, I have been hit with injuries. Some I can work around and rest up, while others can take much longer to fix and recover from.

Some are minor, and these may take anywhere from a day or two of rest to a good week. Others are more serious and need medical attention. I once had two back to back ones, the first being a plantar fascia issue, then a work injury affected my nerve and caused tingling for many months. It was a long process to wait out, but worth it. It turned me towards the direction of using kettlebell ballistic exercises, such as swings, cleans, and snatches. These exercises can be a great replacement mode of exercise when running is forced to be an absent part of your routine.

I know that running and lifting rarely go together like chocolate and peanut butter do, but its worth doing together. Most runners think that more miles are the solution, while lifters mostly scoff at the thought of running a mile.

My answer to blending the two are to bridge the gap with kettlebells. You get the benefits of lifting plus some cardio boost from it. If you are sidelined from running, the kettlebells give you cardio power plus allow you to lift to your hearts desire.

KettleBolics is a guide that I made to help blend the two for running purposes. It is a part of my "Just The Workouts" guide at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp.

When you get injured, look to kettlebells to fix some issues and help you find a solution.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, December 9, 2013

Daily RAW's: M-W-F Workouts

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It's going to be pretty thin this week for blog posts, so I'm putting up all 3 in one post today. 

Week 3, Day 1 - 10/8/6/4

Deadlifts: 10/8/6/4
Bench Press: 10/8/6/4

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
Windmills: 4 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning:
Total Body Extensions


Week 3, Day 2 - 10/8/6/4

Deadlifts: 10/8/6/4
Bench Press: 10/8/6/4

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 4 x 5 per side65

3 Minute Warning:
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks

Week 3, Day 3 - 10/8/6/4

Deadlifts: 10/8/6/4
Bench Press: 10/8/6/4

KB Swings: 5 sets x 1 minute each (approx. 150 reps, 30 in a minute)

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 each
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions


Sorry for a limited week, but its just looking pretty busy and I'm not sure what its going to bring for me to post semi-daily. 

I have been reading and just finished a great book, the "5-3-1" program from Jim Wendler of EFTS, or the "Westside" system as its known as.

I've always been intrigued by the Westside style ever since I lived in Columbus, OH and learned about them.  I never made a visit but have ready plenty on them.  Overall, its a great read if you're into this barbell stuff. :)

I get nothing for posting this link, just wanted to offer it for your interest:

I read it on my Kindle and its got plenty of program options and some no-nonsense dieting stuff, too.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak
Rats Alley Barbell Club

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Daily RAW: RABC Week 1, Day 3, Countdown Deal on JTTW

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout is for Week 1 of the RABC plan, Day 3.


Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5

Swings: 20/10 x 16 - 8 minutes of Swings using the 20/10 work/rest pattern

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 each
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions


I have a Kindle Countdown Deal going for my "Just The Track Workouts" guide.  This guide is a combo of all my past track/running workout guides, all in a 'just the workouts' mode of being trimmed down a bit to showcase mainly the workouts of all 5 guides.

Today, you can get this regularly priced $4.99 guide for only 99 cents!


It's 81 Days Til Track Season in this neck of the woods, so start planning something out! 5K season will be upon you before you know it, too!


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Daily RAW: RABC Week 1, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout is from Week 1, Day 2 of RABC:

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5

Bent Over Rows: 3 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 per side

2 Minute Warning:
Alternating Lunges
BW Squats
Mountain Climbers


Quick Hurdles Plus! packages are available for ordering.

A 6-Pack of hurdles is $39, a 12-Pack is $69.  All orders are via Paypal and will get shipped out free of charge to you, in the USA only, via USPS Priority Mail. 

With each 6-Pack you get 6 hurdles that convert to 6 cone markers and a Speed Snake device.

 Its like a Lego kit for Speed Training.

See more at http://quickhurdles.com


"Just Swing It!" is having a nice run lately in the Top 100 of 3 areas on Amazon, for Kindle books and Overall Books in some categories.  People are gearing up for January's New Years Resolutions and JSI is a part of it, especially when it comes to January being a traditional 10,000 Swings Month in the past few years.  Get a head-start on January here: http://tinyurl.com/rkofp


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Daily RAW: KBXL Phase 3, RABC Week 1, Quick Hurdles +

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break, mine went pretty well, I spent some time with my family and also had an early Christmas celebration with my sister, brother in law, niece & nephew.

I took a 3 day break from exercise and got back into it on Saturday afternoon with a kettlebell swing workout (#11 of Phase 3) and also today with finishing out #12 of Phase 3's plan.

I just have a 3 week phase left to go in my KBXL plan, 9 weeks done and 3 weeks to finish.  22,500 swings have been done in 9 weeks time now.  The 40# kettlebell is feeling lighter and I'm able to go for longer sets of 150-200 reps straight.  For this last phase, I may bump it to my 45# k-bell for the remaining weeks. I do have a 53# one but 45# seems like a more gradual jump I should take.

The blog's daily workouts will finish out 2013 with 4 weeks of the RABC Program in the RABC Manual.

Week 1 is 3 sets of 5.  Let's get going:

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5

Pulldowns: 3 x 8
Windmills: 3 x 5 each side

2 Minute Warning: 30s each
BW Squats
Total Body Extensions

I've been asked recently about my 'crafty' creations of PVC hurdles from the past.  I tried selling them last year and sold a few but I think I had too much clutter with it.  I created my own invention out of them, but over time, it looked too awkward and it needed a better solution.

Realizing this and after being asked again lately to make some more,(they make a great gift!) I cut down the clutter and changed the name to "Quick Hurdles +". 

Simply put, "Quick Hurdles +", or QH+ for short, are PVC hurdles that you can store in a bag, and also convert to a cone-like marker for more training options out of your bag.

The hurdles are about 6" in height, and can be taken apart easily to create either a 6" hurdle, or a Kwick Kone marker & a "Speed Snake" hopping device with all the pieces.

All the items in one bag can make:
6, 6" hurdles, or
6, Kwick Kone markers for speed drills, and
a Speed Snake device out of the remaining parts for more drills!

Take a look at this great package of speed hurdles and cone markers that work great to take to the gym, the field, the track, and anywhere else you train, even great for a backyard workout.

It's also a very affordable option, hand-crafted by me and not by some overseas company. :) All the PVC parts are bought here and made in the USA too.

I do all the cutting & creating, so you don't have to.


I have a 6 Hurdle Pack and 12 Hurdle Pack option you can choose from.

Orders can be secured over Paypal and sent out to you with free shipping on me.

Go to http://quickhurdles.com to check out what QH+ can offer you for your championship solution!

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Daily RAW: The New BSD Plan, KB Finishers

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

I'm taking off for a Thanksgiving break today, so I'm going to try and take a break away from the blog over the next few days.

As a way to Thank YOU for your support of this blog and the Kindle guides I have, I have created a new 4-week plan that's based on the RABC Manual's plan but with a new "Bench - Squat - Deadlift" focus on each workout day in the week.

Here is the "RABC: BSD" Plan:


You can even print out the program on its own workout sheets to keep track of your weights, sets & reps.

I almost put this as a Kindle guide, but felt it was better to put it in a PDF format and as a free workout plan that blends in with the RABC Manual & Just The Chart guides.

Enjoy it over the Thanksgiving break and see if it can fit into your next workout plan.

Have you checked out the new Kettlebell Finishers program from Chris Lopez yet?

I read it yesterday and I really love the workout finishers in the guide. Once KBXL is done for me, I will definitely be adding these to the mix, maybe even before then on some lighter days in the KBXL plan.

Check out all there is to know about Kettlebell Finishers right here:

It's less than the cost of a kettlebell, and its worth every penny.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy, Week 8, Day 2 - New KB Finishers Program

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout is for Day 2 of Week 8 of Indy.

Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 4 x 5 each side

3MW: 20/10 x 2 per exercise
Total Body Extensions

KB Option:
Swings, 1 set per arm each 20/10 set
Cleans, same as above
Snatches, same as above

As you know, I love finishing a workout with a solid circuit that helps kick things up a notch at the end of the workout.  You also know I like it to be structured, and focused.

Not quite like how your old basketball coach would put "conditioning" on the practice schedule for the day, and you never knew what was lined up.

Turbulence Trainer and SFG certified trainer Chris Lopez has teamed up with the "finisher guru" Mike Whitfield and created a new Kettlebell Finishers program. 

I just got it this morning and I already like what I see as a kettlebell guy.

I want to pass it along to you, because its a great deal at less than $20 if you want it:


I wouldn't sell it to you if I didn't like it.

It's really, really good if you are into using kettlebells, and using them seriously as a weapon in your training.

Grab your copy here (and maybe some other great deals you can add-on) at http://tinyurl.com/kbfrabc


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy, Week 8, Day 1, plus KBXL updates

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It has been a while with some postings, but here we go once again for Week 8 in the Indestructible! program from JTW.

Since its Thanksgiving this week, You can do 2 workouts this week and rest for the mega weekend, or save a 3rd workout for sometime in the weekend.


Indy, Week 8, Day 1:

Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 5
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3MW: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Total Body Extensions

KBXL Update:

I did MWF workouts this week, took Saturday off and just completed Week 2 of Phase 3 this morning with around 1200 swings in a workout under 42 minutes.  This is the heaviest Phase in volume, but this week was mostly 3 workouts of around 600+ swings on MWF and today's was around 2x that.  Next week is much heavier in volume to end it.

Next week may be a little crazy but I'm going to try and get in 3 workouts on MTW and save a workout for Saturday & Sunday. I'm done with coaching youth basketball, so I should have some decent amounts of time to use in working out for these workouts.

After Week 8 of Indy is done, I will return to some basic RABC workouts from the RABC Manual with a little twist to add to it.

I also have a new guide in draft form that I may or may not publish.  I am contemplating just putting it as a part of future blog posts.  Not sure how to do it, but in either form, be on the lookout for something new.

If you're new to the blog, you need to know about the training guides I have for your Kindle readers. See all that I have for 99 cents to $4.99 at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Daily RAW: Week 7, Day 3 of Indy

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Here's today's Rats Alley Workout for Week 7, Day 3 of Indy:

Deadlifts: 7 sets - 10-8-6-5-2-1-6
Bench Press: 7 sets - 10-8-6-4-2-1-6

 Pulldowns: 4 x 8
 All Star Sit Ups: 4 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise

Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions


"Just The Workouts" is still selling well, despite being 'taken over' at the #1 seller spot by "Just Swing It" a while back in my lineup of guides.

In it you will find "Indestructible!", the basis of the program I've been outlining the past 7 weeks, plus "KettleBolics", my power training guide for kettlebell power exercises.  I used to have photos to go with these guides as a PDF format, then I trimmed it down to 'just the workouts' and created JTW out of it.

It is always a top seller since my Kindle guide beginnings and if you haven't got a copy yet, its well worth the buck for your Kindle readers.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Daily RAW: Week 7, Day 2 of Indy

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout is for Wednesday, Week 7 - Day 2 of Indestructible.

Deadlifts: 7 sets - 10-8-6-5-2-1-6
Bench Press: 7 sets - 10-8-6-4-2-1-6

 Pulldowns: 4 x 6
 All Star Sit Ups: 4 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise

Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers


Not much else happening lately, just prepping for another week of KBXL's routines and finishing up my grade school team's season.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, November 18, 2013

Daily RAW: Special Report Monday - Power Phase

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's "Special Report Monday" comes from my old TIPS binder, from 'the vault', and is a 2 week Power Phase routine, working in the 3 sets x 4 reps range for 2 weeks.


Download your 2 page report up above and keep it on hand for a future 2 week phase where you think you'll need this kind of workout & phase.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy: Week 7, Day 1, KBXL, Thoughts on 'Picture Challenges'

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Daily Rats Alley Workout is from Indestructible!, Week 7, Day 1, ideally to be done on Monday.

Deadlifts: 7 sets - 10-8-6-5-2-1-6
Bench Press: 7 sets - 10-8-6-4-2-1-6

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 6
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise

Mountain Climbers
Alternating Lunges


KBXL Phase 3 is done with Week 1's workouts.  Did 1200 in a workout to end the week out, doing 100 every 4 minutes.  This was 'just right' as I went through the workout.  Roughly 2:45 in time to get 100 in, 1:15 of rest time. Took me under 48 minutes but if you have that amount of time, its doable.

One way to keep the time going fast is to just watch a favorite TV show you have on DVD and just play a few episodes during the workout.

"Just Swing It!" is still my #1 seller overall, as kettlebell swings and kettlebell challenges are really picking up in popularity. 

You can do a 'challenge' from a picture posting on Pinterest or Facebook....I call these things "Picture Challenges".  Its good to inspire you, but if you have a true guide to help you along, isn't that a better way to stick to something? 

I see a lot of people posting a 30 day 'Plank Challenge', 'Squats Challenge', or 'Push-Up Challenge' and many other exercise-only challenges. 

If you ask me, nothing delivers results like a kettlebell plus a purpose. 

Its why I did the challenge in JSI, created the challenge in Just Clean It!, and also am currently doing my KBXL program, as well as trying a Long Cycle Challenge in September (which will be going into my KBXL guide once its done & created). 

I ran last Friday on the track, basically my once-a-week run I'm able to do with my schedule right now.  (Coaching any sport really puts a pinch on workout time).  Doing the swings over the past 7 weeks has helped me still keep up my speed, even in sweats and colder weather.  I was clipping out 40-42 second 200's for 2400m worth, for an awesome 18 minute interval workout.  I was very happy to see myself keeping up such speed on the track, even without running a whole lot!

Overall, if you are looking for a challenge, find a guide for it.  It doesn't have to be my guides either (even though I have a handful of them, if you haven't checked them out yet at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp :)

I just got a burpee challenge series of guides a few weeks back, because the concept interests me, and I want a program that a trainer has tested out and not just 'posted' it as a 'fitspiration' picture.

All in all, Kindle training books are a great resource for you. Its simple to buy, no store to run to, and quick to read. Many are 99 cents to even $9.99, which is affordable for key information if its going to help you out.

My guides can be seen here: http://occupyfirstplace.com and here: http://tinyurl.com/rkofp

Check them out and see which guides will help you reach your goals.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy Week 6, Day 3, JTW & JTC

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's today's Rats Alley Workout from Indestructible, Week 6, Day 3.


Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4-3-2
Bench Press: 10-8-6-4-3-2

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
Windmills: 4 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Mountain Climbers


A quick resource to use in figuring out your weights for each set in the Indestructible! program from Just The Workouts can be found in "Just The Chart".

Each 'chapter' in the book is based on the 1 Rep Max with each week's weights for every set calculated out for you.

Let's say your max is 220, you'd find the 220 chapter in the table of contents, and then boom: your weights for each set & each phase are already there for you.

Check it out "Just The Workouts" and also "Just The Chart" at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp


KBXL: made it through 3 workouts and got one more this week, took Tuesday & Wednesday off from workouts completely to give the body a break.  Today's workout felt great as a result.

It will be 7 weeks into the KBXL plan at the end of the week, the end is in sight.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy, Week 6, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's tomorrow's workout for Week 6, Day 2 of Indy:


Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4-3-2
Bench Press: 10-8-6-4-3-2

Pulldowns: 3 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 per side

3MW: 20/10 x 2 per exercise

4th Minute Option: Total Body Extensions

Did you get yesterday's free Special Report?



Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, November 11, 2013

Daily RAW: Special Report Monday - TIPS Strength Phase

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Special Report Monday covers the TIPS program once again, this time a 4 days/week or 2 days/week Strength Phase.

Without any further waiting, here you go:


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Daily RAW: Week 6, Day 1 of Indy

Greetings RAW Warriors,

We are entering Week 6 of Indy.

Here is Day 1's routine for you, to be done on Monday.

Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4-3-2
Bench Press: 10-8-6-4-3-2

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 10
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise

Bodyweight Squats
Total Body Extensions


I finished up KBXL's Phase 2 yesterday, things are going good on it.  Its 12,500 swings thus far in 6 weeks of time. 

The next 3 week phase calls for 10K swings in that time.  I am going to get a jump on it and start it up today since Tuesday's plans look pretty long for me with work and coaching. With a Sunday/Monday pattern instead of Monday/Tuesday like I'm used to, it should work fine.

Look for another Special Report Monday as well tomorrow.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Running + Barbells + Kettlebells = It Works

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I'm kind of in a blog-ranting mode once again, as I am growing to be disgusted with the crazy attitudes of fitness professionals in recent years.

I think half of their ill-will thoughts towards running are mainly geared towards marketing their fitness products to a certain niche, (blasting running and promoting their own 'innovative ways' through their programs) but here is what bothers me.

They will constantly bash running as 'endless cardio', which it is fully not. 

They will constantly compare a picture of a sprinter to a marathoner, thus saying the sprinter is a resultant look of their 'high intensity methods' and the marathoner is a result of 'long, slow, & boring cardio'.

Let's just clear the air here.

Not all runners are marathoners, so stop putting a LOT of us into a category in which we are not in.

I do a LOT of 5K's in the summer, have done some track meets in the past, and do not have the heavy amount of time it takes to train for 1/2 and full marathon distances.  So, quit bashing my method of training as 'long, slow & boring' when I partake in track workouts that are interval based and have me maintaining 10-15 mph in speeds on the track for my intervals.  10-15mph is not 'slow & boring', it is fierce and speedy.  That's 6 minutes/mile pace to 4 minutes/mile pace for those wondering how fast that is.

Also, since I partake in a lot of 5K's, I chat with area running friends and acquaintances who largely do a fair amount of 5K's too.  Some of them might do one or two 'big races' such as the Fargo Marathon or a 1/2 marathon distance, but then scale back their training to 5K's as summer comes along.  Others are like me and just love going to 5K's and specializing in that distance because it fits their lifestyle.  These people compete for time, places, age-group placing, etc.  They are moving fast right along with me.  Even if they do one big race, a majority of their training then focuses on shorter races in more frequent fashion.  Throughout the course of the year, their training may have a lot of miles, then it gets trimmed down again.  So, even those runners are not doing a heavy amount of 'long, slow & boring' work throughout the course of the year. 

It may be worth educating some fitness trainers out there that there are SPEED WORKOUTS that runners do for all distances.  Some call for 2-3 speed efforts a week at varying intensities. This is not much different than what they recommend for HIIT workouts (high intensity interval training) for the number of workouts per week. In the middle of these workouts is where one might do the 'long & slow' workouts but its for a reason: recovery from the other speed workouts.

(In fact, if it wasn't for the sport of running using HIIT workouts before they were called HIIT, HIIT wouldn't even be a word used to describe what runners have been doing for decades. HIIT is a training style that was born from running workouts. Run fast, short distance, rest, repeat. That is what HIIT is in one sentence.)

Gone are the days of high mileage plans where runners do just endless miles with no aim in purpose other than building up miles at a long & slow approach.  There are better methods out there to use and runners are using them.

Many runners today will also do more than just run (another misconception of runners is that all we do is run, run, run and nothing else!). We complement and round-out our training with strength workouts and some build in yoga for stretching/recovery benefits.

This is where kettlebells, barbells, and bodyweight come into the mix for strength training needs. If you know me, I am a fan of all 3 modes of exercise.  I love kettlebells for strength & power, bodyweight exercises for their versatility anywhere to be used (comes in handy for track practices) and barbells when I get the opportunity to train with them. Times like right now when I'm busy with coaching a lot, kettlebells & bodyweight fill my need.

We add strength, build power, and fix the weak links with these methods. This boost in strength leads to a boost in power, and fixing the weak links helps prevent injury... as such an approach does in all athletics.

As runners, we are not an army of slow people.  Maybe at one point we looked like that, but no more.

All in all, we are athletes who have more opportunity to compete than most other sports do.  Races are a highly popular athletic contest that raise money and provide friendly competition to all of us. 
They are events to train for in serious modes. 

Even though some races are veering away from keeping times and just giving medals (another rant for maybe another day), most of us runners are committed to shaving our race times, improving our performance, and having such competition to prove where we are at, and find out where we need to go.

So, don't call us 'long, slow & boring'.  We are far from that.

Come join us for a few track workouts and perhaps you will change your perspective.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, November 8, 2013

Daily RAW: Return to the Track

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Finally had a good chance to go out on the track today for a track workout. It has been quite a while since I've been out for any kind of run, so I kept it low on the mileage but high on the pace.

1/2 mile warm-up

300 x 4, doing a 300 every 2 minutes.

400 x 3, doing a 400 every 3 minutes.

I got my 300's in about 1:03 to 1:05 for time.
I got my 400's in 88-90 seconds each.

It was two miles but 1.5 done at a 6:00/mile pace or faster. 

Temp was in the upper 30's but nothing too crazy.  Hoodie, headband for ears, gloves, and regular sweats kept me warm enough.

Tomorrow I have another big round of Swings to get in, as I finish up the Phase 2 of KBXL.

If you are in the need of weekend reading material on your Kindle readers or apps, check out these guides, especially the big Track workout guide I just created from the past individual guides, "Just The Track Workouts":


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Daily RAW: Week 5, Day 3

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's workout is for Friday's total body routine of Week 5, Day 3 of Indy.


Deadlifts: 10/8/6/4
Bench Press: 10/8/6/4

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3MW:  20/10 x 2 per exercise
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

3MW KB Option:
KB Cleans - 20/10 each side
KB Swings - 20/10 each side
KB Snatches - 20/10 each side

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Daily RAW: HWR, Kettlebell Freestyle

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I have 2 more workouts left of Phase II of KBXL's program.  Today's workout choice was from the Home Workout Revolution series, but following my own 'Kettlebell Freestyle' solution to one of the workouts.

I chose the 12 minute workout of 20/10 intervals, and completed the following with my 35# kettelbell:

1 Arm KB Snatches x 4 minutes (7 reps per 20 second set, alternating arms each set)
1 Arm KB Clean & Jerks x 4 minutes (5 reps per arm, per 20 second set)
1 Arm KB Snatches x 4 minutes (8 reps per 20 second set, alternating arms once again each set)

Nothing fancy, just a good old 12 minute round of two of my favorite KB exercises, the Snatch & Long Cycle ones.

Since I've been doing so many cleans, clean & jerks, and swings lately, it felt good to see how the snatches went for me with such a long drought from them.

Overall, the groove was there to make them feel easier overall, and I give credit to that for all the 1000's of reps I've done with swings & cleans the last few months.

Next up:  2 more Swing workouts of 560 and 860 reps for Thursday and Saturday.

Tomorrow, look for Day 3 of Week 5 from the Indy program.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy Week 5, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is your Daily Rats Alley Workout from Indy, Week 5, for Day 2, ideally done on Wednesday.


Deadlifts: 10/8/6/4
Bench Press: 10/8/6/4

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 6
All-Star Sit-Ups: 4 x 5 per side

3MW: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Total Body Extensions
Mountain Climbers


If you are looking for an all-inclusive collection of my past track guides, they are no longer individually sold any more.  I decided to combine them all, trim it up a bit with 'just the workouts' and create "Just The Track Workouts". 

Grab a copy here for only $4.99 - http://amzn.com/B00GG3BZ0Y

Did you get yesterday's Special Report?



Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, November 4, 2013

Daily RAW: Special Report Monday: TIPS Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today is another Special Report Monday from OccupyFirstPlace.com.

I dug into my workout collection from programs I made years ago, and delivered a 4 week plan to you in today's Special Report.

Find it right here:


You will also find out about the new Kindle guide collection I just released too:

"Just The Workouts: Track Edition" - a compilation of my former 99 cent guides with track workouts but without the extras, just mainly the workouts to go with. Its something new I am trying out and see how it goes.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy Week 5, Day 1, KBXL Update

Greetings RAW Warriors,

We are entering Week 5 for the Indy program. 

On a side note, the Indy program inside "Just The Workouts" is getting quite a few sales lately, more than it has in the recent past.  If you are out of the loop, its only 99 cents for your Kindle right here: http://tinyurl.com/rkofp along with the other Kindle guides I provide.

Here's tomorrow's Day 1 workout for Week 5:

Deadlifts: 4 sets, 10/8/6/4
Bench Press:  4 sets, 10/8/6/4

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3MW: 20/10 x 2 per exercise
Alternating Lunges
Total Body Extensions


In the near future, I am working on a 'rebranding' of some hurdle devices I have made in the past.  In the process now of making the tote bags to carry them in, and the types of packages I will offer with it.

I am calling it "Quick Hurdles +" since my hurdles can transform into something more than just a plain speed/agility hurdle.   I have had other names for this in the past but am simplifying it into an easier package of items to sell. 

Look for news on this when it launches!

KBXL Update:  Just finished up Week 2 of Phase 2, its going really well and I'm looking forward to being halfway done with it after next week.

Other updates:  my old college's football team is now 7-3 off a great win yesterday.  The elementary boys team I currently coached just made some history yesterday too:  after 1 win the past 2 seasons for the 6th grade boys (since they were in 4th grade), the combined 4-6th team we have finally broke the losing streak, and started up a new undefeated streak.  We won our first game at the jamboree, ended up tying the 2nd game (no OT, so still 'undefeated'!) and won the third game of the day as well.
Sadly, our HS FB team's run for a state title ended yesterday with a quarterfinal loss, but what a great season they had with an 8-2 record I believe. Definitely made some memories and some history that's banner-worthy.  
Our VB team also had their season end on Friday with a district tourney loss. They had an up & down season and new coaches to get used to once again, but they did make some good strides and gained a lot of experience they can use for next year. Virtually everyone will be back for them with just a few seniors graduating.
Our XC team finished 3rd at State last week for the Boys team and added to their team's long list of Top 5 finishes at State over the past 3 decades.

I hate seeing fall sports seasons end, but it also means basketball is around the corner and its always a high-energy time when hoops season starts.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy Week 4, Day 3

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Sorry about no post yesterday, was pretty tied up with travel, a workshop, and other stuff in between. Here's tomorrow's workout for Day 3 to be done on Friday, or on Saturday if you wish.

Deadlifts: 4 x 5
Bench Press: 4 x 5

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 4 x 5 each side

3MW: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Optional 3MW with weight:
KB Tactical Lunges
KB 1 Arm Cleans
KB 1 Arm Clean & Jerk (Long Cycle)

KBXL is going smooth this week, got 3 of the 4 workouts in and it has been some pretty short workouts of around 15-18 minutes tops each day.  Saturday I have a near 900 rep workout to get in.

After this week, 5 weeks will be done and just one more week to go to finish up 2 Phases of this plan.

Thanks for making October another great month for OFP's Kindle guides.  "Just Swing It!" continues to be the big one overall, accumulating over 1/2 of my total sales since I started up Kindle guides last year.   "Just the Workouts" has also seen a boost this month, mainly due to the Daily RAW focus on the Indestructible! program inside JTW.  "Indy" is the template and I have added a little twist to the Daily RAW's so you are getting a little more than just what the guide says.

I am still pondering some tweaks and changes to other guides, such as combining all the track-related ones into a mega-guide somehow, plus new material to add to such a collection.  I'm also in the rough draft stages of some others but am unsure of the direction to take them.  Stay tuned for more guides to come.  I notice when I make the guides, I have to be in a 'flow' mindset of just getting them going and done, when something in my pondering will click and I go with it.

Until then, check out the guides I do offer (quick, easy to read, to the point) at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy Week 4, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Daily Rats Alley Workout is for the Indy program, Week 4, Day 2, ideally done on Wednesday.

Deadlifts: 4 x 5
Bench Press: 4 x 5

Bent Over Rows:  4 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 4 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 for each exercise
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers

Did you get yesterday's Special Report on Off-Season Training? Get a basic template to follow if you are going to, or currently are, in-between sports at the moment.



Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, October 28, 2013

Daily RAW: Special Report Monday!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It's Monday, and its another Special Report Monday:


This one is on Off-Season Transition & Recovery.  What should you do? What workouts are ideal? Is some light cardio okay?

Get some answers here if your season is already over, or almost over.

XC just ended on Saturday with State. Our FB team won their first round in the State Playoffs on Saturday, and our Girls VB team starts up their District tourney on Thursday.  Fall season is winding down and off-season work is something not to be overlooked. 

Yes, you can spend some of it playing video games and watching Netflix...but you need to do something to keep your body ready for what's next.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy, Week 4, Day 1

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I'm going to switch things up a bit for Week 4, not only in the sets/reps for the BP & DL, but for the whole workout to do 2-3x/week. 

The volumes & intensities are going to get up there soon, so you may want to do this 2x/week and 3 if you have the time for it.

Week 4, Day 1

Deadlifts: 4 x 5
Bench Press: 4 x 5

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 8
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3MW: 20/10 x 2 each minute
Alternating Lunges
Mountain Climbers or Total Body Extensions

KBXL Update;

I did a heavy duty, 900 rep workout on Saturday and it felt great at the end.  I did 100 reps every 4 minutes, taking a little less than 3 minutes to complete each 100 rep set and resting 1 minute after that. The new breathing technique really kept a good flow going throughout the workout.

4 weeks of the workouts are now complete for KBXL, with 8 more to go, and 2 more to go into Phase 2 of the plan.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, October 25, 2013

Daily RAW: KBXL Update

Greetings RAW Warriors,

This week has been a mildly hectic one to get in some workouts but its been going almost as planned. Monday & Tuesday's swing workouts went as scheduled, but Thursday's just did not line up and I got it in today.  I was even cautious about today's workout since I have been doing a lot of shoveling this week and Thursday was a day where I did more than what I planned on doing.  Was really sore in the back and shoulders all afternoon, night, and through today.

Today's workout was moderate but I was able to extend it out a bit longer on the rest periods, and tried a new breathing pattern with my swings that I never really paid attention to before.  However, this new technique really helped loosen things up with the swings and assisted me through the workout with greater ease than I expected. 

The trick?  Well, breathe out on the downswing, breathe in on the upswing.  I have been basically doing the opposite without realizing it or paying any attention to it, really.  I found it in an AKC booklet I bought about 6-7 years ago and viewed while seeing their tips on the Swing exercise. 

It never hurts to dig up old stuff and re-read it.  Its how I constructed "Just The Workouts" as a Kindle guide, when I dug up the old "Indestructible!" program. 

Keep up with all things "Indy" on the blog with JTW and don't forget about its tap & go resource guide, Just The Chart, plus the RABC Manual at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy Week 3, Day 3

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout is from Indy - Week 3, Day 3 set for Friday or Saturday as you wish.

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5

Pulldowns: 3 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 per side

3MW: 20/10 each set
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Total Body Extensions


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy - Week 3, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is today's Rats Alley Workout from "Indy", Week 3, for Day #2, ideally to be done tomorrow on Wednesday.


Bench Press: 3 x 5
Pulldowns or Bent Over Rows: 3 x 8

3 Minute Warning option:
20/10 x 2 for each exercise
Bodyweight Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Optional add-on after 1 minute rest:
Lying Leg Raises
Jumping Jacks


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, October 21, 2013

Daily RAW: Special Report - Top 5 Mini Speed Sessions

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I thought I'd keep up with a Special Report Monday for a while, since its been a great hit on the blog. I know with other fitness & sports performance sites, you have to opt-in and check emails and click another link, then you usually get 2 more emails sent to you just in case you missed it....it gets old after a while.

If you are like me, you just want the special report, ASAP, and get to reading it.  You also are thinking that you hate 20+ pages of a special report that's filled with ads and pictures and maybe 3 pages of worthwhile information.

My last two Special Reports have been basically a table of 5K running workouts to do, and a couple tables of workout volumes to do for kettlebell swings. Just a quick PDF to view and download, read, and get going on right away.  I won't ask for your email and send you endless stuff.  If you want stuff from me, you can easily find me on this blog, on Twitter, on Facebook, & on Google Plus. That's 3 points of contact and is probably faster for you to discover anyway. No sense in sending out an email to you to just say 'come read my blog' when you already come here via my Facebook & Twitter posts.

What is in this report?  You get 5 of my favorite Mini-Speed Sessions that I do at the end of a basketball practice for youth.  I start up basketball with 4th-6th grade boys on Tuesday, and can't wait to implement some of these little sessions at the end of our practices. 

You may not know all the exercises, but most of the exercises are pretty common drills that you can find on youtube.com or have done already. I tried to create some simple ones to do with exercises that are commonly done. 

Grab your 3 page special report right here: http://occupyfirstplace.com/OFPTop5.pdf

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy, Week 3, Day 1

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's tomorrow's workout from Indy, Week 3 for Day 1.

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
All-Star Sit-Ups: 3 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning:
Lunges: 2 x 20s work, 10s rest
Mountain Climbers: 2 x 20/10
Total Body Extensions: 2 x 20/10

Repeat 3MW if desired.

With 5 reps between sets on the DL's, rest 4-5 minutes for a full recovery between sets.


2 days to go for me before I start up Elementary Boys Basketball. 

I will be incorporating some of the 2 & 3 Minute Warnings into their practices, check them all out here: http://amzn.com/B00B36DBZ6

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Daily RAW: KBXL Phase 1

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Yesterday I completed the Phase 1 of KBXL.  It covered 5,000 swings within 3 weeks of time. Phase 2 starts Monday, where I will attack 7500 swings in the next 3 weeks.  I think its pretty capable for me to get 7500 in, even though I have now taken on a short term coaching job for elementary basketball.  Its not quite as time intensive as coaching a HS team, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

If you are curious as to what types of workouts I did for the 5,000 swings in Phase 1, check out the special report I put up last Monday.  It covered 5000 swings in 4 weeks of time, but you could condense the same plan into 4 workouts per week over 3 weeks, versus 3 workouts a week x 4.

That very popular Special Report is here:

Kindle Guide Updates:

All three "Just..." guides, such as Just Swing It, Just Clean It, and Just The Workouts, are all doing well this month.  JCI is picking up the pace a bit, while JSI dominates at the top and JTW is nice and steady as it always has been. 

JTW is part of the main program I am outlining on the Daily RAW posts the past 2 weeks, so if you want a little more information than the workouts I put up on the blog, grab a copy there: http://tinyurl.com/asapjtw

JSI continues to help people out with a 10,000 Swings challenge and gives some good outlines to follow in getting so many swings in for the challenge.  If you haven't grabbed your copy yet on Kindle's store, get it right here for under a buck:  http://tinyurl.com/jsiasap

JCI is my newest KB challenge involving KB Cleans instead of swings.  I got 6,000 in 30 days, amongst other running & cycling workouts. It isn't as quite as overloaded as the Swings challenge gets, but its more of a 'blend it in' challenge with your current stuff you do.  Grab a copy of that here as well: http://amzn.com/B00EX6BSEY

Next week, we go into Week 3 of Indy for the RABC Workouts. 

Stay Strong!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy - Week 2, Day 3, "No More Crushers!" Returns

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's RABC Workout is Day 3 of Indy's Week 2.

Total Body Day:

Deadlifts: 3 x 10
Bench Press: 3 x 10

Bent Over Rows or Pulldowns: 3 x 10
All-Star Sit-Ups: 3 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Alternating Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions


Next Tuesday, I start up coaching the elementary 4th-6th grade boys basketball team.  One thing I incorporated last season with my JH boys was the "3 Minute Warning".   Frankly, I was trapped in the concept of doing sprints, sidelines, or crushers at the end of practice and shooting from the hip as to how much to do.  I needed something more constructive and with an end-game in mind.

I grabbed onto the concept the Workout Finisher from trainer Mike Whitfield, and realized it had a place at the end of a practice session for sports teams, especially in basketball. 

I came up with my own finishers to end practices with called "3 Minute Warning", and even "2 Minute Warning".  I take some basic warm-up and speed/agility drills and use them at the end of practices. 

This gives the athletes a few things: 1 - Focus, 2 - Effective Drills, 3 - Conditioning in appropriate time frames. 
1. Focus - by giving athletes a set time, such as 3 minutes, they know its only going to last that long. I remember in HS seeing the practice schedule and all you'd see is "5:45 - conditioning" and no end point. Would we have 5 minutes or so of crushers & sprints, or 15?  Some days we might go 20 minutes or so of line drills and sprints.  It was crazy because we never really knew when the end was. When you work, you get done at the end of your day, you know when the end point is. When you go to class, you know when the end of class is.  You watch TV, you know when the end of the show is. Point being, when you give athletes this end-point focus, you will get more out of them in that time frame.

2. Effective Drills:  Yes, you can still do sprints and line drills like 'crushers', but often we do the speed/agility drills at the beginning of practice with fresh legs and make it a part of a warm-up.  At the end of practice, legs might be more tired and slightly fatigued, but form can break down if you don't pay attention to it.  If you add these drills like high knees, butt kicks, cariocas, etc in the 3 Minute Warning, athletes once again get more practice time and devotion to these drills in a concise format of high quality work in a small amount of time.

3. Conditioning in the right time frames: Usually in most anaerobic sports, its a 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 work/rest ratio.  You can use 3-Minute Warning sessions to train anaerobically, such as 15:15 in seconds of work/rest, or 20/10 work/rest.  This keeps the athletes tuned-in with the right timing needed to train anaerobically, even in a small amount of time in 2-3 minutes.

Want more on "No More Crushers"? Go here:

If you're into such a concept but are a runner, check out "Track Attacks!" instead:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Daily RAW: It's a Good Day To Run

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Lately in this area, we are having a lot of rainy weather days.  Starting on last Thursday or Friday, it has been a couple days of rain, then a break, then another couple days of rain. Today we got lucky and it is in the low 60's for once and not much of a wind out there.

I got my 9th and 10th workout in for Swings this week of the 12 workout mini-phase of KBXL, so I had a free day to do what I felt like.  Since it was so nice, I decided on a run and did a partial route of the Finley 5K course around town. Pretty much 20 minutes worth was what I covered in this modified, shortened course today.  I didn't have the GPS on, just ran with the stopwatch for time and took it easy.  The body just needed a good old run to shake things up between the kettlebell swing workouts lately.  Just Thursday & Saturday are the days I have planned for finishing up workouts 11 & 12 of the KBXL plan's first phase.

If you haven't got the report yet, check out the 12 & 24 workout plans I have for this phase over the course of 30 days (28 to be exact on a 4 week schedule), right here:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy - Week 2, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It's time for Week 2's Day 2 Session.

This workout is ideally to be done on Wednesday. If you want the Total Body option, check out this past Sunday's post below on the blog.


Upper Body Day:
 Bench Press: 3 x 10
 Pull Exercise: Bent Over Rows: 3 x 10

RABC Blog's Supplemental Exercises as an option:
BW Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Do for 1 minute each, or 40s work, 20s rest per minute.
Rest 1 minute after the 3 exercise circuit, then repeat 2-3 times more as desired.


Did you get your free Special Report yet?

Yesterday's post covered a 5,000 Swings program to be done in 4 week's time.


In it, you have a 12 workout and even a 24 mini-workout option, 3 days/week or 6 days/week.  The 24 workout plan is a good 'add-on' bonus to just about any current training plan you're on.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, October 14, 2013

Daily RAW: Special Report - 5,000 Swings Program

Greetings RAW Warriors!

Today is another Special Report day from my sister site, OccupyFirstPlace.com.

If a 10,000 swings challenge seems like too much, here are two options for you to give 5,000 swings a try.

I have a 3x/week plan and a 6x/week plan in this quick report for you.

Check it out, its just 2 pages long, and print it off ASAP here:


Share and tell your friends, too!

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Daily RAW: "Indy" Week 2, Day 1

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout is for Week 2 of Indy, Day 1.  Its a Lower Body day focus, just like last week's Day 1, so lets get to it. This workout should ideally be done on Monday.

Also, if you prefer a Total Body Day for 2-3 days this week, that option is also given. It will not be posted on Day 2 and Day 3's posts this week, FYI.

"Indy" Week 2, Day 1

Lower Body Day:
Deadlift: 3 x 10
Bend Exercise: All-Star Sit-Ups: 3 x 10 per side

RABC Blog's Supplemental Exercises as an option:
BW Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Do for 1 minute each, or 40s work, 20s rest per minute.
Rest 1 minute after the 3 exercise circuit, then repeat 2-3 times more as desired.

Total Body Option - Do this if you want a Total Body routine, 2x or 3x a week.

Deadlifts: 3 x 10
Bench Press: 3 x 10
Bent Over Rows: 3 x 10
Windmills: 3 x 5-6 per side


I may be working on a "Special Report" each week or every other week, as it was a hit on the blog last week. If you want more of these on special topics, let me know and shoot me an email at asaptrainer1@gmail.com

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Daily RAW: KBXL Updates

Greetings RAW Warriors,

This week's KBXL workouts are in the books, It was 3 lighter days followed by a heavier volume day today. I have been sticking with the 40 pound kettlebell for all the sets. I may move up because after doing 2 months of KB cleans and long cycles with 35 & 40 pound ones, 40 is starting to feel rather light. However, I only have 1 more week of this phase so I will keep with the 40 to keep the volumes even and constant with the same weight.

After next week, I move up in total volume and once again space it out over 12 workouts amongst the 21 days.  things are going rather well with this routine so far and I love spacing out the workouts this way.  I am doing a Mon-Tues, Thurs, Sat weekly pattern. This week was Mon-Tues, Fri-Sat since Thursday was so dang jam-packed with work for me, I had barely enough time to shower after work & walk my dog for a bit, before going back for transporting kids for a VB game.


I have been working on bits & pieces of a few Kindle guides, they aren't ready yet.  I am looking at combining quite a few of my 99 cent ones into a 'mega guide'. Trying to work the kinks out and see what the best order of guides are for that collection.

The mega guide, if I make it, will be a higher price, but still affordable like getting 3-4 99 cent guides as one collection.

I am also looking at making the Long Cycle Challenge guide as a bonus part of the KBXL program when that is finished. This KBXL challenge goes into November and December, so this may be a while before you see the LCC in a Kindle guide.  I could also make it a separate guide, but I think it will blend in well with the KBXL offerings.

KBXL will most likely not be a 99 cent guide when I make it. I feel it will have more than the other guides I have made and be worth a lot for what it will cover in training plans.

For now, check out "Just Swing It!" and "Just Clean It!" for current kettlebell challenges I have completed.


I have taken down my FitRanX stuff off the blog. It may return, but for now, there is just no interest locally and I don't see it starting up at all.  I may have some future plans that may affect my ability to even try to start something with it.

Like I mentioned in a previous post, if you still want some FitRanX routines posted, I can do that. However, FitRanX does have a Facebook page that posts daily routines from HQ, just do a search on FitRanX and you will instantly find it there.  Basically I would copy from that posting and share it on the blog, but I never really got any feedback if anyone was doing the workouts at all. So, I am just going to post my own Daily RAW's that are based off of my Kindle guides and current workouts I do.

The 5K Warrior Plan was a hit, so if you don't have a copy, get yours here:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Daily RAW: "Indy" Week 1, Day 3

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is your Daily Rats Alley Workout, for Week 1, Day 3 of "Indy": ideally to be performed on Friday.

Deadlift: 2 x 10
Bench: 2 x 10
Pulldowns: 3 x 10
All-Star Sit-Ups: 3 x 5 each side

Optional 2 Minute Warning:
Mountain Climbers: 20s work, 10s rest
Jumping Jacks
Total Body Extensions


Sorry if you are looking for FitRanx routines lately, just haven't been getting them up. I haven't had much feedback either on them, and I feel the Daily RAW's with the RABC Manual and Indy programs are getting good reads on those days, so maybe I will just focus on those and updates on my own workouts too.

If you want me to add some FR workouts from HQ, just let me know and I will add 2-3 a week.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Daily RAW: Another Track Attack Kind of Day

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Daily Rats Alley Workout comes to you from the Track once again.


I had a really nice fall day to get in some speed work down at the track today and here's how it went:

1/2 mile warm-up (stick-rolled my legs/back first at home, jogged 1/4 mile down to track and did 1 lap).

8 x 200's, "10 Minutes of Heck"
40 second 200's, 40 seconds rest continuous. If you follow this on the dot, you get in a 5:20 mile total with 4:40 rest time.  Was able to handle this better than I thought, getting 38-40 seconds on each 200.

Immediately after this, it was 2 laps of "3 & 1"s, 300m easy, 100m race pace.

Workout time including warm-up and the main sets was under 18 minutes, I walked 1/4 mile home to recover.

I know its only 2 miles, but when you 75% of it in pretty quick efforts, it feels like a 4 miler.

"3&1"s are a favorite of mine, as it allows me to scale back a bit, take it easy, then go hard for a minimal time. Usually my 300 effort is about 1:25-30, then its a good 20 seconds or less for the final 100 of the lap. It is also a good way to practice those "kicks" in the end of a race, or when you are trying to surge past a runner or two ahead of you and play some head-games with them as a result.

For more finishing workouts like "3&1"s, check out "Track Attacks!" at http://tinyurl.com/trackattacks , or other Kindle guides too at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy Week 1, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout is from "Indy", Week 1, Day 2, ideally to be done on Wednesday.


 Upper Body Day:
 Bench Press: 2 x 10
 Pull Exercise: Bent Over Rows: 3 x 10

RABC Blog's Supplemental Exercises as an option:
BW Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Do for 1 minute each, or 40s work, 20s rest per minute.
Rest 1 minute after the 3 exercise circuit, then repeat 2-3 times more as desired.

Want more information on "Indy"? Buy your copy here at http://tinyurl.com/asapjtw

If you haven't grabbed your free copy of the 5K Warrior Plan I just put up yesterday, print out your copy here: http://occupyfirstplace.com/5KW.pdf

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, October 7, 2013

RABC: OFP Special Report


Today's post is a Special Report from RABC's sister site, OccupyFirstPlace.com.

Its a 5K Warrior Plan, filled with 6 weeks of 5 workouts per week, 2 specific track workouts each week as well.

Print it off, and share this Special Report with your running friends.

Its a good way to start the week, with a free 6 week program, right? :)



Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Daily RAW: "Indy" Week 1, Day 1

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's today's Rats Alley Workout, brought to you by Indestructible! - The Program That Never Left The Weight Room.  This guide can be found in "Just The Workouts" at http://tinyurl.com/asapjtw


Indy - Week 1, Day 1

This week follows the 3 Days/Week format of Lower Body - Day 1, Upper Body - Day 2, Total Body - Day 3.

Lower Body Day:
Deadlift: 2 x 10
Bend Exercise: All-Star Sit-Ups: 3 x 10 per side

RABC Blog's Supplemental Exercises as an option:
BW Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Do for 1 minute each, or 40s work, 20s rest per minute.
Rest 1 minute after the 3 exercise circuit, then repeat 2-3 times more as desired.

Total Body Option - Do this if you want a Total Body routine, 2x or 3x a week.

Deadlifts: 2 x 10
Bench Press: 2 x 10
Bent Over Rows: 3 x 10
Windmills: 3 x 5-6 per side

Note: this workout will be the same for the entire week, so I will not publish it on Day 2 or Day 3 in future posts.


Going to work on a few new guides too: I have the Long Cycle Challenge guide to make up yet, and just got started on the RABC: Bench-Squat-Deadlift program.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Daily RAW: New KB Challenge - KBXL

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Daily Rats Alley Workouts are:

A FitRanx all-levels workout,

And an update on my new KB challenge, "KBXL".

FitRanX BW Workout of the Day from FitRanX HQ -

ALL Levels

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise....

1. Body Weight Dips x 8
2. Bicycle Crunches x 8
3. Squat Thrust x 8
4. Jumping Lunges x 4 on each side
5. Crunch w/ Leg Lift x 8
6. Sprints x 8
Check Out The Video Library Here:

New KB Challenge -

For the next 3 months, approximately 90 days, 12-13 weeks worth of time, I am tackling a new kettlebell swing challenge that I'm calling "KBXL", Kettlebell XL.

Its an extra long challenge over 3 months, and its something I have planned and plotted out with specific volume fluctuations throughout 3 week phases. I am not doing Swings every day, but rather doing more specific, volume-specific workouts that are spaced out over 12 workouts in all.

Without going into a huge amount of detail, I typically will do 4 workouts a week. I started the week following a Mon-Tues, Thurs & Sat pattern of workouts.  So far this week, I've done about 1600 swings total in the week. My first 3 weeks have a low volume goal, but I'm going with a heavier KB than I used in the JSI challenge I did in Jan/Feb.

On my off days between these workouts, I am doing some bodyweight routines from Craig Ballantyne's Home Workout Revolution series.  This series has been of more value to me than any other programs I've bought.  I love how the workouts are short & concise and aren't in the mode of 'beating the hell out of you' as some workouts tend to be on DVD.  What's really nice about HWR is that you can instantly download the videos, then burn your own DVD's with your selection of the workouts.  I have about 8 of them on one DVD to pick & choose from, plus other DVD's of the other 4 and 6 minute circuits that are developed as a part of the entire program.

Check out Craig's workouts here: http://tinyurl.com/cbhwrevsale

For the basics of a 10,000 KB Swings Challenge and how I ended up making it a 2 month, 24,000 swing journey, check out my #1 seller at OFP, "Just Swing It!", at http://occupyfirstplace.com

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Daily RAW: Week Zero, Day 3

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Daily Rats Alley Workout covers Day 3 for you, ideally to be done on Friday.

Week Zero, Day 3:

Bench Press:  3 x 6
DB Squats: 3 x 10

Seated Rows or DB Rows: 3 x 6
Lunges: 3 x 10 (5 per side)

Barbell Curls: 3 x 10
Tricep Pushdowns: 3 x 10

All-Star Sit-Ups: 3 x 5/side
Windmills: 3 x 5/side

2 Minute Warning: 20s work, 10s rest
Mountain Climbers x 2
Total Body Extensions x 2

I'm taking a break from some FitRanX posts this week, as well as my own workouts I'm doing. I have started the new KB challenge I came up with and will give updates here/there as it goes along.

Thanks for making September another great month for the OFP Kindle guides at http://occupyfirstplace.com.  "Just Swing It!" moved into the overall #1 sales spot for me and continues to offer people a glimpse and plan on how to do a 10,000 KB Swings Challenge.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Daily RAW: Week Zero, Day 2

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Daily Rats Alley Workout is Week Zero, Day 2 (ideally to be done on Wednesday)

A good old classic, 3 x 8 routine for most exercises here, finished off with some classic ab & low back work too.

Deadlifts: 3 x 8
Bench Press: 3 x 8

DB Lunges: 3 x 8 per side
DB Rows: 3 x 8

DB Curls: 3 x 8
Tricep Pushdowns: 3 x 8

Leg Raises: 3 x 15
Alternating Supermans: 3 x 10 per side

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily RAW: RABC "Indy" Plan, Week Zero

Greetings RAW Warriors,

For the next 9 Weeks, I will post daily workouts from the "Indestructible!" workout section of Just The Workouts.  This week is "Week Zero", meaning its a transition week between the last 4 weeks and the next 8.

There is no official "Week Zero" in the JTW guide, but I thought for the sake of ending on the last week in November with Week 8, having an off-week of other stuff to do might be ideal to do this week.  Hence, its called "Week Zero".

It will be a good bodyweight, barbell/dumbbell/kettlebell mixed routine to go through this week, something light and refreshing on the body.
Week Zero: Day 1 (Monday)

Use the 20/10 Method of 20s work, 10s rest

Bodyweight Squats: 4 x 20/10
Push-Ups: 4 x 20/10
1 Arm Rows: 4 x 20/10 (2 per arm, switch every set)
Windmills: 4 x 20/10 (2 per side, switch every set)

Rest 2 minutes, then do the next circuit:

KB Swings: 4 x 20/10
1 Arm KB Clean & Presses: 4 x 20/10 (2 per arm, switch every set)
Mountain Climbers: 4 x 20/10
Total Body Extensions: 4 x 20/10


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Daily RAW: LCC Wrap-Up, Thoughts

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Just a quick post today on the ending of the Long Cycle Challenge for September.

Friday I was pretty well beat, and after looking at my log book, I had done a LCC workout for 10 out of 11 days, and the off day was a 5K race day, too.  My body basically said "take a break", so I did. I was at 4200 at the end of Thursday for total clean & jerks with the kettlebell.

Today was a finale to it all, as I got up to 200 reps and fell into a nice groove to get another 100 in and do a total of 300 straight with the 35# kettlebell, in 20 minutes time. 4500 reps total for the month of September and for the challenge.  I plan to take the last 2 days off here and rest up for a 'mega challenge' I am prepping for in October through December to finish out the year.

Overall, when I first started this challenge, the 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest format was a good way to build into things.  It allowed me to rest between sets and get used to the repetitive actions.  After a few days of that, I decided to do it continuously, 5 reps per arm & switching each time. I averaged about 15 reps/minute, making it easy to figure out how long workouts would take if I kept up that rhythm. 150 would take 10 minutes, 200 about 13 & a half. 100 was just 6 and a half minutes.

I varied a bit here & there between 30, 35 and 40 pound kettlebells but overall, the 35# one was my staple.  Towards the end it started to feel lighter, but the volumes were up so I was focused on the volumes.

My total weight didn't change much, but I felt I dropped some fat and gained some upper body muscle in the process of it all.  A lot of cleans really works the biceps over time, plus the pressing of the Jerk action really gets the triceps too.  I didn't do it as an arm workout, it was a pretty good full body action with the lower body enabling everything else, the arms took over and did their work for the clean & jerk portion.  My abs & lower back had to continually flex & brace things for each rep, so they got targeted as well.

The big "what the heck" moment was in my running, as I had a race on the 21st and also a tag team race where I did 2, 1-mile runs in about 6 minutes each.  My 5K time was a 6:45 pace when I factored in my time and how short the course accidentally was: 18:30 for 2.74 miles is about a 6:45 minutes/mile pace. August's challenge was Cleans and doing my track workouts, so with just Long Cycles and a couple races this month, I was pretty impressed how well my running went.

I have always felt that Kettlebell training has been a secret weapon of mine and it has helped me improve and bounce back from injuries when they occur.

This next challenge is going to take 90 days to do, basically four, 3-week phases.  I am not sure how much I will share on the blog because I want to really see how well this challenge goes for me before I publish too much about it on the blog.

Overall, look for a Long Cycle Challenge guide to come out in the future, covering in detail how this last month went.

Until then, grab your copies of my other 2 KB challenges, "Just Swing It!" and "Just Clean It!" right here: http://tinyurl.com/rkofp or at the top of this blog's page with the links provided.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

150 Days Til Track - Freebie Weekend!


Yesterday was officially 150 Days Til Track Season... so I want to celebrate a bit.

5 Months to go... plenty of time to read up and gear up for your pre-season workouts!

This weekend, I have 4 guides up for grabs from the Amazon Kindle Store:

The first one is "Track Attacks" - http://amzn.com/B00D4CS724
"Track Attacks" is a guide on adding a little extra to your workouts down at the track or after a road run, finishing on some quality speed sessions of 100, 200, even 400 meter efforts.

The second guide is "Back On Track!" - http://amzn.com/B007COB70Y
In "Back On Track!", I take you through the day by day & week by week routines of an entire track season for middle distance runners that I coached.  Everyone was improving so well this season, I jokingly said to the head coach, "I need to write a book about this season some day." Then Kindle publishing came to be....and this is that book. :)

The third Track-themed guide is "The Acceleration Code" - http://amzn.com/B007TLQKQG
With "The Acceleration Code", I cover the cutting edge techniques used with GPS speed monitors and apply it to your running. You will also get some power developed with a few kettlebell workouts provided, too. 

Lastly, after your Track workouts are done, and you want to enjoy a refreshment.... I have "Super Sodas" for you.  http://tinyurl.com/supersodas

I know drinking soda for athletes is both frowned upon, yet impossible for some athletes to fully cut out of their routines.  After discovering the SodaStream for myself and cutting my soda intake in half, while saving a lot of money in making my own soda creations, I created this guide to help others do the same. As a former 100 ounces or more per day drinker, I cut my intake down to about 50 ounces in a matter of a few days, and took in a lot less calories in the process too. No workouts here, just some recipes to use with various SodaStream mixes to create your own awesome flavors to enjoy.

Grab these guides today & Sunday....

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily RAW: FitRanX, 150 Days Til Track Freebie Weekend

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Just a Daily Rats Alley Workout update with a FitRanX routine, plus what is on tap for another Freebie Weekend....

FitRanX Bodyweight Workout of the Day, from FitRanX HQ:

ALL Levels

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Skater Hops x 8
2. Alternating Rolling T's x 8
3. Flutter Kicks x 8
4. Jump Squat x 8
5. Body Saw x 8
6. Army Crawl x 8
Check Out The Video Library Here:

Freebie Kindle Guide Weekend:

Today, its officially 150 Days 'Til Track Season starts....

5 months of time to go.  

If you don't know, as a track coach, I have been keeping a countdown going each school year for the last few years as a fun little way to build up excitement for Track Season.

So, I get a bit jazzed up as we get closer to Track.

This Saturday & Sunday, you will be able to get 3 of my Track-themed guides for free on Amazon's Kindle Store.

These guides include:

"Track Attacks!"
"Back On Track!"
"The Acceleration Code"
Plus.... I'm putting up another 2 days of freebie giveaways for my #1 freebie guide, "Super Sodas"!
(Super Sodas isn't really a Track guide, but if you are looking at cutting down your pop drinking, Super Sodas: the Unofficial SodaStream Soda Guide could be a solution to trimming down your soda habit, as well as saving you a lot of money in the long run....money that will cover your running shoe costs for you! :)

Grab them here tomorrow & on Sunday, bookmark this page and share it with your friends this weekend:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily RAW #2: FitRanX, LCC


If you caught my earlier post, I put up the RABC workout routine for Day 3 as an pre-scheduled post.

This post has the current FitRanX HQ Workout of the Day, plus an update on my LCC workouts.

FitRanX WOD:

Level 0-3

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Overhead Towel Squats x 8
2. Flutter Kicks x 8
3. Total Body Extension x 8
4. Single Leg Deadlift x 4 on each side
5. Knee Tucks x 8
6. Jumping Jacks x 8

Level 4-6

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Single Leg Squat x 8
2. Crunch w/Flutter Kicks x 8
3. Single Leg Hop x 8
4. Clapping Push-Ups x 8
5. Plank Walk Up x 8
6. Single Leg Burpee x 4 on each side

Check Out The Video Library Here:
Long Cycle Challenge:  I'm taking it day by day, and felt like a routine today, aiming for 200 reps once again with the 35# kettlebell.  5 reps/side in a continuous fashion.  It feels like the same-old workout, which is pretty much is, but its a good endurance builder overall, taking 13 & a half minutes each workout.  I'm still feeling like its a great workout by the end, like its just the right amount of everything.

I may mix it up and go for 250, then 150, over the next two days, perhaps 150 then 250 to break it up a bit.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak