Sunday, November 17, 2013

Daily RAW: Indy: Week 7, Day 1, KBXL, Thoughts on 'Picture Challenges'

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Daily Rats Alley Workout is from Indestructible!, Week 7, Day 1, ideally to be done on Monday.

Deadlifts: 7 sets - 10-8-6-5-2-1-6
Bench Press: 7 sets - 10-8-6-4-2-1-6

Bent Over Rows: 4 x 6
Windmills: 4 x 5 each side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise

Mountain Climbers
Alternating Lunges


KBXL Phase 3 is done with Week 1's workouts.  Did 1200 in a workout to end the week out, doing 100 every 4 minutes.  This was 'just right' as I went through the workout.  Roughly 2:45 in time to get 100 in, 1:15 of rest time. Took me under 48 minutes but if you have that amount of time, its doable.

One way to keep the time going fast is to just watch a favorite TV show you have on DVD and just play a few episodes during the workout.

"Just Swing It!" is still my #1 seller overall, as kettlebell swings and kettlebell challenges are really picking up in popularity. 

You can do a 'challenge' from a picture posting on Pinterest or Facebook....I call these things "Picture Challenges".  Its good to inspire you, but if you have a true guide to help you along, isn't that a better way to stick to something? 

I see a lot of people posting a 30 day 'Plank Challenge', 'Squats Challenge', or 'Push-Up Challenge' and many other exercise-only challenges. 

If you ask me, nothing delivers results like a kettlebell plus a purpose. 

Its why I did the challenge in JSI, created the challenge in Just Clean It!, and also am currently doing my KBXL program, as well as trying a Long Cycle Challenge in September (which will be going into my KBXL guide once its done & created). 

I ran last Friday on the track, basically my once-a-week run I'm able to do with my schedule right now.  (Coaching any sport really puts a pinch on workout time).  Doing the swings over the past 7 weeks has helped me still keep up my speed, even in sweats and colder weather.  I was clipping out 40-42 second 200's for 2400m worth, for an awesome 18 minute interval workout.  I was very happy to see myself keeping up such speed on the track, even without running a whole lot!

Overall, if you are looking for a challenge, find a guide for it.  It doesn't have to be my guides either (even though I have a handful of them, if you haven't checked them out yet at :)

I just got a burpee challenge series of guides a few weeks back, because the concept interests me, and I want a program that a trainer has tested out and not just 'posted' it as a 'fitspiration' picture.

All in all, Kindle training books are a great resource for you. Its simple to buy, no store to run to, and quick to read. Many are 99 cents to even $9.99, which is affordable for key information if its going to help you out.

My guides can be seen here: and here:

Check them out and see which guides will help you reach your goals.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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