Greetings RAW Warriors,
Today's Rats Alley Workout is for Day 2 of Week 8 of Indy.
Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3
Pulldowns: 4 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 4 x 5 each side
3MW: 20/10 x 2 per exercise
Total Body Extensions
KB Option:
Swings, 1 set per arm each 20/10 set
Cleans, same as above
Snatches, same as above
As you know, I love finishing a workout with a solid circuit that helps kick things up a notch at the end of the workout. You also know I like it to be structured, and focused.
Not quite like how your old basketball coach would put "conditioning" on the practice schedule for the day, and you never knew what was lined up.
Turbulence Trainer and SFG certified trainer Chris Lopez has teamed up with the "finisher guru" Mike Whitfield and created a new Kettlebell Finishers program.
I just got it this morning and I already like what I see as a kettlebell guy.
I want to pass it along to you, because its a great deal at less than $20 if you want it:
I wouldn't sell it to you if I didn't like it.
It's really, really good if you are into using kettlebells, and using them seriously as a weapon in your training.
Grab your copy here (and maybe some other great deals you can add-on) at
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
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