Thursday, December 19, 2013

Daily RAW: The 'Zero Zone' time of year

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It seems this time of year is filled with holiday parties and other festivities. For me, its concerts and basketball games at the HS level. I have been in between my elementary coaching season and JH season, shuffling kids to and from practices and games for our school. There usually isn't much time for an extended workout (let alone factoring in snow removal in recent days too).  I typically use this time as a maintenance time of workouts due to a hectic schedule that can change in a matter of hours some days.

I call this a Week Zero time, where each week isn't a part of a plan, but mainly a focus on maintaining what you have.

In previous posts I have covered some Week Zero workouts for this purpose. I also use it as a time to read up on nutrition or new programs out there.

Right now, Craig Ballantyne has a $9 special on his Turbulence Training guide, Build Muscle, Lose Fat 2.0. Grab your downloadable copy HERE:

I also got a new book on gluten free dieting for athletes, called the Gluten Free Edge. Its only #2.51 on Amazon Kindle Store, so look into that book if you are curious on the effects of gluten on athletes. It has been very eye opening and I am only a few chapters into it.

As far as workouts go, there are plenty of workouts in my guides and on the blog here. I would suggest checking out the most read blog posts, listed below at the bottom of this blog.

KBXL is still in the draft process, but looking really well in its first stages. There will be a host of options from the main plan provided in KBXL.

That is all for now.  Here is a quick routine for only 8 minutes with a KB and your bodyweight.

20/10 work/rest pattern used - 2 minutes each exercise
KB Swings x 4 rounds of 20/10
Pushups x 4 rounds
BW Lunges x 4 rounds
All Star Sit Ups x 2 rounds, each side gets two rounds in. Alternate sides per round.

It starts with a KB and finish's with one.  Add in one more 2 minute round of Swings if you want an even 10 minute routine.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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