Monday, November 24, 2014

Daily RAW: Return to the Kettlebell

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workout (It's been quite a while!) involves the kettlebell. The lone, simple tool that works you out pretty intensely.

Today's workout was a 10 minute Tabata series of 20/10 work/rest patterns, doing 1-Arm kettlebell cleans every 30 seconds, alternating arms every 30 seconds.

I got 10 cleans in per side, 20 per minute, 200 total with a 35# kettlebell.

It has been quite a while since I attacked the kettlebells on a frequent basis, but I have been adding in more swings, cleans, and presses every other day the past week. 

I kind of forgot about this blog and noticed its been almost 2 months since my last post, so its time to start blogging once again and keep up with things better.  My road trips are winding down for college fairs and high school visits in the area, so blogging should be more frequent now. 

My newest project is starting soon in a couple weeks over at, as I'm starting up a motivational, virtual race, fitness testing system. If you are a runner, you will like what the PPS has to offer you! Check it out and give it a look: earn some Podium Power Bands and see where you are at before your next big race!

Don't forget: the Kindle guides are still going strong at Amazon at

If you're a part of the Kindle Owner's Lending Library (KOLL), give the books a look!

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Busy Road Life Leads To....


Been quite a while since the last post, I went on a road trip and didn't have much time for blogging stuff, mainly worried about work on my trip.

I  mainly did a mix of bodyweight workouts with a door strap in the hotel, plus my kettlebell stuff. I would run about 3x a week on the road, with a running club run and my own run on Sunday as well.

The door strap I got was at Walmart, it wasn't perfect, but it did the job for a brief workout of 1 leg squats, push ups, inverted rows, ab crunches, and back extensions. I also tried some mountain climber hangs with my feet in the handles.

Here is a sample of the bodyweight routine I'd do with the simple door strap with handles:

20/10 work/rest cycles

1 Leg Squats: Alternating legs every 20/10, 2 sets per leg (4 cycles total)
Push-Ups: 4 sets of 20/10
Basic Squats: 4 sets of 20/10
Inverted Rows: 4 sets of 20/10
Ab Crunches (like an ab rollout on a wheel) 4 sets of 20/10
Back Extensions (got this one from the guide, kind of like a squat with a pull at the top) 4 sets of 20/10
Mountain Climber Hangers (feet in straps, push-up stance) 2 sets of 20/10

As always, my handy dandy GymBoss timer set for the 20/10 cycles did wonders with this workout.

I had a lot of nice runs in a lot of Minnesota that my business trips took me on. My last run in Brainerd had a great run going right by the Mississippi River on a park trail. It was a great, peaceful run to bounce these ideas in my head that have been going strong the last month or so.
I'm churning up ideas on a new running themed motivational program specific for runners. Its not ready, but it will be in a few months.  I am brainstorming a lot on the idea and bouncing around ideas with other runners to get their specific perspective.

I see a lot of good stuff with it and think it would really take off.

Until then, get what you can from me with the guides I have at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, September 19, 2014

Run, Bike, Lift, Repeat.

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Its been a steady stream of workouts, either with runs, on the bike occasionally, and lifting at the gym. Having the new running club start up has been a great motivator for people in the community here. Getting a nice response to it and good turnouts too for the first 3 runs we've had.

My lifting has remained relatively the same, in the 4x5 phase this week. I took Thursday off due to a shoulder issue I woke up with.  Not sure how it happened but I knew trying to lift with a bum shoulder would just be a recipe to make it worse than it is.

Here's a snapshot of the workouts:

Bench Press: 4 x 5
DB 1 Arm Rows: 4 x 6
DB Single Leg Deadlifts: 4 x 6 each side
Bent Presses: (still a big favorite) 4 x 5 each side
Back Extensions: 3 x 10, just BW

As I go on the road now, I'm going to switch over to a KB routine, bringing just one KB with for some creative workouts to do in hotel rooms or even outdoors if the weather is fine. Not sure how many of the hotels I will be at that have a gym room, so a KB fixes that issue just fine.

Running workouts have been pretty simple, did a 6 miler on last Saturday's run, developed a blister issue, so I've been keeping it easy on that and just ran 2x this week for 2 to 2.5 miles each time. Finally getting the blister issue healed up, so Saturday's run might be just fine for the club run.

Bike rides have been nice in the evening too, as well as the stationary one I have at home. The stationary one will come in very handy for this winter.

I must say I love the combination of my regular runs and the Indestructible plan from JTW.  JTW's plan is pretty straightforward and easy to follow. Combine it with the percentages given to you in Just The Chart, and its a great combo for only $1.98 on your Kindle.

Check out a copy of JTW and other guides at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The first rule of Run Club is to talk about Run Club!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I just started up a local running club last night and things started off great for it: at first I just aimed for Wednesday nights at 7pm and now we are adding another time, Saturday mornings at 7am. There were about a dozen people to show up, which was great to see and the word spread quickly online when I announced it last week. 

I have been pondering the idea of making a membership site for running workouts, or perhaps just making a new product to sell for running workouts, or a combo of both.  For now, I am at least planning on a new product, it may just be a Kindle guide or a new e-book with photos and program sheets to print off.

I also like the idea of putting up some running workouts for an exclusive members-only site.  I'm checking out my options on that and seeing which one is going to best fit my needs. This would be a nice way to train/coach multiple people via an exclusive membership site. If you have an interest in this, please message me about it. I'm trying to see as well if enough people want it, should I build it?

As far as lifting workouts have gone, I'm basically doing a 4x5 routine this week:

Bench Press: 4 x 5
1 Arm Rows: 4 x 5
Single Leg Deadlifts: 4 x 5 per side
Bent Presses: (becoming a fave of mine) 4 x 5 per side
Windmills: 4 x 5 per side

My legs were feeling it this morning after a pretty good clip last night for the club run: I did 4 miles in 29:40, basically a 7:25/mile average pace.  I also did 7 miles on the indoor bike Wednesday morning, and decided for that option once again this morning. Monday was Run in the morning, bike in the evening. Tuesday I lifted, Wednesday was another double workout day (bike am, run pm). Today is just the bike. Tomorrow I'm looking to lift. The body is telling me to take a little rest today.

All in all, its been a nice productive week for exercise.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Back to the Basics

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Its once again a visit back to the basic lifts and getting things done in a fair time frame.

As I'm breaking myself back into a regular gym routine, my focus isn't on tearing into a 45-60 minute session each time. The focus is on keeping it brief, short, to the point, as I always seem to go back to.

I've done the longer workouts and beat myself up more than I needed to in the past. (P90X, anyone?) Right now, I just need to:

1. Get stronger again by hitting the weights, instead of doing mainly at-home workouts as I've done the past few years with bodyweight and kettlebell stuff taking up the majority of it all.

2. Lift 3x a week and run on the days in-between, hitting up rides on my bike as I wish. The bike is my enjoyment factor... you can measure the weights/sets/reps plus time and distance of running workouts like a scientist, but the bike is more of my time to enjoy the benefits of both the running and lifting. Its not my main mode of exercise, but its a fun one. I still have to keep myself in check in overanalyzing my rides, since I'm used to analyzing everything else so much.

3. Keep it simple, silly.... I'm keeping my exercises to about 4 to 5 per workout, compound movements, and the weights in a decent but challenging range.  Case in point, I hit the bench presses a bit too heavy at first, backed off to a more conservative manner last week (followed the 3x5 weights for each set on my predicted max) then found myself handling the weight better this week already when I moved to 4x5 for the phase. 

Right in line with #3, keeping it simple is what I like a lot about the "Indestructible!" program from "Just The Workouts" from my Kindle guides.  The weights, percentages, and sets/reps are all there to follow.  Pick your exercises, plug them in, and go.  Sometimes you just gotta follow a plan instead of overanalyzing which program you need or should be doing next... focus on the one in front of you first.

Grab yourself a copy of JTW right here for less than a buck. Spend another 99 cents and get the accompanying "Just The Chart" Kindle guide, too.  JTC is so handy in the gym or when you are preparing your log books for your workouts. Its a great resource to have on the Kindle smartphone app or your tablets. It is why I spent the time creating the JTC guide to use as such a quick reference.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak - Get all your cool training guides right here!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back "Home"

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Its been a while, but I finally got internet at my new apartment and am mostly, fully moved into my new place now. Time to get back to blogging more often.

I've also been associated once again with my 'old home', the old gymnasium's weight room, back at Mayville State.  Its in its final year of being around, so I better get the most I can out of it.

Hopefully a new performance center can be constructed next year to replace it. It was the first gymnasium on campus, and it once held two games where the Harlem Globetrotters played the college team on their tours in the 1930's. A lot of history in this old gym, and its good to be back in it.

My plans have been pretty simple since I started back in the gym and also the new wellness center's weight room.

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Power Cleans: 3 x 5
Push Presses: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5 or 4 x 5
Pulldowns: 3 x 10
Bent Presses or Windmills: 4 x 5 per side
Leg Presses: 3 x 12 (optional lift in place of Deadlifts, depending on running/cycling)

It feels great once again to be doing some Deadlifts and Power Cleans, as well as the Push Presses. Those 3 are some of my favorite exercises.  Hang Cleans & Push Press combo's are also another one I will add later.  Its all about getting used to the movements again, and going light in my workouts.

I have been running at least 3x and up to 4x a week now, plus lifting 3x a week on days in-between. I finally got my bikes over here too, so I just did a 22 miler on Sunday and an 11 miler tonight.  Feels great to have time to be more active now.

I can fully say its great to be 'back home' at the college that grew my love & passion for the training side of things.

I must say, my "Just The Chart" Kindle guide has come in handy on the phone for finding exact weights for sets/reps I need. Find it here at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Comet Barbell Club

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Now that I'm back in Mayville with a new apartment and a wellness center just 2 blocks from me, its time to get back after some lifting for deadlifts and bench presses for sure. Just got my membership this week, so once I'm all settled into the new apartment, it will be time to go back to the "Comet Barbell Club" for some good old workouts once again.

My membership gets me into the athletes' weight room as well, so I'm looking forward to some 6am workouts under the bar once again. This weight room was where I mainly discovered the "Indestructible!" program that's outlined in "Just The Workouts" and charted in the "Just The Chart" workout guide for 1 rep maxes and their corresponding weights for sets/reps needed in the Indy program.

In the meantime, I'm getting in a lot of good runs in the morning and KB Swing workouts too. Looking forward to a mix of barbells, kettlebells, and speed workouts.

Once I get more settled in, I will also look at some private coaching for runners in the Mayville area. This is the best transition I can see myself doing instead of trying to go full bore into personal training again. I wouldn't mind doing some online workouts in that capacity but I still love the personal workout atmosphere. Private coaching as a 'track coach' for serious runners is right up my alley.

I'm looking at private sessions and semi-private sessions for individuals alone, as well as small group training.  Check out CTP Coaching at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, August 15, 2014

Run, HWR, Run, etc.


The blog posts are once again sporadic at best lately, making some changes in the future here with a move to where I'm working now and trying to finish up stuff at my old house. Not to even mention packing and cleaning through stuff I have.

In sections of my house, I discovered all the old track workouts and binders I've collected through the years of coaching. I did turn a lot of those into Kindle guides now, so there really isn't a need to hold onto the junior high track meet results from May 5th of 2010. :)  Most of these solid workouts are in my "Just The Track Workouts" guide at  The new Kindle Unlimited program is really doing well for my guides, since a majority are on the KU plan.

I am looking at some private coaching once I get settled into my new place, and things settle down on the other end of trying to sell my house as well.  Looking at my work schedule, I'm not sure how it would go, but I could do a lot of distance coaching online with some people too. The coach in me still wants to go, but keep it pretty simple as well and easy to manage. I know plenty of runners who might have an interest in some additional help with their running plans and race objectives.

In the meantime, I am getting in some solid workouts in the wee morning hours, sometimes with moonlight to begin with, followed by the sunrise as I end the workout.  Its also a lot cooler in the mornings and pretty peaceful. I really missed morning runs for a lot of years unless it was on a weekend. Now that my workday is starting later, I have the time to do this and I'm thankful for it.

Also, I've been getting in some solid kettlebell and bodyweight routines again, following the HWR circuit style. This past week was 12 minute circuits, doing mostly 2 minute rounds of various exercises to squat, lunge, push, pull, bend, and twist. (2 minutes on each movement and you're set!)

I know its time to start lifting heavy with the kettlebells too.  I've took off a lot of time from the KB's and after a couple weeks now of readjusting to them, I'm set to get after them again.

That's one great thing I tout about with the HWR plan, is that even though its all bodyweight on the videos, you can sub new exercises in for some of the same movements with KB, band, or dumbbell exercises.  You're not just stuck with 51 workouts (which is plenty to begin with, can P90X give you that? nope!) but you can make them more challenging if you need to.

Check out the great value of the HWR plan and get downloading the videos ASAP (another thing you can't do with those at-home DVD-only plans!) at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Run, Lift, Repeat


The past week was a mix of lifting and running workouts. With the new job, I have more time in the mornings to workout now and its been a nice boost to the day to start things off with a workout.

Monday was an HWR day of a 10 minute circuit. I really love the HWR circuits, as they are brief, intense and short on time for effectiveness.

Tuesday and Thursday were track workouts.  Tuesday I did some 100/100's, which is easy for 100, hard at race pace for 100, in a continuous fashion.  I started with a 1/2 mile warm-up, then went into the 100/100's for 6 laps worth (12 cycles of 100/100's).

Thursday was the 2nd track workout of the week, with 200/200's. That started out with a 1/2 mile warm-up, followed by 2 miles worth of 200/200's, getting under 7 minutes a mile in my mile pace for the 2 mile portion on the track. This workout felt like a good mimic of a 5K pace, since you may be alternating paces quite a bit in some races due to hills, wind, and other race day happenings (such as getting around people in a surge).

Wednesday was just an easy run, going 2.5 miles on the Finley 5K route.  I didn't do the whole route of course, but finished up 2.5 miles in under 20 minutes for a nice, solid, steady pace. 

Friday was another HWR day, mixing in my kettlebell with some Swings and Cleans for some portions of the circuit.  I like mixing in kettlebell exercises with the HWR videos a lot.

Check out the HWR videos, all 50+ of them, for less than $1 per workout:

Are you a Kindle book reader?  The new Kindle Unlimited plan is a nice boost for my guides, as a majority of them are on the KU plan now. "Just Swing It!" is taking the lead overall as the most downloaded in the KU plan this month so far, as well as last month.

See which one of my training guides meets your needs and download a few of them today at


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Biggest Little 5K in North Dakota


Yesterday was another small town 5K race locally, as I made it over to Binford, roughly 40 minutes away from me. Binford, ND claims itself to be the "Biggest Little City in ND", so it was fitting that their T-shirts were like this:

The race weather was pretty calm, about mid 60's, but a little humid and it got a little more hot/sticky as the race went on. The course went in and around Binford, then back into town for the finish.

My GPS had the course at 3.23, so it was almost 3 and a quarter miles. I finished in 1st with a 21:56 time, making it my 2nd win ever in a 5K race. My first one was in 2010 for the Finley 5K right in my hometown here. I did glance at my watch as 3.1 came about for a 5K estimate, and it was right at 21 minutes, give or take a few seconds. Pace wise, I think my first mile was about a 6:40, 2nd mile around 7 minutes (13:40 on the watch) and the last mile & a quarter was over 8 minutes. Last mile felt slow but maybe its because I had no one to go with or chase, since I was in a comfortable lead. 21 minutes at the 3.1 mark though, I was pretty happy with for a humid day. I am getting better at keeping a steady pace for the 2nd mile, and better control over the first. Many times I'd burn out a 6:20 or faster for the first mile, and then slow down for a 'recovery mile' over the 2nd, and try to hit a final charge over the last 1/3 of the race. Both 5K's now have felt pretty good in this pacing sense.

Not sure what else is on the schedule coming up, there will be a few more around Fargo that I may have an interest in doing this fall.  My college also should have one coming up in the fall too.

For now with my new job change, I should have more opportunity to workout in the mornings as well as evenings. Planning more runs and KB routines to get through.

If you get a chance to do some small town 5K's, they are very fun to do. Its a good mix of walkers and runners and just the social nature of them are really great to experience.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Super Speed Day at the Track


Just wanted to share yesterday's routine I did at the track in the afternoon.  It was a mix of traditional and my new 'subsonic' pattern of lower rest periods.

In a traditional sense, I will usually do a 1:1 work/rest pattern when it comes to intervals. In an example of this, I would do a 400 in 90 seconds with 90 seconds rest, mainly doing one every 3 minutes in this fashion.  Even if I got under 90 seconds, such as an 84 or 85 second 400, I'd still rest until 3 minutes hit the watch.

In my new 'subsonic' patterns, I greatly reduce the rest time and work under more fatigue. Following the 84 second 400 example, I would rest only 36 seconds and go every 2 minutes for another 400.

Yesterday was a mix of these two, as I decided to do a 400 every 2.5 minutes, effectively getting in 800m worth of distance every 5 minutes this way.  Turned out to be about 1 minute rest between sets of 400's.

My plan was to do just 2 miles worth (3200m, 8 reps of 400m), but I decided to keep going to 2.5 and did 10 of them. Feeling like I had just a little more in me, and noticing my times were still consistent, I amped it up for the end like this:

200m in 40 seconds, rest 40 seconds, x 4.  This is 4:40 worth of time to spend in doing 800m worth. Its a 1:1 work/rest pattern, and I've found its a good finisher to end a workout on with shorter speed intervals.

With the 1/2 mile of warm-up I did before this, it was a solid 35 minute workout for total time spent on the track for 3.5 miles worth of running.

If you are looking for a bank vault of speed workouts, my 'Just The Track Workouts' guide book is quite a collection of what I've produced.  I used to have all these guides as single Kindle guides, but decided to combine them all into one resource. 

Check it out here if you want some solid speed workouts to choose from, for your program design needs.

JTTW is also a part of the Kindle Unlimited program, so if you're signed up for that, give it a read.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Racing & Riding

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

I finally had a 5K race this past Saturday, finishing 2nd with a 21:37 time and feeling pretty good for the most part. First 2 miles of the race went really smooth for me, even though it was a guess, time wise, where those marks were. My GPS did not work on Saturday morning, so it was basically by total feel.  The last 3/4's of a mile in the race was into a wind and that taxed me more than I thought it would. It wasn't quite the time I wanted, but I will take a 2nd place finish and medal that went along with it for a start to the 5K season for me.

The last 2 days I've been riding a lot, doing a 10 mile ride on Sunday and 8 miles on Monday afternoon. I rode on Sunday on all pavement, Monday was mostly on gravel and prairie roads. I'm planning on another 5K on Saturday morning too.

Going to hit the kettlebells today as well as the track. Will be using the 20/10 format of the HWR programs and follow along with a video of a 10 minute workout to do a mix of KB, band, and bodyweight stuff.


Speaking of KB's, I have seen the new Kindle Unlimited option become a positive thing for my guides recently. JSI and KBXL are improving in sales and total borrows. I think the rise of Crossfit workouts and such have given kettlebells a new avenue. Even though I am not a CF fan of their workout formats and style, it does give people another avenue to get introduced to kettlebells with some of their workouts. I know KB's are here to stay and will not go away.  Those who train with them, such as myself, have discovered the benefits of their use for our training needs. I love them a lot just for the metabolic workout capabilities of them.

Just Swing It! was a big part of that discovery, in doing two, 10K+ challenges in two months time. It helped me reduce body fat and boost my running in a time of the year that is hard to get runs and speed workouts in. JSI is still my top seller, but KBXL, its 'sequel' in a way, is also getting a boost in sales too. Both books can be bought for just under $4 for some solid programs to follow.

Check them both out at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, July 25, 2014

Life Changes, Blog Changes, Kindle Unlimited News

Greetings all,

I'm making a new change in careers, as I leave the custodial and coaching worlds and move into the field of college student recruiting as an Enrollment Services Rep for my alma mater soon.

I still plan to keep up with Kindle guides and stick with coaching in a private role, primarily with runners. I will no longer be coaching youth sports and will have more time for more intensive workouts and other adventures.

I will still keep this blog going and maybe once I get settled into my new job, I will start doing more daily or semi-daily posts each week with workouts and tips.

The Rats Alley Barbell Club is going to continue.  Its a good blog that people come to for my free programs and other information on the programs/guides I sell through it.

Now that I'm going to be on more of a basic, everyday schedule with things, I think I will start doing more KB routines and once I get into a gym membership, I will hit the barbells once again with fury.

Running is still a high passion and you'll get some good workouts coming soon. The Subsonic routines I've come up with have been really working well and will get tested over the next 2 weekends with 2 area 5K's. My mile time is right where it should be on an open mile road race, and might get tested again.

You may have heard of the new Kindle Unlimited service out of Amazon. Its $9.99 a month and you get access to over 600,000 titles of books to read. I am happy to announce that 12 out of my 13 guides are eligible for this new Kindle Unlimited subscription service. 

So, if you are a part of Kindle Unlimited, you can check out 12 of my 13 guides through that program. 

I have intentions of making a new guide on the Subsonic workouts I've been testing out.  Should have more free time as well to create other guides in the future.

Check out all the books I have in the KU program right here:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

RAKC Week 1, Day 2


Here is Day 2 of the RAKC Plan:


Bench Press: 3 x 5
1 Leg DL's: 3 x 5 per side

KB Renegade Rows: 3 x 5 per side
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 6, or do all 3 minutes as an ultimate finish to the routine.
KB Swings, 1 arm at a time, alternate every 10 reps if going for 3 minutes. Switch arms every 20/10 period if doing 20/10 x 6.


I had a decent day on the track, despite temps in the 50's and high winds, plus no sun in sight. Just miserable weather for July 1st in ND today.

Anyways, I wanted to see how I'd handle a mile trial on the track under such crappy conditions.

Got 5:55 on the clock. Rested 4 minutes and then did an 800 trial in 2:55.  Rested 3 minutes, did a 85 second 400. Rested 1.5 minutes, and then did my final 400 in 79 seconds to finish it.  Happy with my times overall, under 6 on the mile and under 3 minutes on the 800.  Would like to see what a fresh 800 would be, expecting around 2:40-45 if I am fresh.  Sounds like a good future workout for me.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, June 30, 2014

Swing Into Summer

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Looking for a simple challenge to try over July?  Take on the Just Swing It! KB Swing Challenge!

10,000 Swings in 31 days. Just try to average around 1000 every 3 days. 

Ways to split this up?

400, 400, then 200.

300, 400, then 300.

300, 300, then 400.

300, 200, then 500.

Of course, there are multiple ways to split up 1000 swings over 3 days.

100 swings can usually be done under 5 minutes of time, I prefer to go every 4 to 5 minutes with another 100 every time interval.

The smoothest way I've done 100 or more in straight sets is to do 10 swings per arm and keep switching until you hit your goal of 100 or more in a set.

Check out more on how I did 10K swings and some more in the next month in my Kindle guide, "Just Swing It!", at

The straight-up site for the guide is here:


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The RAKC "Indy" Plan

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Its time to get back to basics and add something new in the process. I'm going with a kettlebell focus with the "Indy" plan, or "Indestructible" plan that I covered in Just The Workouts. 

Its a blend of the basic barbell lifts (Bench, Squats, Deadlifts) with kettlebell exercises to finish things out.

The basic structure for each workout is:

Barbell Lift: (Bench, Squats, Deadlifts)
Kettlebell Exercises:
(will vary amongst these 5 actions throughout the week)

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 6, with a kettlebell power exercise

Here is Week 1, Day 1 for you:

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
KB Push Presses, 1-arm: 3 x 5 per side
KB Tactical Lunges: 3 x 5 per side
KB Windmills: 3 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 6
KB Cleans: switch sides every 20/10 for 3 sets per side total

If you have an assortment of KB's to choose from at your gym or home, find the right weight for each KB exercise as is appropriate to complete your reps and not totally tax you by the end of each set. Leave a rep or two "in the tank" as they say.

Use the 3-Minute Warning as your finisher to the workout.


If you are looking for brief, effective workouts to do in-between these workouts, I highly suggest the Home Workout Revolution series from Craig Ballantyne. These workouts are still a good selling item from the blog here, as people are finding it to be a high quality, affordable product in comparison to other home workout programs out there. 

I've touted the benefits of the HWR 20/10 workout series many times on the blog here. If you want 10-15 minute workouts that are bodyweight only (and could be easily subbed with bands/dumbbells if needed), HWR is your solution. is the place to go. Compared to P90X, (1, 2 or 3), Insanity, and other highly overpriced programs out there, HWR is your best, most affordable option, hands-down. Over 50 videos alone to download/view and even burn your own compilations of (like I've done many times) make this program a breeze.  In comparison, if you'd buy a P90X plan, there are about a dozen DVD's you'd have to fish through and always load into your players.  HWR has videos you can play from your laptop, tablet, phone, as well as the ability to download the videos you need onto just 1 DVD to load up and watch.  A lot of programs cost more and don't even have that option for you!

Check it out now if you need a solid training solution that you can add to just about any goal you have.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak
Rats Alley Barbell Club

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Fat Bike Experience


Its been a long while since my last post, as I've been busy with preparing for races to direct and also time.  After taking on the Finley 5K and doing the Finley Tag Team Relay Race last year, this summer has really grown on the race directing side of things. I have taken on 2 more 5K's, timing for a 5K/10K event, and also added another Tag Team Relay Race to the calendar.  I'm learning more as I go and trying to develop a good system for all events to run as smooth as it can.

With all this preparation time, its cut into some workout time for sure.  About two weeks ago, I bought a new 'fat bike', a special all-terrain bike that has 4" wide wheels on it. It really looks odd compared to other regular bikes.  When the tires are twice as wide, they almost look like a motorcycle tire. The one I bought was from a local discount store, one you'd consider an 'entry level' bike to the fat-biking craze.  It was the Mongoose Brutus, a single speed fat bike.

My first ride was for 10 miles and it was a very fun ride to go on. With my GPS on, I was getting 10-12 miles/hour on the bike, even with a single speed only to go on. Hills were tough, but temporary. Downhills were a brief rest.  Overall after my first ride, I was thinking it was a fun purchase for some enjoyable riding.

Not quite the case: on my next ride, just a quick 4 mile loop I did outside of town, I started hearing pops and squeaks in the frame.  Some online questioning on facebook groups and reading reviews on it, the bike itself was either the world's most awesome bargain for a fat bike, or a bothersome bike where you'll spend more time fixing than riding. The latter was the case for me: I tried adding grease to the bearings, and although the wheels rolled smoother, I really heard some squeaks/pops just taking it throughout the streets by my house. Online posters about my questions on the bike's issues said "Take it back" in unison.

So, I took it back, the store looked at it, and I thought I heard a slight squeak again.  I decided to take it back home and give it a longer ride than just the parking lot. After going around the block, and after numerous tweaks with the wrench, the pops/squeaks got a lot worse.

And my fat biking experience ended the next day. I swapped it out with a regular mountain bike, a 29" Schwinn High Timber bike. 

Will I go back to a fat bike? It will depend on the price of what I can find and afford.  I feel the bike I got was one of those that was rushed, put together just to fill a niche, and sold at a discount rate to make it a mass appeal bike . It may be good for beach cruising, but for grinding up the gravel roads around my neck of the woods, it certainly couldn't handle much.  In comparison, I have had a Schwinn OR2 hybrid bike, a bike made for gravel & pavement conditions (almost mountain bike-like tire but with a smoother, slightly thinner look to go fast on pavement when needed) for two years plus... and haven't heard one squeak out of a few hundred miles on it. That's why I decided to stick with another Schwinn for my riding needs.

Upon further reviews, if I decide to get another fat bike in the future, there are others in the $500 to $1000 range that I could save up for and would have a better quality build to them. The high end ones are $2-3K and is a bit out of my range for my need. 

I have seen some fat bike pages on Facebook where people will take the $199 Mongoose Beast (found at Walmart) and basically use it as a 'hot rod' bike to build up. Some people will modify the rear wheel's cog to make it easier to pedal. Others will even drill holes in the bike's rims to cut weight on the bike itself. I guess if you have the time & money, plus patience, its a bike where you could spend $200 at first and another $2-300 or more to soup it up. I just don't have that time or the handyman skills to soup up a bike.

So, for now, I will stick with gravel grinding away on my OR2 or try some roads out with my new High Timber. 

As for running, I took about a 6 day layoff from running, and when I returned to the track, the Subsonics were hit again in 400m segments every 2 minutes.  I told myself to hold back a bit, and aimed for 90 second times.  90 second intervals with 30 seconds rest felt easier than I thought. I think that's a good sign that the Subsonic interval routines are working well.

Keep rocking on, everyone.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, May 31, 2014

RAW Updates: Subsonics & Bike Rides

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I'm still doing the Subsonic workouts lately, getting at least 2 in each week, with another slightly 'tamer' speed session.  In between, I've been getting in some longer bike rides for recovery from these workouts.

I like how my legs aren't quite so dead after a steady bike ride, and they feel fresh the next day for another session on the track. I've been doing this a lot the past couple of years, alternating long bike rides with hard track sessions during the spring, It all depends on how much time I have each day for the rides, and even the track sessions.  As an average, I usually have a good 30-45 minutes, sometimes an hour now, for a decent workout session.  Bike rides usually are for 30-45 minutes, track sessions mostly 20-25 minutes on those days.

After seriously looking at how much gluten is in my diet since January, I've finally hit my target weight for what I wanted. I've tended to race very well around 180 pounds throughout the years, sometimes 175 when I was in my 20's. I feel much better now and I know the diet changes have made a huge difference in not just my weight loss, but in how my body performs.  I'm doing pretty much the same workouts and the diet really helped things move in the direction I've been waiting to move forward in. Just doing the Subsonic workouts with brief rests between sets has made me more aware of what I'm capable of now.  Hard intervals are still hard, but its starting to feel a lot easier than in the past.

For now, I won't be posting weekly workouts, maybe just brief updates on my own stuff, or something new that I come across.  I am getting into 5K race mode with the races I'm directing and helping to manage with timing, awards, etc.  Won't have a lot of free time soon to keep up on the blog more frequently, so for now, if you're looking for programs, check out the free ones I have in the tabs, such as the BSD plan and the 5,000 Swings program. Of course, my Kindle guides are still available and most of the tabs cover those as well.  I not only sell my own stuff, but also sell Craig Ballantyne's HWR program and Mike Whitfield's Workout Finishers program, and the well-thought-out CT-50 plan that's better than CF, in my opinion.

Kindle guides are here:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

RABC Update: The "Subsonic" Experiment


It's been a long time since my last post.  Mainly, track season got in the way in a hurry and whatever free time I had, it was eaten up with other things. Its done now, but I'm also gearing up for area 5K's that I'm directing.

Workout postings have been sparse. Still not sure which direction to take it in the future. I'm kind of a hybrid and out-of-the-ordinary person when it comes to workouts.  I enjoy traditional stuff like RABC bench, squats, and deadlift stuff.  I am also an advocate of kettlebells and all they offer. Bodyweight exercise circuits are also a part of my 'thing' when it comes to training, and let's not forget running workouts. Big fan of the Track and what a good old track workout can offer you.

Here's a simple to do Track workout that I've been experimenting with this month.

I call it "Subsonic" because you are going at faster than race pace, like a 5K pace, with very minimal rests.

This workout is best if you can do a 400 in 1:30 or less, and also 200m in 45 seconds or less. 

For me, I can cover 400's in 80-85 seconds in repeat mode, and 200's in 38-40 seconds in repeat mode.

I got the idea for the workout after doing 20/10 Tabata's so much with the HWR workouts and also with KB workouts.  Everything cycles around 4 minutes of total time it seems. It also follows a 2:1 work/rest ratio.  So, I decided to try the following and see what kind of times I could produce on the track in this work/rest ratio format.

Since my 200's were basically in 40 seconds on average, I'd figure I'd rest 20 seconds and keep it simple by doing a 200 every minute.

4 rounds of this takes only 4 minutes, and you get in an 800 in distance volume, plus its done in about a 2:40 time of total time in intervals.

I started out with doing this for the first 4 minutes, then taking 2 minutes rest, and doing it again (on a running clock, I simply rested 2:20 after 3:40 of interval times, following that 40/20 work/rest pattern). This means when 6:00 came on my watch, I started it again with another 4x200 effort.

This mean little workout gives you a 5:20 mile, once intervals and times are added up, in about 10 minutes of time.

I also tested this out with doing 400's every 2 minutes.  I'd get 1:20-1:25 of time to run my 400 in, then rest until every 2 minute mark came about.  4 of these can be done in 8 minutes, and you have your mile done.

The workout I did with the track kids for a speed workout took about 16 minutes to do.

We mimicked a 'very fast moving' track meet this day.  Typically, a distance kid will do one leg of a 4x800m race, so we did 800m worth of a 200 every minute.  We then rested for 4 minutes, and then did 1600m worth of 400's, doing one every 2 minutes.  The 1600m race is typically next in line for the distance runner at a track meet.

Most of the kids were doing the 400's in the mid 70's to early 90's for time. 

A big benefit of this workout is you are learning to control and manage your speed while you are pretty zapped from the repeat, high speed efforts. 

It is not for the first-time runner on the track. A runner definitely needs to be used to speed workouts in order to try this really intense workout.

All in all, we did see some personal bests happen about 2 weeks after this workout.  I can't link it totally to this ONE workout, but it certainly helped some athletes in how they managed their speeds and got used to running a bit uncomfortably at race paces. Some kids told me it was the hardest speed session of the season.

I'm looking at making a more specific Kindle guide for this workout system, as its pretty unique and could be helpful for those looking to shave off some time on a 5K or even for tracksters on their 800, 1600 or 3200 times.

As for now, I'm still experimenting with this workout routine and developing a strategy on doing it as part of a main running plan for race improvement.

Today's workout?  Here you go:

200 every minute x 4, rest 1 more minute, do it again at the 5:00 mark.
200 every minute x 4, rest 1 minute.
200 every minute x 8 (1600 worth), rested for 4 minutes. (This hit the 22:00 mark in total time for me before I went again.)
Finisher:  400 in 82, rested until 3:00, then did another 400 in 77 seconds. 

All in all, this was 2.5 miles of some very fast speed intervals of 200's in the 38-42 range. One section I was able to glide with the wind to my back, getting 37's sometimes. Then the next one I had to go into the wind and barely get a 41-42 time.

Its a great mental edge builder because there isn't much time to whine, you just push yourself through it.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekly RAW: The RAKC Plan - Kettlebell-Only Routines!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Starting up something fresh this week for a 4 week plan: the Rats Alley Kettlebell Club Routine.

Day 1:
KB Swings
KB Turkish Get Ups

Day 2:
KB Military Presses
KB All-Star Sit-Ups (1/2 TGU's)

Day 3:
KB Cleans

It is a typical M-W-F routine to handle. Just 2 exercises per day.
On off days, I'd recommend a 20/10 workout from the HWR workouts, or doing a KB Swings workout, such as one from Just Swing It! or a workout from the Just Clean It! guide as a KB Cleans workout.

Week 1, Day 1:
KB Swings: 40s work, 20s rest x 10 sets (10 minutes total)
KB TGU's: 3 sets of 5 per side

Week 1, Day 2:
KB Military Presses:  3 x 5 per side, or do 3 x 5 doubles at once.
KB All-Star Sit Ups: 3 sets of 5 per side

Week 1, Day 3:
KB Cleans: 20s work, 10s rest per side, do 10 minutes of this for 10 sets per side total.
KB TGU's:  3 sets of 5 per side

It's pretty simple and pretty short, roughly 10-20 minutes per workout in all. 

Try to use KB's that are appropriate to complete each set but not be too heavy where final sets are too much of a struggle.  Keep a rep or two 'in the tank' as they say.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Revisiting the Roots of "Indy"

A while back I was reviewing "Just The Workouts" on my Kindle app, re-reading one of my first Kindle guides that I put out.  Even though "Just Swing It!" has been my top seller, JTW was the top seller from day one when I started making Kindle guides. It is still a solid #2 overall in my sales of all my guides.

I am seeing a mini-movement in the fitness field where its gone full circle. We started with 'traditional' lifting, such as bench, squat, deadlifts, to machine based stuff. Then, machines were horrible and terrible and seemed to cause everything but cancer, and bodyweight and 'functional' exercises on stability balls and balance tools were all the rage.  Kettlebells hit the mix soon, and then people went full bore into that.  I was one of them for a bit, but I saw them more as another tool, rather than a stand-alone-only tool.  Then it seemed that Crossfit was the new, cool thing to do and anything else was horsecrap according to some CF people out there.

All in all, the basic program I first started with in high school and always saw a chart of, tucked in the corner of the weight room, is still around.

"Just The Workouts" is based on this program, because when I'd go to Mayville State for my first two years, the same program was there. Go to Southwest State for another 2 years, the program was there. I came back to Mayville and the strength coach I worked under as a student coach said to me, "I don't know who made this program, but it works every time."  That's why I've dubbed it, "The Program That Never Left The Weight Room."

That always stuck with me and years later, I'd train a guy who went on to play at Mayville State for football. They sent him the program, and low and behold, it shows up again. 

I called this program the "Indestructible!" program in my JTW guide. 

I also took phases of "Indy" and tweaked it to the 4 week phase program of the RABC Manual, so the roots of the RABC plans are based off of Indy.

I wanted to share this story because I'm not sure how many have heard it through the blog.

My main message is that the more things change, the more they stay the same, and programs like Indy have stood the test of time and prove to be a winning plan.

Grab a copy of JTW for only 99 cents on your Kindle readers at or at Don't forget about the handy "Just The Chart" guide too, as all you have to do is tap on your maximum weight as a chapter, and all your weights come up for each week/phase on every set and rep scheme. Grab all 3 (RABC, JTC, and JTW) for less than the cost of a Starbucks coffee.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, April 21, 2014

Daily RAW Updates

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Taking a break for a week or two with the postings of weekly workouts. I'm getting into the heart of track season as a coach too, and things are about to pick up a lot.

In the meantime, check out the RABC BSD Plan up above if you haven't done so already.  There are also KB Swing programs to follow to help you gear up for a 10,000 Swings Challenge.

The "Just Swing It!", "Just Clean It!", and "KBXL" guides have been doing really well lately in Kindle guide sales.  Many of my guides have been in the Top 100 of Sports & Outdoors sections of the "Kindle Short Reads" picks.

Take a peek at these guides that many can be finished within an evening or under an hour, for sure.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Freebie Weekend: TAC on Kindle!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

If you are into speed training and want a unique edge to it, you can get a free guide this weekend on your Kindle that covers how to gain that edge.

If you've seen GPS speed monitors and wondered how they can be used to help improve your speed, this is your guide!

"The Acceleration Code" -

"GPS is the future of speed training...and it is here! Discover new techniques to apply to traditional speed training programs and use GPS speed monitors to deliver better results for you, with "The Acceleration Code" ! Coach Rick Karboviak, a leading innovative coach with GPS speed monitors, takes you through the breakthrough methods that GPS speed monitors can provide you. You will evaluate your speed training workouts, sprint by sprint, workout by workout, week by week: enabling you to fine tune your training more specifically than ever before! No more using stopwatches to guess your effort over just time alone, as the GPS data gives you instant feedback in MPH and more data that you could ever imagine being measured over a speed workout!
Let Coach Rick take you through a series of workouts that use GPS speed monitors, a track or playing field, and he even tosses in a kettlebell to the mix for more power & explosion to your sprinting. Designed for the 'everyday athlete' who wants to get faster, "The Acceleration Code" is your next tool in creating the edge you need to succeed!"

Grab your copy today (Saturday) and on Sunday from the Kindle Store!

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, April 18, 2014

Daily RAW: Fantastic Friday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is today's Fantastic Friday Workout:


20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest x 2 each exercise

KB Swings
KB Cleans
Total Body Extensions
Spiderman Climbers (Mountain Climbers but with a step outside of your hands)
KB Swings
KB Push Presses
Band Rows
BW Lunges
Leg Raises

Do 1 arm swings for the KB Swings, 1 arm Cleans, plus 1 arm Push Presses.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Daily RAW: Ten Minute Tuesday

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is today's Ten Minute Tuesday routine:


40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest each exercise

KB Swings
Band Presses
KB Tactical Lunges
Band Rows
Leg Raises
KB Swings
Band Presses
KB Tactical Lunges
Band Rows
Leg Raises


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Better than Crossfit?!? Yep!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekly RAW: RABC BSD, Week 4 Schedule, Gluten-free update

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is next week's schedule for Week 4 of the BSD Plan. Don't forget to print off your log sheets from the tab up above.

Week 4, Day 1

Bench Press: 5 x 3
Front Squats: 3 x 6
Pulldowns: 3 x 6
DB Lunges: 3 x 6
ASSU's and WM's: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

Week 4, Day 2

Squats: 5 x 3
Military Press: 3 x 6
DB Lunges: 3 x 6
Seated or DB Rows: 3 x 6
Leg Raises & KB Swings: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

Week 4, Day 3

Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Push-Ups: 3 x 6
BW Lunges: 3 x 6
Pull-Ups: 3 x 6
MC's and TBE's: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

The snow is melting away, now the ground is soggy, but the outdoor track season has started!

Personally, my running is going very well now with the gluten-free changes I've made. There have been some longer runs with the track kids I've been able to do fairly well now.  Just a little discomfort at the end, but my times are better than I thought they would be.  On some out & back runs, I can go out easy and come back at a faster time overall.

The weight loss has kind of hit a standstill, close to 20 pounds lost now since January with some fluctuations of 2-3 pounds to 17-18 from that January weight.  I'd say the biggest change is in energy levels during a run, I don't feel so zapped any more and things just flow easier.

I still face some issues on some days where gluten is just unavoidable, but in the bigger picture, its still a lot less than what I used to consume on a daily basis.  Minimization is key, not total elimination, as I've discovered.

I'm going to just add a few workouts throughout the week, maybe just a 10 Minute Tuesday and Fantastic Friday workout this week.

On a final note, Amazon Kindle Store has a new category of "Kindle Short Reads" and some of my guides are in the Top 100 lists for some categories.  A lot of my guides are short, brief and to the point, so if you are in need of quick reads instead of a long, drawn-out guide, go here to discover what I have:
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, April 11, 2014

Daily RAW: Fantastic Friday

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is today's Fantastic Friday workout for you.


Strike Up The Band:

20s work, 10s rest x 4 each exercise

Band Presses
Band Rows
Band Forward Lunges
Band Squat & Rows (Hold a squat position while doing rows)
Band Lunge & Punch (Lunge forward with right leg, Punch/Press with left arm in lunge position. Reverse legs & arms repeatedly in this fashion)

This is a quick little total body, 10 minute routine.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Daily RAW: Wild Wednesday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is today's Wild Wednesday Workout:


15 Minute Kettlebell Routine
Use a moderate KB weight to complete the routine.

20/10 x 2 each exercise:

KB Swings
KB Cleans
KB Presses
KB Tactical Lunges
KB Front Squats (hold 1 KB on each side for each 20/10 set)
KB Cleans
KB Swings

Rest 1 minute, then repeat entire circuit.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Daily RAW: Ten Minute Tuesday

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is today's 10-Minute Tuesday Workout:

1 Minute Each:
(Use 20/10 x 2 if unable to do a full minute of each, or 40 seconds work, 20s rest)

Jumping Jacks
Total Body Extensions
BW Squats
Jog in Place
Lying Leg Raises
Jumping Jacks
Lying Bicycles


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekly RAW: Week 3, RABC-BSD Plan

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Here is Week 3's plans for the RABC: Bench-Squat-Deadlift routine.

For log sheets, hit the page tab up above for the BSD Plan.

Week 3, Day 1:

Bench Press: 10-8-6-4
Front Squats: 3 x 12
Pulldowns: 3 x 12
DB Lunges: 3 x 12
All Star Sit Ups & Windmills: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

Week 3, Day 2:
Squats: 10-8-6-4
Military Press: 3 x 12
DB Lunges: 3 x 12
Seated or DB Rows: 3 x 12
Leg Raises & KB Swings; 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

Week 3, Day 3:

Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4
Push-Ups: 3 x 12
BW Lunges: 3 x 12
Pull-Ups: 3 x 12
Mountain Climbers & Total Body Extensions: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10 x 2 each

Look out for Daily RAW's of 10-Minute Tuesday, Wild Wednesday, and Fantastic Friday routines, later to come this week.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, April 4, 2014

Daily RAW: Fantastic Friday

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Here is today's Fantastic Friday Workout:


Its another GymBoss & Kettlebell Day!

Set it to 20/10 on the work/rest ratio's, and lets get going...

1 minute each:
KB Cleans
KB Clean & Jerk
KB Swings

Repeat this 3 exercise circuit for 5 times total, completing a 15 minute workout.

Use a moderate KB to perform the exercises, doing 1 arm alone for each 20/10 period, switching every 30 seconds from arm to arm.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Daily RAW: Wild Wednesday

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Here's today's Wild Wednesday Workout:

Squats & Push-Ups Metabolic Challenge:

Time yourself for 10 minutes on this workout.

Perform 5 BW Squats, followed by 5 Push-Ups.

Keep performing sets of 5 on each exercise, resting as you wish, and recording your total reps for the workout.

Keep this number on-record for a future challenge day.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Home Workout Revolution Special!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

You know I'm not a 'cardio is evil' type of guy, as I'm an active runner and cyclist who enjoys it.

Some days though, you don't feel like a cardio routine and maybe you are in need of some brief, short workouts to give your body a break and re-energize your entire plan for a phase of your training.

Craig Ballantyne is having a sale on his Home Workout Revolution program this week, Tuesday April 1st through Thursday, April 3rd.

It is a very timely deal, and definitely NO April Fool's joke!

This program which usually goes for $67 ( great deal on its own, especially in comparison to programs like P90X, Insanity, and others that are in the $120 range), however, its on sale for a tremendous price of just $27!

For the cost of an average gym membership for one month (usually $30-40 in some places), you can get the following:

51 no-equipment workouts with INSTANT video access to log into!

20 more workouts of 6 and 4 minute circuits for more challenges to do!

Plus program and workout guides to go with all of it...

There's no shipping, no waiting, just get instant access to the videos & guides to get started right away!

You can't get that with other DVD & guide program collections, sometimes the first payment alone is more than $27!

HWR has been a staple of my workout agenda, year-round, because it fits in so well with a busy time schedule I have with a full time job and coaching teams all school year long.

Sometimes 10 to 15 minutes is all you have, and HWR will be all you need to get something done in that time frame.

Get your Home Workout Revolution started here, for only $27:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Daily RAW: Ten Minute Tuesday

Greetings RAW Warriors,

It's Tuesday, and its no April Fool's, either.  Its 10-Minute Tuesday!

Let's get crackin'.

20/10 x 2 Workout format (20s work, 10s rest x 2 each exercise)

KB Front Squats
KB Cleans
KB 1 Arm Push Presses
KB Swings
Total Body Extensions
KB Front Squats
KB Cleans
KB 1 Arm Push Presses
KB Swings
Total Body Extensions


Choose a KB weight that you can do throughout the whole circuit, switching sides every 20/10 in the workout. Use a moderately heavy kettlebell to challenge you, but not tax you right away. If its too heavy as you start, simply go lighter on the next exercise.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekly RAW: RABC BSD, Week 2 Workouts

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's Week 2 of BSD up for you. Remember, log sheets for this are up in the pages section at the top of the blog under the "RABC Bench-Squat-Deadlift Plan" tab.

Week 2, Day 1:

Bench Press: 4 x 5
Front Squats: 3 x 10
Pulldowns: 3 x 10
DB Lunges: 3 x 10
All Star Sit Ups & Windmills: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, then repeat.

Week 2, Day 2:

Squats: 4 x 5
Military Press: 3 x 10
DB Lunges: 3 x 10
Seated or DB Rows: 3 x 10
Leg Raises & KB Swings: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, then repeat.

Week 2, Day 3:

Deadlifts: 4 x 5
Push-Ups: 3 x 10
BW Lunges: 3 x 10
Pull-Ups: 3 x 10
Mountain Climbers & TBE's: 20/10 x 2 each, rest 1 min, then repeat.

Look for Workouts on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday once again in the upcoming week.

CT-50 is making waves, as its a great alternative to CrossFit, or if you have trouble getting to boot camps or a gym's offerings, many of the workouts just need some minor equipment to get the job done.

It's one heck of a deal at only $37, less than 1/3 the cost of other mega DVD offerings you see on TV.
(I think you know which ones I'm talking about.) This program has great progressions and is NOT just another mish-mash of various workouts to do.

Give it a serious look at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, March 28, 2014

RABC: Fantastic Friday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's a Fantastic Friday Workout for you today.

20/10 x 2 each exercise

Kettlebell Cleans: 1 set per side
Jumping Jacks
Kettlebell Swings
Jumping Jacks
Kettlebell Cleans
Mountain Climbers
Kettlebell Swings
Mountain Climbers
Kettlebell Cleans
Kettlebell Swings
Kettlebell Cleans
Total Body Extensions
Kettlebell Swings
Total Body Extensions

Gymboss Timers are awesome for 20/10 workout formats.  Either find one online, or do an App search on your phone/tablets for the Gymboss timers that are free on there.

I have both, as sometimes the timer itself is handier out on the track, the road, or the bike.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Better than CF?

Greetings RAW Warriors,

If you know anything in the fitness industry, its that Crossfit has taken things by storm.  Gyms or 'boxes' have opened up throughout the country and there is a wide variety of options. I, myself, and not a fan of this method/program, or lack thereof in its programming.  Its one of the reasons I went with the FitRanX program to implement to people I train locally, because it has a progressive system within it.  I could rant about this, but rather than kick up dust, you can make that decision on your own by researching it and discovering more for yourself. In my own research, this new program I've found has all the tools you need for solid, progressive programming and moving up in fitness levels. That, to me, is what counts: a program needs to progress you, not just make you feel like you're drop-dead tired.

I came across a newer program called CT-50 from Tyler Bramlett, and its got a mix of CF style exercises and a host of other exercises/workouts, but are done in a highly progressive plan of action for you. 

Not all people can go to a gym, and they end up working out at home. I feel as a part of my blog, its not to get people to the places where I train people, its to help inform them of how they can workout BETTER on their own.  One of the programs I am a fan of and highly do is the Home Workout Revolution program from Craig Ballantyne, found at
Tyler's new CT-50 program is quite possibly one of the best collections I've seen as far as what you totally get from his offerings.

In a nutshell, its a plethora of guides to help you discover where to start and what actions to take right away.  There are also videos to download instantly (once you get your access rights) and view right away, available to download and burn onto your own collection of DVD's to play.  I love programs like this, because then I can customize my own DVD's and not have to pay for a set collection that has workouts I don't enjoy.

The CT-50 program is $37, and is available with other bonuses if you wish to add them on. At 1/3 the price of most high priced DVD collections of workouts that are sold out there, CT-50 is a great deal all-around.

Check it out and see for yourself here:

As always, I check out the programs before I sell them on my site. This is one of the better deals you will find anywhere online for at-home workouts to get after and customize for your goals!

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

RABC: Wild Wednesday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

When I have 20 minutes and want to get something out of my cardio in a quick hurry, this one workout has been a staple of mine for the past 10-12 years.

I apply it to running, biking, or any other cardio machine if available, but most of the time its been running specific on a track or the road.


4 minutes easy pace
4 minutes of 20/10 hard/easy running. My 'Hard' feel is 5K to mile pace feel.
4 minutes easy pace
4 minutes again of 20/10 hard/easy running (8 cycles of that).
4 minutes easy pace or walking as a cool down.

If you go on an 'out and back' run on the road a lot, this one is easy to do if you turn around during the 2nd 4-minutes of easy pace, basically at the 10 minute mark. You usually end up coming back sooner if you go fast enough on the 20 second periods. Not all the time, but some of the time this happens and you can end your workout a bit sooner this way.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

RABC: Ten Minute Tuesday

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's Today's Ten-Minute Tuesday workout:

40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest each exercise

KB Goblet Squats

Push-Ups: Regular or Spiderman style

BW Alternating Lunges

Pull Ups or Band Rows

Hanging or Lying Leg Raises

Repeat the above circuit one more time in succession to get this in within 10 minutes.


Another 10 minute routine to add is doing a basic KB Swings Challenge, as a lot of the daily Swing workouts are done in 10 minutes or less, sometimes a bit more.

Give these two a look:

"Just Swing It!" -

"Kettlebell XL" -


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, March 24, 2014

RABC: BSD Week 1

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's the weekly schedule for the RABC Bench-Squat-Deadlift Plan.  Don't forget to download the free handout copy with workout sheets up above in the page tabs.

Week 1, Day 1

Bench Press: 3 x 5
Front Squats: 3 x 8
Pulldowns: 3 x 8
DB Lunges: 3 x 8

All Star Sit Ups & Windmills:
20s work, 10s rest x 2 each exercise. rest 1 min, then repeat.

Week 1, Day 2

Squats: 3 x 5
Military Press: 3 x 8
DB Lunges: 3 x 8
Seated or DB Rows: 3 x 8

Leg Raises & KB Swings:
20s work, 10s rest x 2 each exercise, rest 1 min, then repeat.

Week 1, Day 3

Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Push-Ups: 3 x 8
BW Lunges: 3 x 8
Pull Ups: 3 x 8

Mountain Climbers & Total Body Extensions:
20s work, 10s rest x 2 each exercise, rest 1 min, then repeat.

Look for 3 other workouts this week, such as Ten Minute Tuesday, Wild Wednesday, and Fantastic Friday routines.


For under $3 total, you can get three more resources to go with the BSD Plan:
Just The Workouts:
The RABC Manual:
Just The Chart:


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, March 21, 2014

Just Added Above: 2 Free Programs!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I added two free programs that I've had on the blog in the past but just left them as links in the blog posts.  Well, now they are in the top section of Pages to click on and instantly view:

Free 5,000 Swings Program!


RABC Bench-Squat-Deadlift Plan

Look for those links on the above page, but they are also provided for you in this blog post, too.

I'm looking at following the BSD Plan in the next 4 weeks on the blog, so if you want to follow along, simply print off the program, and make sure you have your resources of the RABC Manual and Just The Chart handy on your Kindle readers/apps too.

Don't have those two guides? Check 'em out at for only 99 cents each.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Daily RAW: Fantastic Friday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's today's Fantastic Friday Workout:


Items needed: 1 kettlebell for swings & cleans

Just Swing & Clean It!

40 1-Arm Swings (20 per side) in 2 minutes

20 1-Arm Cleans (10 per side) in 2 minutes

Repeat this pattern for 5 times total. (20 minutes)

On the Swings, you may do 10 per side and continue alternating arms every 10 until you reach 40 total.
On the Cleans, you may do 5 per side and continue alternating arms every 5 until you reach 20 total.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Daily RAW: Wild Wednesday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's today's Wild Wednesday Workout:


It's Kettlebell Swing Time!

Grab a moderate KB weight, most females might be fine with 15-25 pounds, guys 35-45 pounds.

Single Arm KB Swings are the focus.

10 Left, 10 Right = 20 reps, switch arms after 10 on your left.

20 reps every minute for 5 minutes = 100 reps
40 reps every 2 minutes for 10 minutes = 200 reps
20 reps every minute for 5 minutes = 100 reps

20 reps should take about 35-38 seconds to do.
40 reps should take about 70-80 seconds to do.

With each format, you will get a fair amount of rest between sets if you want a quick drink of water.

If you have a GymBoss timer, just setup the intervals for 1 minute each, or just watch a stopwatch and go at the top of each minute or two minute period.

GymBoss timers are great, and they even have an app for your phone that's free.  I believe its both for iPhone and Android systems, too.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Daily RAW: 10 Minute Tuesday

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's today's 10 Minute Tuesday Workout:

Items Needed: 1 Kettlebell, Exercise Band

Following the favorite 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest style, here's how the workout goes:

KB Goblet Squats: 20/10 x 4

Push-Ups: 20/10 x 4

BW Alternating Lunges: 20/10 x 4

Band Rows: 20/10 x 4

KB Low Windmills: 20/10 x 2 each side, alternate sides each 20/10

If you got 20 minutes, give the workout a 2nd round if you would like.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekly RAW: Week 4, RABC Plan, Cardio isn't "Evil"...

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's Week 4 for you of the RABC Plan for next week.

I will still get some 10-Minute Tuesday, Wild Wednesday, and Fantastic Friday routines for you later in the week. Those were pretty well read this past week.

Also, thanks for the response to the freebie weekend of my two Kindle guides, Just The Workouts and Just The Track Workouts.  If you are reading this on Sunday, they are still available here:

Week 4, Day 1

Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Windmills: 3 x 5 per side
1 Arm DB Rows: 3 x 8 per side

2 Minute Warning: 1 minute each exercise
KB Swings
Total Body Extensions

Week 4, Day 2
Deadlift: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

Pulldowns: 3 x 8
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Mountain Climbers

Week 4, Day 3

Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3

KB Swings: 20 swings per minute, on the minute, x 10 rounds (10 minutes)

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise

Cardo isn't Evil.

Just a little bit of a rant to go on here...

Probably have heard this from me before, but I hate how running gets lumped into 'slow, boring cardio' all the time by fitness professionals. 

As a runner myself and former full-time fitness training professional and sports performance coach, I just hate how some fitness pros do the following:

1. They always compare a sprinter's physique to a marathoner, saying how one is more muscular, and the other is more thin and sickly looking.  Just because we run, it doesn't mean we are all marathoners!  Quit this crap, fitness pros!  There are plenty of 5K warriors like me who don't run marathons. 5K's are more abundant and easier to race/compete in locally, so stop lumping all runners into one category. Case in point: Over 20,000 will do the Fargo Marathon's 5K event, while their main Marathon itself is capped at 2,000.  That's 18,000 more people than a marathon who will do the 3.1 mile race.  So, stop this madness, please. We are all not marathoners, so quit the comparisons already. You're wrong.

2. They will compare cycling and the elliptical trainer as being equal to running in the 'slow, boring cardio' section of training.  Running is not the same as cycling, cycling is not the same as being on an elliptical trainer.  This is like saying dumbbell lifting is the same as kettlebell lifting and they are both the same as barbell lifting....  There are similarities and differences between all forms.  I can do things with kettlebells that I can't do with barbells. I can do things with dumbbells that I can't do with barbells or kettlebells. So, stop with the 'This is equal to That' comparisons!  Quit marketing things with false images.

3. After bashing 'slow-go cardio', they will then say that INTERVALS ARE THE BEST FORM OF CARDIO, EVER.   I would have to agree with this, but interval training is not something to be done every single day, either.

As a Track coach, this would be like me prescribing the following to my runners: 

Monday: 400's on the track, 8-10 of them
Tuesday: 100's on the track, 16-20 of them
Wednesday: 200's on the track, 8-12 of them
Thursday: Repeat 800's on the track, 4-6 of them
Friday: Repeat Miles on the track, 2-3 of them

All of those workouts are Interval workouts of varying durations, but they are not ideally to be done every single darn day of your training week.

With the above workouts, I maybe do two interval speed training days per week, because the body isn't made to handle such high intensities on a daily basis.  Even elite runners don't do multiple interval workouts in a week, they intersperse them with longer, slower runs to help with recovery and work on other aspects of their fitness.

One way I do some of my workouts in the summer are interval workouts on the track, with bike rides on days in-between, going moderately over the natural hills and terrain/weather I am facing (windy days around here make for some hard riding on its own). My bike rides are the easy days, the interval workouts are my harder track days.

Some fitness pros will frown on long, slow cardio, but I have rediscovered its benefits throughout the years and no longer agree to the "intervals or nothing" mindset that some trainers have.

I don't agree with high mileage programs being a solution, but I do agree with high quality workouts being the solution instead.

All in all, I am getting sick of seeing fitness professionals bash the sports of running and cycling all the time in the name of marketing the Six Pack look.

I guess whether I have a six-pack or not is not important, I'm just worried about where the heck I finish in a race in the end.

No one gives me a trophy for a six-pack, they give me a trophy if I earn it by time and placing high enough.

Not all people run just to lose weight and get into shape.... we run because we love to race, too.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, March 15, 2014

RABC "Just The Freebies" Weekend!

Greetings RAW Warriors,

I'm giving away "Just" two guides this weekend:

"Just The Workouts"


"Just The Track Workouts"

Enjoy one of my best sellers in JTW, and JTTW is a bunch of former 99 cent guides, squished together into one collective format of "just the track workouts" from those guides.

Either click the links above, or check out all the guides I have to offer right HERE.

Look here later this weekend for next week's RABC Weekly Plan.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, March 14, 2014

Daily RAW: Fantastic Friday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here is a Fantastic Friday routine for you:

20/10 work/rest pattern used, 4 rounds each exercise

Bodyweight Squats
Standing Band Rows
Total Body Extensions
KB Goblet Squats
KB 1 Arm Cleans
KB 1 Arm Jerks
KB 1 Arm Swings

As part of Fantastic Friday, I am giving away two Kindle guides over the weekend. I will announce it on the blog on Saturday morning,  but you can see firsthand Saturday morning on my author page at .

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Daily RAW: Wild Wednesday Workout

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Yesterday's 10 Minute Tuesday workout was a good response, so let's go for a Wild Wednesday routine:

Wild Wednesday Workout

3 Minute rounds each, 20/s10s work/rest format (6 rounds of 20/10)

KB Goblet Squats
KB Tactical Lunges
1 Arm KB Rows (switch sides every 20/10)
KB Swings
KB Cleans (switch sides every 20/10)


This should take you 18 minutes to do.

Its a good kettlebell routine to give it go, use a moderate KB or even a lighter one at first.

Recently I found a new spinning bike at Sears on a great floor model clearance price. An $800 bike sold for $300 at first and down to $115 at the price I got it for. Its a Bladez SX Pro indoor trainer, and its a great addition to my workout lineup. Its very smooth and the closest I have experienced on a stationary bike to what a real bike feels like.

I mention this because I like good old cardio routines. I am one of the few people left who think that regular 'cardio' isn't a terrible thing. Not every workout has to be an interval blast-o-matic workout that leaves your tongue hanging out, drenched in sweat, like some infomercials have you believe. I do perform interval routines, along with regular, steady state cardio workouts of the running and cycling nature.  I enjoy a pleasant ride in the countryside, using hills as my natural intervals, and winds to either resist or assist on my ride. I also enjoy a nice easy run to take in the best of nature on its wonderful days you get now and then outdoors.

I just wanted to mention my bike because its a nice change from the same old stuff that people can get stuck in. It is also beneficial for aiding recovery, going at a nice easy pace, something of a lower intensity to help increase blood flow to your muscles without damaging them repeatedly with high intensity routines.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Daily RAW: 10 Minute Tuesday Workout, New BW Finishers

Greetings RAW Warriors,

For something new, I decided to come up with a new 10 Minute workout to do, published on Tuesdays. Simply put, its a 10-Minute Tuesday routine:

Today's will follow the 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest pattern (20/10).

Total Body Takedown:

BW Squats: 20/10 x 4

Band Presses: use exercise bands to do a standing chest press - 20/10 x 4

BW Lunges: 20/10 x 4, alternate continuously for each set

Band Pulls/Rows: standing rows with an exercise band - 20/10 x 4

Mountain Climbers: 20/10 x 2

Total Body Extensions: 20/10 x 2


Looking for something more to finish off your workout? Try the new Bodyweight Finishers from Mike Whitfield. 

A lot of times you get barraged with program after program, and you don't know what to do next.  What if you could just take your favorite routines and amp them up a bit more with a finisher?

That's what Mike has done: he's created a lot of add-on routines (video included!) that you can start reading ASAP and even add some to your very next workout, even tonight's routine.

See what he's got for you at

Best of all, its only $19 right now! 

Workout guides plus videos to instantly watch for only $19?  That's a heck of a deal to take advantage of.

Check it out ASAP at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Daily RAW: Ab Workout Upgrade

Greetings Rats Alley Warriors,

Last week I revisited an old ab routine I did in my HS days, covering how it used to take me about 15 minutes to do.

Well, here is my suggested upgrade to the workout plan.

The original called for 7 exercises, done 3*15 for each and building up to 3*25 over the course of 12 weeks.

With the success I've seen from the 20/10 work/rest workouts, I feel it is worth looking at seriously as the format to follow with this old type of ab workout.

Here is a new look at an old program: kind of like taking a classic ride and hot rodding it up a bit.
Ab Crushers 2.0

20 sec work, 10 sec rest x 2 rounds for each exercise

First 4 weeks:
Ab Crunches
Leg Raises
Mountain Climbers
Toe Touches
Cross Body Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

2nd 4 weeks: add the following
Kneeling Superman's

3rd 4 Weeks: add the following
Side Planks Left
Side Planks Right

Ab Crunches are the basic crunches where you lie down, crunching up and taking your shoulders off the floor.
Leg Raises are where you lie down, hands under your rear, taking your legs straight up to 90 degrees and back down.
Mountain Climbers are taken from a pushup stance, taking your knees up towards your chest, one at a time.
Toe Touches are where you lie down, legs straight up, and take your hands up towards your feet, trying to reach your toes if you can.
Cross Body MC's are Mountain Climbers where you take your knee towards your opposite elbow in the mountain climber motions.
Total Body Extensions are a full body squat to full extension at the top. Raise your arms up as you reach the top, drive your arms back as you squat back down. Don't jump on the extension, rather, extend up on the balls of your feet as your fully extend up after the squat.

In the 2nd month, add these two:
T-Twists: From a pushup stance, take one arm up towards the ceiling then back down again, alternating arms for the duration.
Kneeling Superman's: kneel down on all fours, taking your left arm up at the same time as your right leg. Alternate sides for the duration.

In the 3rd month, add these two:
Side Planks Left side: From a pushup stance, do a T-Twist to your left side (left arm up towards the ceiling) and hold it at the top.
Side Planks Right side: don't he right side to finish it out.

This routine goes from a 6 minute circuit to 8, then 10. 3-5 times a week would be plenty for most people to add a routine like this to their plans.

Get a Gymboss timer to whip through a 20/10 work/rest pattern, or even find the Gymboss timer app for your phone or tablet. The app is free and you can set timers for any work/rest pattern you desire.

If 20 seconds seems like too much, try 15 seconds work and 15 seconds rest for a good 1:1 work/rest ratio.

All in all, jot or print this out for a good little Ab and core workout if you are desiring to add one to your routine.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekly RAW: RABC Week 3, Gluten Free Update

Greetings RAW Warriors,

This week's Rats Alley Workouts for Week 3 next week are here:

Week 3: 10-8-6-4

Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4
Bench Press: 10-8-6-4

Lat Pulldowns: 4 x 8
Windmills: 3 x 5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
BW Squats
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4
Bench Press: 10-8-6-4

1 Arm DB Rows: 4 x 8 each side
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 per side

2 Minute Warning: 1 minute each exercise
Jumping Jacks

Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4
Bench Press: 10-8-6-4

Pulldowns: 4 x 8
Swings: 5 x 60s each

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Mountain Climbers

Still going Gluten Free when I can, and its making a great difference in how I feel and look.  Dropped 15# now totally, seemed to hit a happy point and not so worried about a set number.  I have a feeling that once I get outside more and run in nicer weather, the weight will come off a little more, but not much.  I've gone from 202 to 187 now, and I think between 180-185 will be a good weight to be at for my performance.

Some days I just can't get around gluten foods, so its not the end of the world. On the bright side, I am no longer snacking on crackers and cookies that used to contain a lot of it.  Replacing the chips with rice cakes and rice crackers/snacks has been a nice change.

Running-wise, its feeling a lot better for me and I'm anxious to crank out a workout on the track on the first cleared-off track day we have.

I'm looking at doing some core workouts & full body workout circuits of my own as additional workouts to add to the blog on a semi-daily basis.

Still hitting up the Swings now & then, even in the start of track season. Mostly up to just BW workouts at the end of our runs. 

I'm finding the 20/10 format is one of the better templates to use for various workout needs.  Grab a bunch of great 20/10 workouts plus many others on video with the Home Workout Revolution series at .  I have used these workouts to fill in a great need with my busy schedule. 

Not interested in 20/10 workouts?  Want to just grab a great program or tackle on a challenge?  Grab these great deals for your Kindle apps or readers:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekly RAW: RABC Week 2, Ab Workout Rewind

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Here's Week 2 of the RABC Plan to get you going:

Week 2, Day 1:
Deadlifts: 4x5
Bench Press: 4x5

Pulldowns: 3x8
Windmills: 3x5 per side

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Total Body Extensions

Week 2, Day 2:
Deadlifts or Squats: 4x5
Bench Press: 4x5

DB Rows: 3x8 per side
All Star Sit Ups: 3x5 per side

2 Minute Warning: 1 minute each
Mountain Climbers

Week 2, Day 3:
Deadlifts: 4x5
Bench Press: 4x5

Pulldowns: 3x8
Swings: 5 x 1 minute, 30-60s rest between sets

3 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions

Recently I came across my old ab workout book from high school, called 'Gut Busters!'.  Here it was in a nutshell:

12 week program
1 month of 7 exercises, 3x15 each exercise
2nd month was 3x20 each exercise
3rd month was 3x25 each exercise
Of course, you'd gradually increase the reps each week as a way to build up to this.

It was a great program to develop my non-developed abs at the time, but it also ate up a lot of my training time, mostly up to 15 minutes a day is what it would take with minimal rests between sets.

I didn't do all 7 exercises, but did double up on a few of them back then, so I would still get in the total volume.

This ab workout was great for my abs, but terrible for my back at the time. My abs were a lot stronger than my back and this was something I finally became aware of during my college days.  I learned more about exercise balance and strengthening opposing muscle groups and trying to get them as equal as you can.

These days it seems there are a bunch of workouts out there that have you saying NO to crunches and getting 'ripped abs without crunches!'.  Most of them are fluffy bullcrap, but some of them attack the core with full body exercises, as they should. 

One of them is Home Workout Revolution, which you know I'm a big fan of.  The 4 and 6 minute circuits they have for ab/core workouts are solid and well balanced. If you are looking for something that won't eat up your time and be easily applied to your routine and goals, the HWR 4 & 6 minute workouts are right up your alley.

Check them out here, as the HWR series is a solid, top to bottom, workout routine that is the best value of fitness workout videos and programs I've seen.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Grab a Kindle Training Guide from Coach Rick at -