Greetings RAW Warriors,
Starting up something fresh this week for a 4 week plan: the Rats Alley Kettlebell Club Routine.
Day 1:
KB Swings
KB Turkish Get Ups
Day 2:
KB Military Presses
KB All-Star Sit-Ups (1/2 TGU's)
Day 3:
KB Cleans
It is a typical M-W-F routine to handle. Just 2 exercises per day.
On off days, I'd recommend a 20/10 workout from the HWR workouts, or doing a KB Swings workout, such as one from Just Swing It! or a workout from the Just Clean It! guide as a KB Cleans workout.
Week 1, Day 1:
KB Swings: 40s work, 20s rest x 10 sets (10 minutes total)
KB TGU's: 3 sets of 5 per side
Week 1, Day 2:
KB Military Presses: 3 x 5 per side, or do 3 x 5 doubles at once.
KB All-Star Sit Ups: 3 sets of 5 per side
Week 1, Day 3:
KB Cleans: 20s work, 10s rest per side, do 10 minutes of this for 10 sets per side total.
KB TGU's: 3 sets of 5 per side
It's pretty simple and pretty short, roughly 10-20 minutes per workout in all.
Try to use KB's that are appropriate to complete each set but not be too heavy where final sets are too much of a struggle. Keep a rep or two 'in the tank' as they say.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak
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