Thursday, January 15, 2015

No KB's: But a Run and some Coffee


When I got up this morning and noticed just how much warmer it is than just a few days ago, ( it was -17 in the morning on Monday) at a balmy 23 degrees, I had to go for a run.

Yes, when it warms up to 20 degrees, it feels just fine for a run in this part of the country.

I went for my typical 2.5 mile running route I take.  People may say its boring to do the same route over and over, but I like it for a number of reasons:

1. Landmarks give you natural checkpoints to see how fast or slow you're going.
2. Repeatable testing: things like the natural checkpoints on speed allows you to measure your workouts.
3. You can record how well you do in certain conditions if you run the same routes. If you have a severely windy day and get a  certain time, you can judge it against past windy day performances.

I know my 2.5 mile run times are slower in the winter, mainly due to footing on the roads I run on. I don't go as fast as I can with a clean street.  I'm sometimes 1-2 minutes faster on this route in the fall, than I am in the winter right now.

After my run and a shower, it was time for some great OG Black Coffee. Coffee after a run just goes great together. You get the alertness and natural "wake up call" from your run and get to amp it up with a cup of coffee afterwards. OG Black Coffee gives me a great kickoff to the day after a workout.

Swing and Sip!

Coach Rick
Kindle Guides:
OG Coffee:

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