Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year, New Blog Name, New Focus


The former Rats Alley Barbell Club blog that I had here is no longer the name of this place.  Originally named after the little trail behind the city auditorium in Finley, ND, the blog was in a sense, an online home for basic barbell and kettlebell training programs and other fitness related stuff. After I moved from Finley, I really didn't keep up with the blog. I was no longer coaching and ended up helping to start up a new running club.  The focus for me now is on the local running community, but I still get asked a lot about training programs for runners as well as for general fitness.

I started up a new rewards program for fitness testing on a 2-Mile Trial, called the Podium Power System.  You can check out that new program here:

However, I became inspired for a new change and direction for this blog after a couple months ago. A lot of mornings, I'd simply post a Facebook status update as:

"It's another Kettlebells and Coffee morning." and then add a little bit about the workout for that morning. I liked it, people liked it, I figured its a unique combination.

I also came across a new online business that sells organic coffee. Then it hit me: change the blog's name and direction to "Kettlebells and Coffee".  Tell people about kettlebell workouts, and also about coffee.

So, to start things off, here was today's Kettlebell workout that I did:

Kettlebell Snatches:

1 Arm Snatches, 35# bell used
20/10 work/rest format (20s work, 10s rest), 5 reps per 20s period.

10 minutes of 20/10 using the 35# bell
5 minutes of 20/10 using the 40# bell

Just a quick, 15 minute workout to get back into doing kettlebell snatches. Snatches are a very demanding exercise with high technicality, and its why I keep the workouts brief.

I enjoyed the coffee afterwards, too.  Folgers... nothing too fancy, just simple and black.

I haven't got the new organic coffee yet, but I did get it ordered today. Its the Black Coffee package of 30 sachets from Organo Gold. Check it out here:

Enjoy the new focus.

Swing & Sip!
Coach Rick

PS: all the past RABC blog posts are still in the archive here. Not all is lost. :)

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