My computer was on the fritz this weekend, but that didn't stop me from working out and sipping the new coffee that came in on Friday!
Saturday was a day of rest and recovery, while Sunday was a Total Body Workout of the following:
20/10 style for 10 minutes
4 minutes of Swings
4 minutes of Clean & Presses
2 minutes of Ab Wheel Rollouts
Bonus: 100 continuous Swings in 2:30 of time.
All KB exercises done with 40# kettlebell.
Today's workout was purely Swings:
200 consecutive, 5:15 of time. Rested until 7:00
100 Swings, rested til 11 minutes.
200 Swings, done around 16:15 for time.
500 Swings in all.
As for the coffee, my new Organo Gold Black Coffee came in and I tried it out over the weekend.
It comes in some pretty handy sachets to just open and mix in with hot water. Works great if you just make some hot water and leave it in your cup as the water gets poured over it. Stir just a little and your cup of black coffee is set! This box contains 30 sachets.
If you have Keurig cup coffee makers, just make a cup of hot water with your serving size and mix in your OG coffee sachet of choice. OG does make some coffee in K-Cup options, too. As for me, I prefer the sachets for taking your coffee with you anywhere.
If you are interested in OG coffee, get a hold of me for a sample, all I mainly have is Black Coffee samples and just a few samples of Hot Chocolote, Latte, and Mocha.
If you live locally, lets get together for a coffee mixer around your coffee maker for some delicious samples of gourmet organic coffee!
Swing & Sip!
Coach Rick Karboviak
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