Basic Workout:
20s work,
10s rest x 4 times
High Pulls:
20s Left,
10s rest
20s Right,
10s rest
20s Left,
10s rest
20s Right,
10s rest
Rest 2-4
minutes as you feel you need to.
Repeat above
circuit one more time. This simple workout becomes a 10-12 minute workout to do.
The "Just The Workouts" guide has been in the Kindle Store for 1 year now, and has continually sold daily for me. It has floated in & out of the Top 100 guides in the Training category throughout the year. It is a very basic guide for some brief kettlebell routines to do, as well as a classic barbell strength training plan I've dubbed "Indestructible!" because of how often I have seen this plan throughout the years. It all started in HS with a program and a chart handout that literally floated around between the benches and squat rack. I noticed it once again in college not only at one college, but two that I attended. It also came to light at the gyms I trained people at, and the other high schools I coached at. Hence, I think the program is 'indestructible' because it has been at so many places and still stays around. My strength coach mentor in college also mentioned the greatness of this program, when he said, "I don't know who made it, but damn, if it doesn't work great, time & time again!"
JTW can be obtained here at and its counterparts, "Just The Chart" and of course the "Rats Alley Barbell Club Manual" that work greatly with it, are here: Just The Chart is a 'tap & go' resource guide, there is no training program in it, it is simply a percentages guide to use when figuring out your weights based off your maximum's with the Indestructible! program outline and the RABC Manual outline.
Lift. Dominate. Repaat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
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