Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Daily RAW: FitRanx, LCC, 3W Tonight

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workouts are from FitRanX HQ and a workout from the LCC (Long Cycle Challenge).

FitRanX HQ's workout today is the famous Wednesday Warrior Workout!  We are starting our own WWW's in Finley, tonight, at 7pm.  Contact me if you plan to come!

Here is the workout from HQ:

ALL Levels

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Alternating Lunges / Jumping Lunges x8
2. Clapping Push-Ups / on Knees x8
3. Lying Knee Tucks x8
4. Sumo Squat x8
5. Line Jumps x8
6. Bowing Crunches x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:

I came up with a name for the Clean & Jerk kettlebell challenge I am doing this month, simply named the "Long Cycle Challenge". The Long Cycle name comes from the American/World Kettlebell Club's name for it, which I came across a number of years ago.  I'm sure its been called this for years before, but Long Cycle just seemed like the right name for it, since it feels like one, continuous cycle of activity with the clean and jerk for each rep.

Today's LCC workout was 150 reps with the 35#, and I tried to do them all in a row, switching every 5 reps.  I was able to get all 150 in within about 10 minutes of time.  I was expecting to get tired but I really fell into a good workout groove during it, as things went pretty well.

If you are in/around Finley, I hope to see you tonight at Finley Wellness Center at 7pm for Wednesday Warrior Workouts!

Once again, contact me if you plan to come, I want to plan things out well for the group that comes to train. Thanks!

email is .


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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