Friday, December 29, 2017

Train the PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday

Welcome to Fitness Friday!
No, it is not "Fitness All In My Mouth" day, either.
Just because its the weekend it doesn't mean it is time to ruin your gains.

On International Bicep Curls Day in the gym this week, we'll add in another IYBPB50# workout to the slate and you can do your curls after that if you'd like.

You have my permission.

IYBPB50#, Week 3, Day 3

Bench Press: 2 x 3 @ 90%, 2 x 2 @ 100%, 1 x 110% for one Negative rep (use spotter!)
Bar Dips: 3 x 8
Lat Pulldowns 3 x 8
1 Arm DB Rows 3 x 8 per side
DB Curls 3 x 8 (See, I told you that you could do them!)

If you've been doing these workouts, you'll have 4 more weeks to go and be already boosted up for making some solid gains in January.

Maybe at the end of January, you can be strutting around the gym in this shirt and be able to tell folks, #WHYBY?
Grab this shirt and check out many other cool ones at the PJ Wimpleton Fitness Shop!
Today's fitness tip:  drink your water, fella. Nothing keeps a body from gaining strength than dehydration.  Make sure you're getting enough in you to keep your body running smoothly.
3/4's to a full gallon ought to be well enough for most people.  Don't overdo this either.  It may be easier just to fill up a 20-32 oz bottle and start drinking a few of those per day.  You'll get liquids at meals and other times throughout the day too.
Stay strong and see you on New Year's for a great start to 2018!
Find a good challenge to do in 2018 at , like the "Just Swing It!" kettlebell swing challenge!
"Train the PJ Way"
P.J. Wimpleton
Rick Karboviak

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