Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Daily RAW: FR, DDC, 3W Next Week

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today's Rats Alley Workouts are from FitRanX and another DDC addition.

FitRanX BW Workout of the Day:

Level 0-3

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times,then switch to the next exercise.

1. Sun Gods x 8
2. Supermans x 8
3. Bear Crawl x 8
4. Calf Jumps x 8
5. Plank x 8
6. Total Body Extension x 8

Level 3-5

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times,then switch to the next exercise.

1. Single Leg Bridge x 4 on each side
2. Kneeling Heel Touches x 8
3. Mountain Climbers x 8
4. Pistol Squat x 8
5. Lying Hip Raises x 8
6. Single Leg Burpee x 4 on each side

 Check Out The Video Library Here:


Today's Dog Days Challenge workout was another round of 300 cleans once again. Used the 35# kettlebell and did 10 reps every 20/10 period of work/rest, taking 15 minutes as usual. 

Yesterday's track workout just about zapped me, plus the heat & humidity & lack of a breeze basically kept me inside for my workouts today.  No rides or runs.


Wednesday Warrior Workouts will begin next week, on Wednesday September 4th at 6pm and another slot at 6:30pm. Please message me if you are interested in this, and what time you'd like to workout.

Email me at asaptrainer1@gmail.com with the time you'd like to go.

The only possible hiccup to this is that I am driving now & then for the sports teams and their transportation to practices, and I'm not sure what next Wednesday's needs are yet.  I will schedule it for 6pm to start but if I need to change, you will know in time.


Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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