Greetings RAW Warriors,
Today's Daily Rats Alley Workout has a FitRanX session, DDC workout, and word of another race in Finley coming up!
This is a repeat one from a few days ago for All Levels, since I didn't see one out of HQ today online.
ALL Levels...
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Jumping Lunges or Alternating x8
2. Plank - Reach & Touch x8
3. Side Step Duck Under x8
4. Wall Sit x8
5. Kneeling Heel Touches x8
6. Seal Jacks x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
DDC Workout:
400 Cleans total, done with my 35# kettlebell.
200 done in 10 per set in the 20/10 fashion for 10 minutes time.
Another 200 were done in a straight set, alternating every 10 reps of course.
The 35# was feeling lighter today, moreso than usual. So far, I have done 2700 total for the month of August. I was aiming for 5K in the month of August, but now I'm leaning towards 6,000 as I near the midway point of the month on Thursday.
Last year, I put on the 1st Finley Tag Team Relay Race, a fun little race to do with tag-team partners that each run 1 mile each. It was a very fun race for the participants, since a mile is shorter and you can go a little faster... plus you can recover a bit and run in a 2nd race with a Co-Ed partner and vie for the Co-Ed title too.
This year, I'm putting on another one on September 12th. The details of it were hammered out today. We changed up the course a bit and made it a little more challenging with some hills in town and less traffic concerns too. has some basics on the race, if you live in the Finley area.
It should be a lot of fun once again to run and see people compete in! There aren't a lot of races that are shorter than 5K's, and this is one that's unique and awesome!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
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