Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Daily RAW: 8/6/13 - FitRanX, DDC 300

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today starts with the FitRanX BW WOD, then with my DDC workout I tried to do, and with success!


 Level 0-3

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times,then switch to the next exercise.

1. Bridge x 8
2. Side Plank x 8
3. Bear Crawl x 8
4. Stationary Lunge x 8
5. Lying Knee Tucks x 8
6. Total Body Extension x 8

Level 3-5

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times,then switch to the next exercise.

1. Switch Lunge x 8
2. Plank Walk Up x 8
3. Wounded Bear Crawl x 8
4. Rolling T's w/ Push-Ups x 8
5. Lying Knee Tucks x 8
6. Skater Hops x 8

 Check Out The Video Library Here:

Today's routine in the DDC (Dog Days Challenge) was trying to get 200 reps in straight with the KB Clean, doing 10 per arm and switching arms every 10. 

I was able to get 100 in within 4 minutes, so I kept on for 200 reps in 8, and decided to keep on going further for 300 reps.  I finished it all within 12 minutes. 

After doing so many cleans in a row like that, switching arms helps you keep up a good rhythm throughout the workout.  I wouldn't recommend doing this every clean workout, but its worth a try to see what you endurance feels like.  I did this with a 35# kettlebell, not sure I could handle it with heavier ones for sure.  For now, 35# feels like the right amount of weight. Its not light but not too heavy for me with this amount of reps to complete.

After doing 300 in a row for this workout, I feel 400-500 is reachable in the 20/10 format.

So far, its a good start as I'm aiming for 5,000 reps for now and mixing in some running with these workouts.  I may have 1-2 more 5K's coming up so I want to keep in shape for that as well with my running.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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