Monday, August 5, 2013

Daily RAW: 8/5 - FitRanX, Track Attackin'

Greetings RAW Warriors,

First off is today's FitRanX BW Workout of the Day from FitRanX HQ:

Body Weight WOD

Level 0-3

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times,then switch to the next exercise.

1. Bridge x 8
2. Side Plank x 8
3. Bear Crawl x 8
4. Stationary Lunge x 8
5. Lying Knee Tucks x 8
6. Total Body Extension x 8

Level 3-5

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times,then switch to the next exercise.

1. Switch Lunge x 8
2. Plank Walk Up x 8
3. Wounded Bear Crawl x 8
4. Rolling T's w/ Push-Ups x 8
5. Lying Knee Tucks x 8
6. Skater Hops x 8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
No KB Cleans today for me, just had enough time today for a track workout. Tomorrow I will be hitting the cleans pretty heavy for the Dog Days Challenge.  Plus, my body just needed a hard run today.

I cranked out a good, hard one of 200's today. 

I aimed for 40-45 seconds each 200, and went every 75 seconds. Going at this clip, I was resting about 30-35 seconds between 200's.  In 5 minutes time, I got 800 meters in, giving me 2 miles worth of 200's in the 20 minute time period.

This was much shorter in rest periods than my typical "Run a 200 every 90 seconds" pattern I've done in the past.  It was more challenging but what surprised me is how I could go within my range with shorter rest periods this time.  I expected to start in the 40's and get closer to 45's in the end, but I basically hit 40's consistently for the first 1 mile worth, then some 40-42's, and finished off the last lap with 2 back to back 40's.

It was a nice afternoon to run in, temperature wise too, the 70's and a breeze.

If you want some workouts similar to this, try "Track Attacks!" at

Not sure about you, but I'm ready to enjoy a SodaStream Cream Soda tonight.  My "Super Sodas" guide just got a 5-star review lately, you can check it out at

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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