Thursday, December 22, 2016

HWP Throwback Thursday: Improve Your Golf Game, From 1962

Today's Throwback Thursday post covers an August 1962 Strength & Health article on how to improve your golf game with a pretty serious workout strategy.

First of all, as a kettlebell guy, I LOVE this cover!  She's resting on top of the kettlebell he's already lifting, Just an impressive feat of strength overall in this picture.

Anyway, let's get to the workout!

If you had a set of adjustable dumbbells and a bench, you had just enough to get this workout in.

Sounds like my kind of workout: minimal equipment and bodyweight work.

Check out this list of exercises:
Dumbbell Swing
DB Squats
DB Bench Flyes (called Laterals here)
Sit Ups
DB Clean & Press
Side Bends
DB Rows
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Leg Raises
Upright DB Rows
Twisting Curls
Wrist Roller

Here is a photo of most of these exercises.

It was suggested to do this routine 3x/week, 1 set per exercise, for a month.
After that first month, add another set.  Sets could be done in the 10-15 rep range.

I shared this with a fitness professional who is very well-known, he was impressed that something like this was even published back at this time.

It stood out to me because I have read articles on how dumbbell exercises and kettlebell exercises can be pretty beneficial for today's golfer. Looks like they were onto something in 1962.

Shortly after I began to train with kettlebells, I noticed a great improvement in my swing and control of it, which I greatly attributed to kettlebell use. I don't golf as often any more, its been years since my last 18 holes. 

There are no kettlebells here, but some of the lifts could be used with them, such as the Swing of course and perhaps the side bends could be replaced with KB windmills for a more complete core choice of an exercise.

When you look back at these magazines, the presence of gyms was just starting to pop up, but a lot of routines were done at home with bare basics.  My stack of magazines are littered with ads for lots of home gym weight sets and other apparatuses made for home gym setups. Quite a few were made by the Weider Publishing company and the Strength & Health magazines had a lot of York Barbell products advertised in it.

We are almost seeing a renaissance of the home gym once again, this time in the form of 'garage gyms' or some basement gyms that are well setup with squat racks, benches, dumbbell sets, etc.  There definitely is a movement to create the ideal home gym right at home for the serious lifter.  Even a new company called PRx Performance is specializing in foldaway racks and benches that are ideal for setup in a garage setting or basement setting, targeting the CrossFit enthusiasts out there.

Just goes to show you, the more things change, the more they stay the same sometimes!
Today's workout was a mix of 2, 4 minute circuits from the HWR series.
Later today I'm hitting the gym at the college with my friend, so this morning was a good time to do some brief workout circuits of 4 minutes each.
First workout was:
20s Punisher Squats, with 10s hold after x 3 rounds.
20s Spider-Man Pushups with 10s Mountain Climbers x 2 rounds
20s Punisher Squats, with 10s hold after x 3 rounds to finish.

Then the other one was the 4 Minute Total Body Miracle:
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute straight of Push-Ups
1 minute of Prisoner Squats, done 20s work, 10s hold x 2
1 minute of Mountain Climbers

For more brief workouts to choose from, think of HWR and how it can be used in 2017 for you!
Go to to discover the benefits of HWR today.

Success Starts Here!

Coach Rick Karboviak
Home Workouts Plus!

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