Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Clean-ing With Kettlebells and Cleaning Up a Pop Habit with Spark

Last night at the college, I helped out with a fun Finals Week "Breakfast at Night" event that some staff volunteer and help out with.  I helped my first time last night, and ended up doing a workout last night in place of my morning one today.

I wasn't sure if I'd be up for a quality workout this morning with a short night of sleep, so I opted for a kettlebell cleans workout.

The workout started with the 40# one, doing sets of 10 from side to side, up to 100. I rested about 1:30 and tackled the 53# KB for sets of 5, alternating side to side again, up to 50. The final 10 of those 50 attacked my core pretty good, realizing I need to do more than just swings and get in some clean workouts for a good upper body/core targeting.

I finished it off with a set of 30, then a set of 20 with the 53# KB again. All in all, it was 100 reps with the 40, 100 reps with the 53. 

I liked how the 53 felt and how shorter sets over a longer time frame, such as sets of 20 with two sets of 5 per side (5 L, 5R, 5L, 5R) might be more ideal in the next workout.

Feels good to take a morning off for a change and I may try another brief workout tonight.

Last night, I also talked for a bit about the AdvoCare product Spark on my Facebook page.

I brought up the fact that an average pop in today's stores goes between $1.50 and $2 a bottle. If you averaged a pop a day, that's $45 to $60 a month spent on pop.

Most of us take it for the sugar rush or caffeine rush we get from it.

What is great about Spark is that it comes in handy stick packets which you can shake up in a bottle of water very easily. There is some caffeine in Spark, about half of a cup of coffee. Its also low in sugar with only 4g and 15 calories in all, plus 20 minerals and vitamins.

It is a healthier alternative than what we seek when we drink a pop, and guess what? It is also less expensive!

Check out what I wrote on my page for ASAP Workouts last night, right here.

Spark is a great option instead of buying a carbonated energy drink, which can leave you bloated from the carbonation and jittery too.

Consider Spark if you plan to quit or reduce your drinking of pop for your New Year's Resolutions.

Success Starts Here!

Coach Rick Karboviak
Home Workouts Plus!

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