Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The #JFKChallenge Begins


After reviewing the JFK US Physical Fitness Program book that I got last week, I tested out the Levels of 1, 2 and 3 for the 7 exercise circuit.

The 7 exercises are:

Toe Touches
Sprinters (Mountain Climbers)
Sit Stretches
Side Leg Raises
Flutter Kicks

These are pretty set for the first 3 levels. Levels 4 and 5 get changed up a little on the leg raises and flutter kicks.

The first 2 levels, back to back, take about 10-12 minutes to do, based on my trials of them on Friday and Sunday.  Sunday's workout actually was Levels 1, 2 and 3, all in succession, and taking 20 minutes alone to do.

Not a bad workout in itself as a progressing level routine.

On Monday, I decided to do Levels 1 & 2 as one circuit each morning for 5-6 times this week. Its a brief 10-12 minute workout by itself, very similar to my KB routines for the mornings.

Level 1 is:
10 Toe Touches
12 Sprinters (each side)
12 Sit Stretches
5 Pushups
5 Situps
12 Leg Raises each
30 Flutter Kicks

Level 2 goes to:
20 Toe Touches
16 Sprinters
18 Sit Stretches
10 Pushups
20 Situps
16 Leg Raises each
40 Flutter Kicks

Wondering what a Sit Stretch is? Sit down with your legs straight out, slowly stretch out to your toes, then come back to a sitting position.  I have changed it slightly mostly do an alternating version of a 'sitting toe touch'.  This goes a bit faster and creates a little more twisting to the circuit.

I will also do Toe Touches as the old school "Windmills" of an alternating toe touch from side to side (left hand to right foot, right hand to left foot).  I like doing some cross-body activity with this circuit.

It is nice out now, and I plan to be out for runs or bike rides in the evenings.  These brief bodyweight circuits should be just what I need to get my mornings going, but still feel like I can handle an outdoor workout after work.

Yesterday's Run was for 4 miles in some very pleasant, windless, high 50's.  T-shirt and shorts weather up here. I got it completed in about 31 minutes, so I was happy with how that felt.

Today should be a ride on my new Fat Bike.  

Meet "My Big Fat Pony".

This should be a fun spring and summer ahead!

For the coffee choice, its Columbian Perks out of the K-cup maker and later at work, I'll have some OG Gourmet Black.  

Swing & Sip!
Coach Rick

OG Coffee: http://tinyurl.com/kbcoffee
Kindle Guides: http://tinyurl.com/rkofp

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