Monday, July 1, 2013

Daily RAW: 7/2/13, FitRanX, JSI 5,000 Swing July Challenge

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today is a FitRanX Bodyweight Workout of the Day kind of day.

Plus, we start up a 5,000 Swing challenge to get in July, just 3 workouts a week.

 ALL Levels

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Jumping Lunges/Regular Lunges x8
2. Plank - Reach & Touch x8
3. Side Step Duck Under x8
4. Wall Sit x8
5. Kneeling Heel Touches x8
6. Seal Jacks x8

Check Out The Video Library Here:

Thanks to those who downloaded their free copy of Track Attacks! this past weekend, it was #1 in the freebies for the Track & Field category on Amazon.

Thanks once again for making June the best month ever for my Kindle guide sales: I almost doubled my previous maximum sold and borrowed within a month!  The sales of "Just Swing It!" actually matched that previous maximum number alone. 

Here's a Swing workout to do, in order to help reach your goal of 5000 swings in July:

Daily Goal: 400 Swings

20 reps per minute x 20 minutes = 400 Swings.

20 reps will take about 30-35 seconds to do, rest the remaining time and perform the next set at the top of each minute. 

If you want to try it differently, try doing 10 swings with each arm, switching arms every 30 seconds. You'll swing for 15-18 seconds, rest until 30 seconds arrives, then do your next set with the other arm. 

This is a good way to build into the endurance you need to cover a large amount of swings over time when you start resting less and doing more continuously (such as 100 at a time, switching arms every 10 reps).

By going at the top of each minute, you stay on a good pace and rest almost in a 1 to 1 work to rest ratio.

Get "Just Swing It!" here:, along with any other guide that catches your interest, only 99 cents per guide.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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