Welcome to your new week...its a start for a few things here:
1. A new month of the RABC Plan starts up again, you can now use your new maxes and start off with Week 1's 3x5 routine. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about, then you need to get the RABC Manual on your Kindle readers/apps for only 99 cents at http://tinyurl.com/rkofp, where you will also find supplemental guides of "Just The Workouts" and "Just the Chart". Its the best $2.97 you'll use for quick-reading, resourceful Kindle guides for the RABC Way. :)
2. I am adding in the FitRanX Daily Workouts from their Facebook page this week. For starting out, I am only putting the Levels 0-2 workouts up on this blog. I'm going to work hard at getting those workouts up on this blog as soon as I see them on the official FitRanX Facebook page.
3. Just this morning in the "RABC" section of the FWC, I tested myself out for the 16-35 age bracket testing for the FitRanX Level 1 Test. Here is a bit on how it went: I accomplished all of the tasks involved, doing Bench Dips, Overhead Towel Squats, Push-Ups, an ab/back Bridge for time, 45 degree Rows with suspension straps, a Plank held for time, Kettlebell Swings for time, plus a bodyweight conditioning circuit of mountain climbers, jump rope, and an exercise called Seal Jacks (like a crossover jumping jack) for set amounts of time each. (I won't give numbers, as I don't want to let out the secrets of the test. You will find these out if you inquire and desire to test out on the system with me! Thats just the way it works, I can't give everything away to people. Plus, when you test, you earn your FitRanX bands with me testing you. If you did it on your own, its kind of hard to get your band. )
The whole test took me about 25 minutes to do, so its not going to take a whole lot of your time to complete. There are 1 minute rest periods between each objective of the test. Its a good start to the week, knowing that I'm already entering the Levels of the program with my first test.
I'm going to start up face to face, consecutive training sessions in June. Until then, if you want personalized instruction and training with my "MXT" plan, Multimedia Cross-Training - email, phone, text, Skype, and other methods - please contact me via my email at asaptrainer1@gmail.com with your intent to test out with me on the Level 1. The testing is Free, and even if you don't pass, you will get put on a plan to help get you there. With the MXT programming, you will get workouts via email and/or text if you wish to help you with your training plans & goals. A customized plan will be setup for you each month. Testing out on the Levels will be free for you, you just have to line up a time with me to test you out. So, contact me today if you want to get started on my MXT option of training with the FitRanX system!
Now, onto the Workouts: Today is just for the RABC Plan.
Daily RAW for 4/8/13:
Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5
Windmills: 3 sets of 5 per side
2 Minute Warning: 30 seconds each
Bodyweight Squats
Total Body Extensions
***Repeat the 2MW twice if you'd like, use the 20/10 work/rest format per 30 seconds if you want to try the whole routine twice.
Look for the FitRanX daily workout on Monday's blog!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
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