Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Daily RAW for 4/18/13 + Thoughts

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Its an interval day, which means the FitRanX BW Workouts fit in perfectly for it.  Here is today's FitRanX routine that you can fit in tomorrow.


30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Skater Hops x8
2. Alternating Rolling T's x8
3. Single Leg Burpee x4 on each side
4. Jump Squat x8
5. Body Saw x8
6. Gator Crawls x8

Other Thoughts:  I'm in the process of a day-by-day method of planning things out for certain events this summer.  I'm putting on the following:

1. A JH/HS athlete Combine event in May on the 30th, for 40 Yard Dash, Vertical Jump, Broad Jump, and 20 Yard Shuttle tests.  Patiently awaiting my electronic beam timing system for the 40 yard testing.

2. Finley 5K Race: Getting some things in place for this, mainly a timing system that's here, perhaps a starting gun, and also t-shirts to start preparing for. As of today, I'm 50 days away from this event.

3. FitRanX workouts for fitness needs as well as for athletes.  I plan to start up Finley FitRanX in June, and offer it as part of an athlete package called SPARTA -  Speed, Power, Agility & Resistance Training Academy. 

Its quite a few things, as I also get prepped up for our track season to soon start outdoors in a few weeks.  I know in the big picture, it seems like a lot, but every night I try to work a little on this, a little on that, and trying to take things in smaller bites. 

I feel too much of my life I've been trying to chow down the entire thing at once and don't take the time to slow it down and do it in smaller, more doable goals.

When it comes to training, its one workout at a time. Its the only way to really get it done, is one at a time.  Plan it out, don't fret over 3 weeks from now, just get done today what needs to get done.  It goes a lot easier overall.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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