Thursday, May 23, 2013

Daily RAW: 5/24/13, FitRanX, MRT, JSI, etc

Greetings RAW Warriors,

Today I head out for the State Track Meet in ND.  Honestly, I think the best athletes in the state are at this meet, because many are standout athletes in other sports.  They individually shine in their events, and contribute to the team as a whole when they run on relay teams. Its a great way to end the school year and track season to watch all the teams and standouts perform at their best.

Here's a few things to help you perform at your best: Some FitRanX routines, some MRT stuff, more things on Swings, and I think that will wrap it up...

FitRanX BW Workout of the Day:

Level 0-3

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Body Weight Tricep Extensions x8
2. Bowing Crunch x8
3. Split Shuffle x8
4. Reaching Lunges x8
5. Plank x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8

Level 4-6

30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.

1. Decline Push-Up x8
2. V-Abs x8
3. Frog Leap x8
4. Jump Squat w/ Knee Tuck x8
5. Plank to Tricep Extension x8
6. Burpee x8

 Check Out The Video Library Here:
These FitRanX Routines are meant to help you do the FitRanX program on your own, and help you get ready to test out at a FitRanX gym near you.  I will be starting up Finley FitRanx in June on the 10th, so if you have been getting after these routines, you might be ready to test out soon!

Craig Ballantyne is still having his sale good through today on his MRT workout package.  3 solid workouts for $7, and he may even have more stuff to offer you at super discounts... you will have to check it out at   I have used the MRT routines he's created, such as the 24/7 Fat Loss videos, and the Home Workout Revolution series ( ).  I've even used the style of the 20/10 method into my track kids with their bodyweight workouts at practice this past season, it was something they asked for, time & time again because it was short, sweet, and to the point.  Check out either or both of those programs if you are looking at something for a new phase of training to try. 
"Just Swing It!" had a 5-star review recently, I'm glad to see that its making a solid impact for the reviewer who posted it.  It is still outselling my main top seller, its been quite the race to watch between "JSI" and "JTW".  I still turn to Swings as a solid workout to do, now that Track is finished for a lot of our athletes.  We just had a string of rainy days, and a Swing workout was just what I needed due to the nasty weather outside. Check out JSI at plus any other guide that may help you.
Its time now for me to focus on my own speed training for 5K's, now that I don't run with the kids.  I usually use the speed workouts of the 800/1600 runners to boost my 5K speed during the track season, and then transition more into 5K mode once track ends.  In previous years I would participate in the ND Prairie Rose State Games in the 400, 800, and 1600, plus the 200 some years. I would keep up with my track workouts for those distances.  Now that the PRSG is over (due to low participation numbers for all events, although T&F was a solid turnout), I go into 5K mode and train more at those race pace levels.  My latest track routine was a 200 every 1:30, x 16 times.  I got 200's in 40 seconds, rested for 50 each set. I was able to keep up my speed with this roughly 1:1 work/rest ratio.  Even though its the same total mileage, I felt this workout went easier than my 400/every 3 minutes routine, getting my 400's in around 85 seconds and resting 1:35. If you are looking for track routines, my Kindle guides are full of them, with 'Back on Track', a full season's worth of day-by-day workouts we did.  Visit for that as well.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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