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Friday, May 31, 2013
Daily RAW: 6/1, FitRanX WO & Updates
Today's workout is the FitRanX daily bodyweight routine, plus an update on some things.
FitRanX Daily Workout:
Level 0-3
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Bridge x8
2. Side Plank x8
3. Bear Crawl x8
4. Stationary Lunge x8
5. Lying Knee Tucks x8
6. Total Body Extension x8
Level 4-6
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Switch Lunge x8
2. Plank Walk Up x8
3. Wounded Bear Crawl x8
4. Rolling T's w/ Push-Ups x8
5. Lying Knee Tucks x8
6. Skater Hops x8 (Hold something heavy in both hands)
Check Out The Video Library Here:
Some updates: I'm still looking at starting Finley FitRanX sessions on June 10th, its coming up quick.
My work days are going to about 3pm each day, so I'm looking at evening times for workouts. Late afternoons may also work, but evenings may be best, such as 5pm, 5:30, and 6pm times to potentially start.
I will also have a SPARTA FitRanX option for athletes, where you can do the FitRanX routines plus some speed/agility workouts for your specific needs. You could schedule for an hour & get both in, FitRanx sessions only, or even Speed/Agility sessions only.
Costs are 12, 30-minute sessions of FitRanx for $99, or 24 for $180.
12, 1-hour sessions of SPARTA FitRanx sessions are $180.
12, 30 minute sessions of FitRanX only, or Speed/Agility only is $99.
Train in a small group if you'd like, it should be fine for 4-5 people in a group to train together. I will try to get people together in a session when I can, because the workout environment is more invigorating and exciting that way.
Contact me if you have questions, or want to sign up and get serious about your training this summer.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/31 & TA Update
Today's Daily RAW is another FitRanx routine for you, plus another update on Track Attacks.
FitRanX BW Workout of the Day:
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Jumping Lunges x8
2. Plank - Reach & Touch x8
3. Side Step Duck Under x8
4. Spiderman Push-Ups x8
5. Kneeling Heel Touches x8
6. Seal Jacks x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
Bonus Routine:
Here's a sneak peek from my "Track Attacks" guide that is soon to come out for Kindles.
100M Enders:
4, 100M efforts @ a 400m speed or faster
Work/Rest Ratio between sets is 1:2.
If you get your 100M effort in under 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds, then do your next one. A simple way to do this is to run 100M at 20 seconds or less, at the top of each minute.
In Track Attacks, I go through specifically for how fast you should be going and how far you should ideally run with these 'extra efforts' called 'Enders'.
I've used these Enders in the past with athletes plus myself, as a great way to finish off the workout on a fast note.
Let's face it: even when you're tired, you still want to see how much speed you have left in you.
Enders are a perfect solution for seeing where your strengths & weaknesses are at in race-pace speeds.
Keep an eye out soon for "Track Attacks!"
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/30, FR, & TA
Today's Daily RAW is another round of the 10/8/6/4 reps & sets package.
Deadlifts: 10/8/6/4
Bench Press: 10/8/6/4
All-Star Sit-Ups: 4 x 5 per side
Swings: 5 rounds of 60 seconds each
Band Rows or Bent Over Rows: 4 x 8
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 pattern x 2 each minute
Mountain Climbers
Total Body Extensions
Today's FitRanX Routine is brought to you by the letter X. :)
Level 0-3
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Body Weight Row x8
2. Crunch w/Feet Elevated x8
3. Split Shuffle x8
4. Prisoner Squat x8
5. Leg Lifts x8
6. Squat Thrust x8
Level 4-6
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Spiderman Push-Up x8
2. Inchworm x8
3. Split Shuffle x8
4. Prisoner Squat x8
5. Frozen V-sit x8
6. Squat Thrust x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
Track Attacks:
Last night after my track workout and subsequent blog post after it, I got started on my new Track Attacks guide for Kindle. The idea was there and it just started flowing, so I had to get cracking on it and get it down as a draft at this point. Its currently under some proofreading with a fellow trainer I correspond with the past few years. It is a fairly quick read, but filled with a fair amount of ways you can finish a running workout on a solid, fast, efficient note....just like the track stars and XC runners do.
Things to expect:
1. You'll get different distances to cover at different speeds set for each, even dependent upon how much running you did previously.
2. Just how to figure out what speeds/times you should be going at for each "ender".
3. How much total volume you should do, based upon your workout volume BEFORE the "enders".
4. What 'secret' I've used at the end of practices that I borrowed from both a coach, and a past business I used to work for, and why I think it works so well for running form improvements.
5. How much rest you should be getting between your "enders", and how to factor in how much time a total "ender" will take, as you plan out your workouts.
6. New tips to do in small running groups on adding these "enders" to your sessions...all you need is a stick or baton. And maybe a small pair of dumbbells.
Keep posted for when I release this new guide. If you are into running and finishing your runs on a solid note, even without a track available, "Track Attacks" will be a great resource for you!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/29's Workout, Just Swing It, & Track Attacks
Today's workout is just the bodyweight workout of the day from FitRanx, then I have a little bit on my Just Swing It guide and also, Track Attacks.
FitRanX Workout of the Day:
Level 0-3
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Body Weight Squat x8
2. Penguin Crunch x8
3. X-Body Mountain Climber x8
4. Reverse Lunges x4 on each side
5. Bicycle Crunches x8
6. Skater Hops x8
Level 4-6
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Alternating Reverse Lunges x8
2. Plank w/Alternating Foot Lift x8
3. Frog Leap and Squat Thrust x8
4. Close Grip Push-Up x8
5. Bicycle Crunches x8
6. Side to Side Jump x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
"Just Swing It!" continues to help more people out by the day. Just this weekend, I discussed it with a friend of mine, after she read my other guides and wanted to get into using kettlebells. In general, most females and young athletes in the JH age range could start with basic kettlebell swings using a 15# to 20# kettlebell. The more experience you have with working out, I would lean towards a 20# or 25# one. When KB's first came out, you basically had to order them online, and get a funny look from the UPS guy when he dropped it off, asking you, "So, what's so heavy in that little box?" Now, you can get them and find them anywhere from Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears, and most large sporting goods stores carry them. Scheels, a popular one up here in the Midwest, carries a lot of them.
For guys, 25# to 35# is good to start with as well, based on your fitness experience. If you at least buy a lighter one, you can purchase a heavier one later, and still have an extra KB around if you get into doing more exercises with them. For SWING purposes only, I am recommending these weights. HS athletes can also handle 25# KB's to 35# KB's pretty well.
Kettlebolics, one of the guides in my "Just The Workouts" Kindle guide, goes into the basics of the KB swing and also more power exercises, like the High Pull, Clean, Clean & Press, and Snatch exercises. Just Swing It! is a guide that just focuses on SWINGS only. A lot of Swings. Thousands of Swings. 10,000 in a month, or even 24,000 in two months such as I detailed in the program. I'm not saying you have to do the workouts to the letter, but its a guide on how to divvy up the big number of 10,000 into smaller bites over 30 days. The old saying of "How do you eat an elephant? In small bites." comes true with this challenge. If you are already into high level KB exercises, JTW is up your alley. If starting out with Swings is your thing as a way to get started, JSI is your choice.
Grab both guides for under $2, just 99 cents each, at
Track Attacks: I'm a big fan of track workouts, having done plenty of them with my teams and also for myself. They are the most efficient way to train for speed, high intensity, and for fat-burning as well.
The concept of "finishers", such as the ones detailed in my "No More Crushers!" guide and RABC Manual, also has a place in Track workouts. I'm thinking of creating a guide of these track workout-enders. I already have some track workout guides as a part of my OFP series and Blue Ribbons series. I think another one is due to tackle the question..."How do I end my track workout on a solid note?" As a track & XC coach, I have done plenty of practice ending efforts with sprints and other methods to use, to put the finishing touch on the athletes I coached. Be ready for a guide coming soon that details these methods.
Today's little "Track Attack" for me? A simple 400m effort. My overall workout was 200m at race pace or faster, every 90 seconds, x 8 times (12 minutes), then 300m in 1 minute, rest 1 minute, x 4 (8 minutes) and finally, the finisher, 400m in 1:20, 20s average every 100m. It always feels great to end on an '80'.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Monday, May 27, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/28, Special BW article, & more
Here's a FitRanX routine for tomorrow:
Level 0-3
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Body Weight Tricep Extensions x8
2. Bowing Crunch x8
3. Split Shuffle x8
4. Reaching Lunges x8
5. Plank x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8
Level 4-6
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Decline Push-Up x8
2. V-Abs x8
3. Frog Leap x8
4. Jump Squat w/ Knee Tuck x8
5. Plank to Tricep Extension x8
6. Burpee x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
If Bodyweight Workouts are something you wish to learn more about, and get some more fantastic workouts in the process, Craig Ballantyne is having another special. Here's an article by him to explain it:
The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout
By Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
One of the most common questions I get asked is something
like "If you could only do 5 exercises....?" or "if you could
only use one piece of equipment....?"
I have to admit, I think these questions are silly, because
when would I ever have those limits placed upon me?
Well, I guess there is one answer...a hotel room. Recently,
stuck in a hotel with a terrible gym, all I could do was
bodyweight circuits in my room.
Fortunately, because of my insane knowledge of bodyweight
training, I was able to create an incredible workout.
To learn more, check out these bodyweight circuits
So let me tell you a secret previously known by only a few of
the world's best personal trainers...
Your body is actually the BEST piece of home gym "workout
equipment" in the world for helping you GAIN muscle and BURN fat
without spending tons of money
Countless soldiers, secret service men, professional bodyguards,
gymnasts, martial artists, dancers, and athletes have long relied
on bodyweight training secrets to build a lean, long, sexy look.
And here's something NO fitness magazine will ever admit. You
know those cover models they put on their magazines? The ones
with the six pack abs and flat stomachs and no belly fat?
I've met dozens of those fitness models, and only a small
percentage even workout with weights
Most of them are simply athletic and just like to "bang out"
a few quick bodyweight workouts per week.
Hardly any mainstream fitness model spends hours in the gym,
even though that's what the magazines tell you month after month.
It's a complex conspiracy to keep you coming back for long
commercial gym workouts, even though their superstar cover
models don't even use those programs.
Men and women with the long, lean bodies you want don't use
workout machines or even spend much time in commercial gyms
at all...
...they are warriors, athletes, beach-body surfers, climbers,
and all types of other people who prefer bodyweight exercise
and fun activities over boring machine workouts.
The cover models are the people you see cranking out workouts
at the playground or in the park with little more than their
own bodyweight for resistance.
Bodyweight exercise is for people who want a life, not a life
sentence of 2-hour long commercial gym workouts
Cover models - like professional surfer Laird Hamilton, for
example - would much rather be out on the beach enjoying their
life than "strutting their stuff" in the cardio area of an
empty gym on a Saturday morning.
And so would I.
That's why you could crank out a bodyweight workout three
times per week rather than spending another 60 to 90 minutes
in the gym lifting weights.
With bodyweight workouts, you'll save time (they are shorter
and don't require you to drive to the gym and back), so you can
enjoy more time outside - heck, you can even do most of these
workouts in the park.
You'll be shocked when you compare the Turbulence Training
Bodyweight Cardio workouts against traditional cardio machines
because your results will show...
Bodyweight Cardio workouts are more effective for total body
conditioning and fat burning
Studies even show that traditional long, slow cardio workouts
don't even work while circuit training can help men and women
gain muscle and burn fat at the same time - even if they are
over 60 years old.
Bodyweight workouts are for men and women who want to build sex
appeal while improving their health, fitness, mobility, and
And bodyweight exercises are for anyone who wants faster results
and the ability to workout at home, rather than being forced
into a 2-hour round trip to the gym.
If you want to burn belly fat and sculpt your body like a cover
model - while just saying NO to long, boring cardio and extreme
overuse bodybuilding workouts -you'll love the Turbulence
Training bodyweight workouts.
Check it out : Bodyweight Cardio
We know that interval training works better than steady state
training for fat loss. I'm convinced that metabolic circuits
like these are the next evolution in interval training.
Take a look: Bodyweight Cardio
Craig always has some fantastic deals on his programs, so if you missed out on the $7 deal last week, this one is a bit more but still far less than most workout videos you can get at the store.
If you're into home video workouts, CB's Home Workout Revolution series is easily the best package I've seen out there (and I've sold the infomercial ones before...they don't come close to his HWR package), check out You get workouts, finisher workouts, unique ab/core circuits, nutrition plans, and more.
Since its the end of a 3 day holiday weekend, you may have some downtime to read a little. My Kindle guides are some quick & easy choices for you, for pocket change only. 99 cents per guide is all it takes to pick & choose the guide you want to read on your Kindle, tablet, phone, or computer. Check them out, including my best sellers Just The Workouts, and Just Swing It! at
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/27, FitRanX, & more
Back to the blog again. I tried blogging from my phone on the road for the first time on Friday, giving you my on-the-road workout with a band. I had a good experience out at State Track, as our lone thrower placed 4th with her best throw of the season, right at the right time. It was the 2nd best throw of her HS career, too. It was a very competitive finals session to watch.
For this next week, we'll go into the 10/8/6/4 pattern of 4 sets in the reps described.
Daily RAW: 5/27
Deadlifts: 10/8/6/4
Bench Press: 10/8/6/4
Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows: As many reps as possible (AMRAP for short)
Windmills: 4 sets of 5 per side
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 style x 2 each minute
Bodyweight Squats
Total Body Extensions
FitRanX BW Routine:
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Side Lunges x4 each side
2. Run in Place w/ High Knees x8
3. Frozen V-sit x8
4. Seal Push-Ups x8
5. X-Body Mountain Climbers x8
6. 50 Yard Dash x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
I can't wait to get the FitRanX sessions started soon, plus the SPARTA FitRanX sessions for athletes. If you have an interest, let me know and register for the sessions! Email at
12, 30-min sessions are $99, 24, 30-min or 12, 60-min sessions are $180. If you want the 24/30min or 12/60min packages, you can make arrangements with me to make payments on it over time. I'm pretty flexible with the arrangements. Sessions start up on June 10th, I'm looking at 4pm to start up with scheduling for it, going through the evenings as needed.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Friday, May 24, 2013
Daily RAW - 5/25 & workouts on the road
Greetings RAW Warriors,
Today's daily workout is one on the road... I am in a hotel for a couple days attending the State Track Meet, and forgot my exercise band. I picked one up at my favorite sporting goods Superstore, Scheels, for about $15. It came with a door loop to fix inside a door hinge area. I could have done just a bodyweight workout but I do like the mix of exercises a simple band can give you. So, here was today's routine I did:
Squat and Row: facing the doorway, I first squatted down with arms extended, then stood up and pulled in for a row. Did this for 20s work, 10s rest for 3 minutes.
Stationary Lunge & Press: facing away from the wall, I went down to a fixed lunge and did chest presses. Alternating legs every set, I did this for 3 minutes of 20/10 once again.
Band Pulldowns: basically a lat pulldown action with the band up higher in the door jamb. Dis this for 2 minutes of 20/10.
Band crunches: kneeling down and facing away from the door, I held the handles at shoulder height and did crunches. Did this for 2 minutes of 20/10 as well.
Finally it was Standing Twists, facing the door and holding the handles at about waist height, with elbows at 90 and fixed to my sides, twisting from side to side for 2 minutes of 20/10 too.
All in all it was another great version of the 20/10 format, all with just one band. Check out this great style of time saving routines at today, it is still one of the best values around for home workout routines.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/24/13, FitRanX, MRT, JSI, etc
Today I head out for the State Track Meet in ND. Honestly, I think the best athletes in the state are at this meet, because many are standout athletes in other sports. They individually shine in their events, and contribute to the team as a whole when they run on relay teams. Its a great way to end the school year and track season to watch all the teams and standouts perform at their best.
Here's a few things to help you perform at your best: Some FitRanX routines, some MRT stuff, more things on Swings, and I think that will wrap it up...
FitRanX BW Workout of the Day:
Level 0-3
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Body Weight Tricep Extensions x8
2. Bowing Crunch x8
3. Split Shuffle x8
4. Reaching Lunges x8
5. Plank x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8
Level 4-6
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Decline Push-Up x8
2. V-Abs x8
3. Frog Leap x8
4. Jump Squat w/ Knee Tuck x8
5. Plank to Tricep Extension x8
6. Burpee x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
These FitRanX Routines are meant to help you do the FitRanX program on your own, and help you get ready to test out at a FitRanX gym near you. I will be starting up Finley FitRanx in June on the 10th, so if you have been getting after these routines, you might be ready to test out soon!
Craig Ballantyne is still having his sale good through today on his MRT workout package. 3 solid workouts for $7, and he may even have more stuff to offer you at super discounts... you will have to check it out at I have used the MRT routines he's created, such as the 24/7 Fat Loss videos, and the Home Workout Revolution series ( ). I've even used the style of the 20/10 method into my track kids with their bodyweight workouts at practice this past season, it was something they asked for, time & time again because it was short, sweet, and to the point. Check out either or both of those programs if you are looking at something for a new phase of training to try.
"Just Swing It!" had a 5-star review recently, I'm glad to see that its making a solid impact for the reviewer who posted it. It is still outselling my main top seller, its been quite the race to watch between "JSI" and "JTW". I still turn to Swings as a solid workout to do, now that Track is finished for a lot of our athletes. We just had a string of rainy days, and a Swing workout was just what I needed due to the nasty weather outside. Check out JSI at plus any other guide that may help you.
Its time now for me to focus on my own speed training for 5K's, now that I don't run with the kids. I usually use the speed workouts of the 800/1600 runners to boost my 5K speed during the track season, and then transition more into 5K mode once track ends. In previous years I would participate in the ND Prairie Rose State Games in the 400, 800, and 1600, plus the 200 some years. I would keep up with my track workouts for those distances. Now that the PRSG is over (due to low participation numbers for all events, although T&F was a solid turnout), I go into 5K mode and train more at those race pace levels. My latest track routine was a 200 every 1:30, x 16 times. I got 200's in 40 seconds, rested for 50 each set. I was able to keep up my speed with this roughly 1:1 work/rest ratio. Even though its the same total mileage, I felt this workout went easier than my 400/every 3 minutes routine, getting my 400's in around 85 seconds and resting 1:35. If you are looking for track routines, my Kindle guides are full of them, with 'Back on Track', a full season's worth of day-by-day workouts we did. Visit for that as well.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/23
Here's today's workout for 5/23, a lifting day.
Deadlifts: 4 x 5
Bench Press: 4 x 5
All-Star Sit-Ups: 4 x 5 per side
Bent Over Rows: 4 x 8 per side, or at once
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 x 2 each exercise
Alternating Lunges
Side to Side Hops
Total Body Extensions
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/22 - FitRanX & MRT Workouts
Today's routine calls for a FitRanX workout, plus a Guest Post from Craig Ballantyne, of Turbulence Training and TT - Metabolic Resistance Training, or MRT for short. Craig has a heck of a deal to get you introduced to the MRT methods and workouts, plus some finishers (which is how I was introduced to the 3 & 4 Minute Warning structures I use in the RABC Plans).
Today's FitRanX routine is:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Diamond Push-Ups on Knees x8
2. Crunches x8
3. Split Shuffle x8
4. Close Stance Bodyweight Squat x8
5. Flutter Kicks x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Diagonal Lunge x8
2. Leg Thrust x8
3. Run in Place x8
4. Diamond Push-Ups x8
5. Body Saw x8
6. Gator Crawls x8
I have all the exercises up on my YouTube Channel
Check Out The Video Library Here:
Here's a guest post from Craig Ballantyne: note, that I sell his programs, and I sell his programs because I have seen and felt their effectiveness. Plus, they are the most affordable routines and systems on the market today with a proven track record. Just thought I'd get that out there first, if you didn't know it already...
Here's his post:
The Best Metabolic Workout (voted #1)
By Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Today was a sad day at the gym. It was full of a
half-dozen "Uncle Rico" types (remember him from
Napolean Dynamite?) trying to re-live their glory.
Unfortunately, no one seems to have told these guys that
a circuit of bench presses, barbell curls, and side bends
(all with terrible form, of course) is a wasted workout.
But hey, that's how you impress everyone at the gym, right?
Ha, no it's not. Not today.
Today, the best way to train and turn heads at the gym (and
the beach and anywhere else you go) is with total-body
metabolic resistance training workouts.
And I've got a doozy for you today.
But first you might be asking, "What are metabolic workouts?"
Well, almost every TT program meets this definition. Anytime
you do:
- moderately heavy resistance training
- in supersets or circuits
- dramatically elevating your heart rate
- maximizing calorie burn
- while using "insufficient recovery" between exercises
...then you are doing metabolic resistance training.
But this program today is different.
In fact, it was voted the BEST metabolic workout I have
ever created (by Turbulence Training members).
This program uses both a modified MRT and MCT (metabolic
conditioning system) to give you maximum results. It's also
really, really TOUGH.
So if you like, hard workouts, then it's for you.
It's the BEST MRT workout we've got. There's NOTHING better.
Heck, I've even tried to create better, tougher MRT workouts,
and TT member feedback says this is still the BEST.
The people have spoken. Here it is, the best I've got...
TT MRT 1.0 Workout B
Workout Guidelines
Do not rest between exercises.
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat up to 3 more times.
1) Kettlebell Swings - 20 reps
2) Strap or Regular Spiderman Pushup - 10 reps per side (2-1-1)
3) Box Jump - 8 reps
4) Strap or Stability Ball Jackknife - 20 reps (1-0-1)
5) Stability Ball Leg Curl - 20 reps (1-0-1)
And that's just HALF of the MCT circuit...the rest goes like this,
but I'll save the specifics for TT readers that are SERIOUS
about burning their belly fat with TOUGH workouts:
6) Another Unique Pushup - 12 reps per side (1-0-1)
7) An Upper Back Exercise - 10 reps (2-0-2)
8] A cool squat-push combo movement - 12 reps per side (1-0-1)
9) A total body ab exercise - 15 reps per side (1-1-1)
10) A special form of conditioning - 15 seconds
PS - That's just workout B...but you'll also love the unique
chin-up dip combo countdown circuit in Workout C.
Get the full MRT program and a special Finisher gift workout here
I'll warn you first though, these are INTENSE workouts. That's
because the goal of TT Metabolic Resistance Training is to
elevate your "in-workout and after-workout" calorie burning.
Whereas with monotonous cardio workouts, no matter how long
or how fast you run, you'll never get the same "after-burn"
effect - and you'll pound down your knees and low back
from overuse training. (Another reason cardio sucks.)
These workouts will kick your butt and leave your muscles
burning MEGA-calories for hours - even days - afterward.
That's what sets Turbulence Training apart from long, slow,
boring cardio workouts.
Not only will you burn fat faster than cardio, you'll ALSO
build lean, sexy muscle - all at the SAME time.
PLUS, you'll get a bonus TT Metabolic Finishers program. So
get ready for the sweaty, metabolic goodness that I have in
store for you, including:
Burpees, goblet squats, split shuffles, KB swings - and
that's only one of the heart-racing, sweat-inducing metabolic
finishers that are guaranteed to leave your body beat and on
a calorie burning rampage.
Get ready to use a few new exercises and a few training
methods you've NEVER used before to elevated in-workout and
after-workout calorie burning.
(And to perhaps CURSE ME like you've never cursed me before.)
Bring on the metabolism boosting workouts,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - This is just a quick special... help you kick-off the summer with maximum fat burning.
Get this Metabolic Workout deal for only $7 <= Expires Thursday
So hurry, before we put this back in the vault for Turbulence
Training Members only.
For only $7, you can't go wrong on that deal... even if you find something useful that helps you shed a little more fat, to help you move a little better, add a little extra strength... its worth it.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Monday, May 20, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/21/13 -FitRanX & a HWR Workout
Here's today's Daily RAW: FitRanX style first, then another visit to the 20/10 style via the Home Workout Revolution series.
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Sun Gods x8
2. Supermans x8
3. Bear Crawl x8
4. Calf Jumps x8
5. Planks x8
6. Total Body Extension x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Single Leg Bridge x8
2. Kneeling Heel Touches x8
3. Mountain Climbers x8
4. Pistol Squat x8
5. Lying Hip Raises x8
6. Single Leg Burpee x4 on each side
Since I have no more track practice as a coach, I am back to my own workouts again. Today was a choice from the Home Workout Revolution series from Craig Ballantyne, at The HWR workouts are also done in 20/10 Tabata type formats, but in 2, 3, or 4 minute rounds. Some workouts are 10 minutes, some are 19, some 15, some 18, etc.
Today's routine went like this:
Jumping Jacks x 8 rounds
Band Rows x 4 rounds
Spiderman Push-Ups x 4 rounds
BW Squats x 8 rounds
Planks x 8 rounds
Jumping Jacks x 6 rounds
A 19-minute workout in all. Only equipment I needed was my band for Band Rows.
Take a look at these instantly downloadable workouts (I downloaded a ton and put them on my own blank DVD's for easier viewing in my workout room), plus workout guides to guide you through it all, right here:
If you desire a challenge, try the 10,000 Swing one (which I turned into 24,000 Swings over 2 months) in Just Swing It!, located here for your Kindle reader:
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Daily RAW & Rick's Ramblings
I just ended our track season for a majority of our tracksters, as only one of our athletes will participate out at State in the Javelin next week. We had a rainy start to the Region Meet, but it was just a drizzly kind of rain and nothing too crazy. Our 4x800 teams were aiming to qualify for state with a top 3 finish. The boys had a dog fight in that race, we had a solid race with our best times, but we fell short and finished in 5th. The girls also had a tough battle, as 2 of the top 3 teams that placed already qualified by time previously, and the 3rd team that finished 2nd in the race also state qualified by time at the Region Meet's race. If we took out those 2 that qualified, we would now be going to state as a top 3 finish. We raced what we were capable of, and ran our bests as well, but 5th place was all we could get against some solid competition. I was also saddened when our 3200 runner once again placed 4th in a race, after finishing 4th by a hair in the 1600 last year. Just more fuel for the fire next year.
Well, now we start up a new week with the Daily RAW's and go to a 4x5 sets/reps scheme.
Daily RAW: 5/20/13
Deadlifts: 4 x 5
Bench Press: 4 x 5
Band Rows or Bent-Over Rows: 3 x 8
Windmills: 3 x 5 per side
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 work/rest style
Push-Ups x 2
Bodyweight Squats
Total Body Extensions
Daily FitRanX Routine:
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Alternating Lunges/Jumping Lunges x8
2. Clapping Push-Ups/ on knees if need be x8
3. Lying Knee Tucks x8
4. Sumo Squat x8
5. Line Jumps x8
6. Bowing Crunches x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
Coach Rick's Ramblings:
I just saw my first 5-Star Review of Just Swing It!, my 24,000 Swings challenge program I did this past January & February. JSI continues to sell very well for me lately and its review was this:
"Price was right and the information was useful. To often we are bombarded with an overload of information. This is simple enough and easy to follow, requires only one piece of equipment and will give results."
That is precisely why I try to make my guides short & sweet. Just Swing It! is a guide created for just that purpose, a short & sweet guide to tell you what I did, how I did it, and how you can do something similar to it as well for your own goals & purposes.
Check it out at
I'm also looking at doing a Podcast once I figure out how to do it. I tried doing it on Thursday or Friday night, only to discover that my recording DIDN'T PICK UP ANYTHING after 23 minutes of completing the Podcast. Oh, technology.... Well, I will figure something out and deliver a podcast soon, tied into my running, lifting, and training philosophies.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/17/13
Here's today's Daily RAW for Friday, mainly FitRanX routines. Here's the Level 0-2 & 3-5 workouts.
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Push-Ups or Kneeling Push-Ups x8
2. Side Plank on Knees x4 each side
3. Squat Thrust x8
4. Walking Lunges x8
5. Sit-Ups x8
6. Seal Jacks x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Fireflies w/ Push-Ups x8
2. Russian Twist x8
3. Army Crawl x8
4. Side Lunge x4 on each side
5. Side Plank Pulse x4 on each side
6. Run in Place w/ High Knees x8
Check Out The Video Library Here:
More and more people are checking out my "Just Swing It!" Kindle guide lately, its selling rather well since its beginning last month. JSI is basically my monthly log of 24,000 kettlebell swings over 2 months of time, and the weight loss that followed with it. I wasn't sure how it would do, but it is selling more than I thought it would and must be making a difference for some people interested in the 10,000 Swing Challenge. You can check the guide out further at
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/16
Today is a Wednesday Warrior day from FitRanX:
ALL Levels
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Split Shuffle x8
2. Leap Frog x8
3. X-Body Mountain Climbers x8
4. Knuckle Draggers x8
5. Gator Crawls x8
6. Run in Place w/ High Knees x8
FitRanX has also put together an Exercise Library for many of these exercises (as even I have been scratching my head on some of the names and movements...). It is found at this link:
Check them out & get crankin'!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/15/13
5/15 is my birthday... still doesn't change the fact that its time for a Daily RAW:
Deadlifts: 3x5
Bench Press: 3x5
Bent-Over Rows: 3x8
All-Star Sit-Ups: 3x5/side
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 style
Alternating Lunges x 2
Side Hops x 2
Push-Ups x 2
Total Body Extensions x 2
Try this workout on Wednesday or Thursday. If you are up to it, here's a track workout for you, taken from my personal log from this past Sunday.
RABC Track Attack:
1/2 mile easy pace, rest 1-2 minutes.
400m repeats, going every 2.5 minutes. I did my 400's in 84-86 seconds each, resting 60-66 seconds between sets.
I performed 8, 400 repeats in this fashion, then did 2 more every 3 minutes, getting 2.5 miles in of hard running with rests, plus the 1/2 mile warm-up to total the day's tally for 3 miles.
Here's the FitRanX Routine as well:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Overhead Towel Squat x8
2. Flutter Kicks x8
3. Total Body Extension x8
4. Single Leg Deadlift x8
5. Knee Tucks x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Single Leg Squat x8
2. Crunch and Flutter Kick x8
3. Single Leg Hop x8
4. Spiderman Push-Up x8
5. Plank Walk Ups x8
6. Single Leg Burpee x8
Lift. Dominate. Repeat. (and attack the track, too!)
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Monday, May 13, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/14/13
Just a quick post today for the Daily RAW, here are some FitRanX routines to get you going in the right direction:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Diamond Push-Up on Knees x8
2. Bowing Crunch x8
3. Bear Crawl x8
4. Close Stance Bodyweight Squat x8
5. Bicycle Crunches x8
6. Mountain Climber x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Diamond Push-Up x8
2. Bicycle Crunches x8
3. Bear Crawl x8
4. Single Leg Deadlift x8
5. Plank w/ Alternating Foot Lift x8
6. Squat Thrust x8
Here's a quick KB Swing routine as well:
10 swings per arm, doing 40 total, every 2 minutes. This will give you 400 swings in 20 minutes time. Go light if you are new to KB swings, go a little moderate if you have some experience. Even a 10 minute routine of this every-2-minutes format gives you 200 swings in.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/13/13
Here is today's Rats Alley Workout, we are in Week 2 of the new Phase II. Going back to a 3x5 setup for the main lifts, and adding others as well.
Daily RAW: 5/13
Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Bench Press: 3 x 5
Windmills: 3 x 5 per side
Band Rows or 1 Arm DB Rows: 3 x 8, or 3x8 per side
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 work/rest style, x 2 for each exercise, 1 minute round each exercise.
Bodyweight Squats
Jumping Jacks
Total Body Extensions
Here is a FitRanX Workout for you as well:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Body Weight Dips x8
2. Penguin Crunch x8
3. Burpees x8
4. Stationary Lunges x4 on each side
5. Side Plank x4 on each side
6. Side to Side Jumps x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Seal Push-Up x8
2. Crunch w/ Leg Lift x8
3. Burpees x8
4. Prisoner Squat x8
5. Frozen V-Sit x8
6. Mountain Climbers x8
Thanks to all of those who grabbed a copy of "Just The Workouts!" and "No More Crushers!" this weekend! JTW was #2 in Training for free books this weekend for a while, and NMC was #1 in two categories for freebie books in the Basketball sections for most of the weekend, too.
Some copies of the Rats Alley Barbell Club Manual also sold as well, plus "Just Swing It!" keeps on selling well too. Thank you if you have purchased Just Swing It! recently, or any other of my guides. I hope they are helping you with your goals.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Daily RAW & Ramblings: I don't like CrossFit
Here's a Daily RAW for the weekend, plus some ramblings of my own.
Daily RAW - 5/11-5/12
20/10 Rats Alley Workout
1 minute each of 20s work, 10s rest of the following exercises
BW Squats
Band Rows
Mountain Climbers
Stationary Spidermans
Total Body Extensions
Spiderman Push-Ups
Prisoner Lunges
Band Rows
X-Body Mtn Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Its only 12 minutes long but its a great conditioner!
If you feel up to it, rest 3 minutes, then do the circuit again.
Coach Rick's Ramblings:
CrossFit.... its a big topic in the fitness field right now. Some swear by it as gospel, some are darn near cult-like in their following of it, and others downright bash the method entirely.
I have been leery of it since I first caught sight of CF. I remember being on a fitness forum and battling it out with someone who kept claiming there was 'science behind it' but failed to show any proof of such science behind it. This person claimed that the CF method had fewer drop-out rates than the military fitness programs..., so I politely asked for proof of such a claim. Such proof could be, well, a STUDY on drop-out rates of military personnel from their military fitness plans versus CF. Once again, there failed to be any proof that existed of such a claim.
I have also seen workout videos of "CrossFit Fails", promoted by both CF cultists and opponents of CF. I don't know why a proponent of CF would show such videos, other than to be the bully type and show it as a way of saying 'these people can't handle the true grit of CrossFit! Look at them fail!"...which would really make ME want to join such a program...yikes!
As you can tell, I am not a fan of the CrossFit methods. From my education standpoint, you don't need to go to the extreme ends to get in 'extreme shape'. Safe programming is needed first & foremost, with progressions applied to get results over time. These workouts of getting as many reps as possible in an extended time period, or rushing to get so many reps completed (poorly or fairly executed reps) in a faster amount of isn't necessary. It becomes a 'bragging right' goal instead of a fitness-based one.
Don't get me wrong: Bragging rights are good to go for... an example of this was this past week at track practice. I recently bought a 40 yard dash timing system that has a touchpad starter and an electronic beam on a tripod. Wednesday was when we played with this device at track, since we have fewer kids on Wednesdays due to religious ed programs going on Wednesday afternoon & nights for JH athletes. I set it up on the field for 40 yards, and the kids had a lot of fun with it! Why? Bragging rights! "I got a faster 40 than you!" Its positive motivation. It is a simple example of taking a simple test, the 40 yard dash, and turning it into a tool of motivation. Even if you can't beat someone personally in time, you can at least try to beat your own personal best time in the test. Its bragging rights to say "I took 2 tenths off my time after I did a lot of training this summer."
I just don't see any positive bragging rights of doing 'continental cleans' with a set amount of weight and getting so many reps done in a certain time. There is no emphasis on safety, its merely on getting more reps in good & poor fashion over that time period.
It is why I decided to go with the FitRanX system and apply it here in Finley this June. It offers sound, simple, progressive programs and the tests are TESTS, not feats of strength or circus acts.
I am also putting on a sports combine with my 40 yard timing system and other testing tools. I'm doing this as a competitive event as well as a motivational tool for the athletes in our region to use for their own goals. Wouldn't it be nice to know that your 40 yard dash time went down .3 to .4 seconds over the course of a summer, entering into your fall seasons with greater speed, proven by such testing?
Whatever your goals are, make sure you have the following:
1. Testing! - test yourself out and measure things out! You don't know where you can go if you don't know where you are currently at.
2. Programs! - Find a program that fits your goals and your needs. If you want to jump higher, don't be doing a bench press workout.... keep it specialized for your goals.
3. Consistency! - Be consistent with your training. 1-2 workouts a summer will NOT count towards anything. 2-3 workouts a week will be better than nothing.
4. Motivation! - Make sure you have something motivating you. Maybe its a varsity jersey to earn. Is it a conference title, a district title, a region title, a State tourney berth? Is it making an all-district, all-region team as an individual? Everyone has some motivation in sports. Its why we have trophies, there is always something to aim for.
Attack your summer with testing, programs, consistency, and motivation. If you live in/around Finley, talk to me about these and see if the FitRanX program and the SPARTA Combine testing days are the tools you need!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Friday, May 10, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/11/13 & a track workout...around the block?
Here is today's FitRanX bodyweight workout of the day for you:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Push-Up or Kneeling Push-Up x8
2. Plank x8
3. Squat Thrust x8
4. Overhead Towel Squat x8
5. Crunches x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Push-Up x8
2. Plank w/ Alternating Foot Lift x8
3. Jump Squat w/ Knee Tucks x8
4. Bear Crawl x8
5. Russian Twist x8
6. Curtsy Lunge x8
RABC Intervals: Hit the track, or run around the block today. An average block, all the way around, is slightly more than 400m, roughly 410m I have seen on my GPS watch when I measure it for our track routines. We sometimes practice at our school in Finley were there is a track, and other times we practice in Hope were there is a loose remnant of a track around the field, but its easier to go around the block next to the school.
For a track routine, jog 3 block lengths easy, then go 1 block length hard, doing this continually for 4 times around the block. I call this one the "3 & 1" where you go 300m easy and 100m at around a race pace feel. If you run 5K's, go a little faster, such as what you would do for a 1 mile time trial.
I know in-place interval routines are nice in most situations, but TRACK~! workouts really can trim you up fast, and boost your fitness levels up as well. Think about adding 1-2 running workouts with intervals if you need a great change in your fitness training.
Notes: I'm having a Freebie Weekend for 2 of my Kindle guides this weekend: "Just The Workouts" and "No More Crushers!" will be free for a limited time, Saturday & Sunday only. Grab them here, and check out a few more guides to purchase if you wish, at
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/10/13
Just a quick one today of FitRanX bodyweight routines, direct from FitRanX HQ:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Run in Place x8
2. Leg Lifts x8
3. Mountain Climbers x8
4. Reverse Lunge x4 on each side
5. Bowing Crunches x8
6. Seal Jacks x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Run in Place x8
2. Weighted Leg Lifts x8
3. Spiderman Push-Ups x8
4. Jumping Lunges x8
5. Cross Body Crunch x8
6. Skater Hops x8
PS: an exercise library of videos is being built at for a lot of these exercises, and will include all the exercises in due time.
Today I had my own unique interval routine on the track, squeezed in-between work & the time I leave for our track meet today:
1/2 mile warm-up, with 1/4 jog to track and 1/4 jog on the track, then....
1600m total of Jog 100, Race Pace 100 x 8 times. I walked about one block, then jogged it back to my home, and had time to take my dog for a quick walk as a cool-down. I got all of this done, walk included, in about 20 minutes time.
For quick track routines, check out my running workout guides at
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/9/13
Yesterday was pretty busy with work & a track meet right after work. Sorry I didn't get out a Daily RAW for you. I think for Phase II I will just put two main lifting workouts up for each week, and other days will be FitRanX routines and other interval routines along the way.
Here are a couple workouts for you, one for the RABC Phase II and others for FitRanX, I have yesterday's one that I missed and the Wednesday Warrior one for today.
Daily RAW, 5/9:
Deadlifts: 3 x 10
Bench Press: 3 x 10
All Star Sit Ups: 3 x 5 per side
DB or Band Rows: 3 x 10
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 style
Alternating Lunges x 2
Side Hops x 2
Push Ups x 2
Total Body Extensions x 2
FitRanX Workouts:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Suicides x8
2. V-Abs x8
3. Leg Thrusts x8
4. Chair Step-Ups x4 on each side
5. Sit-Ups x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Suicides x8
2. V-Abs x8
3. Burpees x8
4. Jump Squats x8
5. Weighted Sit-Up x8
6. Inchworm x8
The Wednesday Warrior FitRanX Workout:
ALL Levels
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Jumping Lunges/Regular Lunges x8
2. Burpees x8
3. Side Step Duck Under x8
4. Jump Squats x8
5. Gator Crawls x8
6. Seal Jacks x8
Just a side note: My "Just Swing It!" Kindle guide is a hot item right now lately, even outpacing my #1 seller the past year of "Just The Workouts". If you haven't checked it out, its only 99 cents to read and have as a resource on your Kindle: Give it a look and pick up a few more guides as well for some quick reads and workout plans.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Sunday, May 5, 2013
New 6 Week Phase: Daily RAW for 5/6
I'm starting up a new 6 Week Phase for this blog, instead of the previous 4 week ones I've followed. I decided to label it RABC - Phase II. You can get these sets/reps schedules from my "Just The Workouts" guide at
Week 1 - 3 sets of 10
Week 2 - 3 sets of 5
Week 3 - 4 sets of 5
Week 4 - 10-8-6-4
Week 5 - 8-6-4-3-2-1-4
Week 6 - 5 sets of 3
I will also be adding 4 Minute Warnings for something new, done in the 20/10 Tabata style.
Here is the workout for 5/6/13 -
Deadlifts: 3 x 10
Bench Press: 3 x 10
Windmills: 3 x 5 per side
Band Pulls: 3 x 15
Spidermans: 3 x 20 (10 per side for each 20 rep set)
4 Minute Warning: 20/10 work/rest format
Push-Ups x 2
BW Squats x 2
Total Body Extensions x 2
Burpees x 2
Here is your optional FitRanX BW Routine:
Daily FitRanX Workout of the Day:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Sun Gods x8
2. Sit-Ups x8
3. X-Body Mountain Climber x8
4. Close Stance Bodyweight Squat x8
5. Flutter Kicks x8
6. Run in Place x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Seal Push-Ups x8
2. Sit-Ups x8
3. Army Crawl x8
4. Pistol Squat x8
5. Russian Twist x8
6. Run in Place w/ High Knees x8
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/3 - Test Day & FitRanX
Friday or Saturday is a testing day for you, as you gear up for your next phase. I will be changing things up for the next phase, looking at a new 6 week phase to do with the planned weeks of my "Just The Workouts" Kindle guide ( . I need to take a finer look at the sets/reps of each week and plot it out for you. I may also add some new exercises in there to do.
So, for Friday or Saturday, give yourself some time to test out on the Deadlift and Bench Press, making sure you have a spotter, two if possible for Bench Press, one for sure. Lift hard, give ample time for rest (4-5 minutes between attempts the heavier you go), and be safe.
Here's the FitRanX routine:
Level 0-2
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Alternating Lunges x8
2. Leg Thrust x8
3. Frog Leap x8
4. Off Set Push-Ups x8
5. Crunches x8
6. Jumping Jacks x8
Level 3-5
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Prisoner Lunge x8
2. Body Saw x8
3. Frog Leap and Squat Thrust x8
4. Off Set Push-Ups x8
5. Elevated Knee Tucks x8
6. X-Body Mountain Climber x8
Note: If you want to get started on more than just the bodyweight routines of FitRanX workouts that are provided here, I have my MXT option for Multimedia Cross-Training. Get advice, workouts, full programs, and more over email, plus advice with direct phone calls, texting, and even Skype if you wish. Its only $39 a month, plus you get to test out with me for the FitRanX Bands for each level at the Finley Wellness Center when the time is right for you. I already have my White band and am aiming for my Level 2 Yellow towards the end of the month. Email me directly at for getting started on the MXT FitRanX option with me.
Have you checked out AdvoCare yet? I can't wait for my starter pack to come in, now that I've become a distributor. See what they have for you, its very affordable and there is something for everyone, from meal replacement shakes to nutrition bars & more.
Best of Luck on your Testing!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Daily RAW: 5/2/13 & New News!
Here's today's Daily RAW for an interval routine. If you plan to test on Friday, it might be fine to just take Thursday off instead.
Let's start with the FitRanx BW Workout of the Day:
ALL Levels
30 min TABATA - 20 sec Doing Exercise, 10 sec Rest - Do this 8 times, then switch to the next exercise.
1. Seal Jacks x8
2. Squat Thrust x8
3. Skater Hops x8
4. Inchworms x8
5. Frog Leap x8
6. Fireflies x8
My personal selection - Kettlebell Swings!
Go light today, over the course of 20 minutes. Today's aim is 20 Swings/minute over 20 minutes, for 400 swings total. Pop in a video or watch your favorite TV show and the time flies away.
Okay, time for the New News - I just recently became an Advocare distributor, after reading a lot about it and chatting with fitness trainers who I trust (moreso than others out there). You can find some very affordable nutritional supplements from Advocare right here - I can't wait to try out Spark, as I need a good replacement for my terrible pop habits and coffee drinking.
I look forward to sharing more items from Advocare as I learn more about their lineup of products. Don't worry, you'll still get solid training programs at this site, too.
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak