Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Wimpleton Wednesday- Using Fasting to Change Your Habits

Hey Hey, It's Wimpleton Wednesday!

It's a great day to Squat, so let's get after some CVT (Classic Volume Training)

Classic Volume Training, Week 3, Day 2
Leg Day
Squats or Deadlifts: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Super-Set with Leg Curls 8 x 10 @ 65%
Calf Raises: 5 x 10
Pair up the Squats or DL's with Leg Curls, resting a minute between each set (DL, rest 1 min, Leg Curl, rest 1 min, etc)
Hit it up with an ab finisher:
Mountain Climbers: 2 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest
KB Windmills: 2 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest per side x 2 (Left, Right, Left, Right)
Make sure you get some coffee in today, and get it in an awesome mug like this:
Today's Fitness Tip: Use Fasting to your advantage.
Today is the start of Lent. Fasting from meals or certain foods on certain days is a practice used during Lent for some faiths, especially Catholics. Ash Wednesday and Friday's during Lent are days to abstain from eating meat, for instance.  Many will end up giving up certain foods during this time, such as junk foods, to fast from that in their life.
You can use this practice in your own life to work on cutting a bad eating habit out of your pattern of habits. Maybe you drink too much pop per day, so work on reducing that.  If you can't totally give it up, at least greatly reduce it, such as going from 3-4 per day down to 1. 
It's good to take some short periods of time to work on cleaning up your diet anyway, because not everyone is perfect and will slip up on their dieting.  Fasting is a good, brief thing to help you focus on something that can get you on track.
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

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