Monday, February 19, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday - Week 4 of CVT

Good Morning to you on another awesome Muscle Monday!

 Here we go again with another Chest & Back Classic Volume Training Day!

It IS Monday, another International Bench Press Day....

Week 4, Day 1 Classic Volume Training

Bench Press: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Lat Pulldowns: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Rest 1 minute between sets as you alternate exercises.

DB Incline Presses: 4 x 10 @ 65%, or at 10RM
DB 1 Arm Rows: 4 x 10 @ 65% or at 10RM
Rest 1 minute between exercises

Even if you don't do today's workout - Don't forget to BENCH today, its Monday you know:
Today's Fitness Tip:
Don't go crazy with your core!
You've seen it many times: Someone in the gym spends like 15 to 20 minutes on crunches, side bends, bicycles, leg raises, windshield wipers, you name it. Pick an ab exercise and they are doing it.
Don't overwork yourself silly in search of a six pack. 
Balance is key.  If you want to do 3-4 ab exercises, that's great. Make sure you balance it out with one lower back exercise for every ab exercise.  Basically for every movement crunching forward, make sure you balance it out with a movement extending backward.
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, February 16, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday - CVT and Swings!

Hey Hey, It's Fitness Friday!

 Fridays are always a Great Day To Curl! #GDTC

It's another ARM DAY, so let's get to curlin'!

 Classic Volume Training, Week 3, Day 3

CVT Day 3:

Tricep Pushdowns: 8x10
DB Curls: 8x10

Use 65% of estimated 1RM for resistance.
Alternate between exercises after a minute rest between sets.
Pushdowns, rest 1 minute, Curls, rest 1 minute, etc.

Shoulder Presses: 4x10
Side Raises: 4x10

Use same style of resting 1 minute between sets and exercises (Press, 1 min rest, Side Raises, 1 min rest, etc)

Core Finisher: Bent Presses with DB or KB
4 x 5 reps per side

Make sure you tell your peeps what your favorite lifting plan is:
Today's Fitness Tip:
Not up for a cardio workout today?
Try some Swings! 
Swings burn up to 20 calories/minute.  That's about the same as doing a 400m distance at a good 5K race pace for some people.
You can get a lot of work done in just 10-15 minutes of Swings, with breaks in between.
100 Swings takes roughly 2:40-50 in time.  If you went every 5 minutes, you could get 400 done in 20 minutes of time.
If you're not used to Swings, try for sets of 40 to 50, alternating arms every 5 or 10 reps.  For example, if you're doing sets of 50, try switching every 10 up to 40 reps, then for the last 10, switch after 5 on the last 10 reps. Going for 100? Switch arms every 10 reps.
Start with light kettlebell and basically get a heavier one once you feel that its too light for you. Even going up 5 pounds is enough of a jump.
For some Swing workouts, check out "Just Swing It!" and "Kettlebell XL" at
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Wimpleton Wednesday- Using Fasting to Change Your Habits

Hey Hey, It's Wimpleton Wednesday!

It's a great day to Squat, so let's get after some CVT (Classic Volume Training)

Classic Volume Training, Week 3, Day 2
Leg Day
Squats or Deadlifts: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Super-Set with Leg Curls 8 x 10 @ 65%
Calf Raises: 5 x 10
Pair up the Squats or DL's with Leg Curls, resting a minute between each set (DL, rest 1 min, Leg Curl, rest 1 min, etc)
Hit it up with an ab finisher:
Mountain Climbers: 2 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest
KB Windmills: 2 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest per side x 2 (Left, Right, Left, Right)
Make sure you get some coffee in today, and get it in an awesome mug like this:
Today's Fitness Tip: Use Fasting to your advantage.
Today is the start of Lent. Fasting from meals or certain foods on certain days is a practice used during Lent for some faiths, especially Catholics. Ash Wednesday and Friday's during Lent are days to abstain from eating meat, for instance.  Many will end up giving up certain foods during this time, such as junk foods, to fast from that in their life.
You can use this practice in your own life to work on cutting a bad eating habit out of your pattern of habits. Maybe you drink too much pop per day, so work on reducing that.  If you can't totally give it up, at least greatly reduce it, such as going from 3-4 per day down to 1. 
It's good to take some short periods of time to work on cleaning up your diet anyway, because not everyone is perfect and will slip up on their dieting.  Fasting is a good, brief thing to help you focus on something that can get you on track.
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Affiliate Spotlight: AMN Supplements

Affiliate Spotlight:
American Made Nutrition Supplements

Today, we'll discuss AMN, American Made Nutrition.

I've sold other supplements in the past, but didn't really care for their structure in how they were sold. Too many different prices, for the same thing, depending on how many you ended up selling.

AMN is different. The price is steady and the commissions are the same.

I like it because I don't have a silly 'business opportunity' to sell.

If you wanted to sell them online like I do, you'll sell them the same way I do. No goofy 'business package'. 

Your affiliate link is setup and you simply share it on your blog, website, or postings.

Anyway, I'm not here to sell you on selling it (like all those others seem to worry about) , I'm here to tell you about it:

With AMN, you have three main categories:

Strength & Recovery
Health & Wellness
Weight Management

Some products are very affordable, while others are stacks of multiple supplements.

Everything from protein powders to creatine to weight loss stacks and pre-workout drinks, there is something for everyone, from the newbie to the veteran.

Take a look here at AMN and see what you think!

Coach Rick Karboviak

Disclaimer: I do earn commissions off sales provided by this link. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday

Good Morning to you on another awesome Muscle Monday!

 Here we go again with another Chest & Back Classic Volume Training Day!

It IS Monday, another International Bench Press Day....

Week 3, Day 1 Classic Volume Training

Bench Press: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Lat Pulldowns: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Rest 1 minute between sets as you alternate exercises.

DB Incline Presses: 4 x 10 @ 65%, or at 10RM
DB 1 Arm Rows: 4 x 10 @ 65% or at 10RM
Rest 1 minute between exercises

Even if you don't do today's workout - Don't forget to BENCH today, its Monday you know:
Today's Fitness Tip: Riding the Periodization Wave
Some people like doing a varied training protocol for their main training plan, with varied sets/reps and intensities. An example of this might be:
Monday: 5 x 3-5
Wednesday: 5 x 6-8
Friday: 3 x 10-12
The progression goes from week to week, instead of workout to workout.  The varied intensities usually go  from high, to medium, and to lighter. 
Monday might be:
Deadlifts: 5 x 3
Power Cleans: 5 x 3
Bench Press: 5 x 3
1 Arm Rows: 5 x 3
Wednesday would line up like:
Deadlifts: 5 x 8
Power Cleans  5 x 6
Bench Press: 5 x 8
1 Arm Rows: 5 x 8
Friday lines up like:
Deadlifts: 3 x 12
Power Cleans: 3 x 10
Bench Press: 3 x 12
1 Arm Rows: 3 x 12
Next week on Monday, you'd look at progressing in your sets of 5 x 3. Wednesday, progress in your sets of 5 x 6-8.  Friday's focus is improving upon your sets of 3 x 12.
Some like this change throughout the week as it offers instant variety within the week. 
Some trainers prefer this method because it trains people at multiple intensities and aids in recovery.  Some call this the HML, or Heavy, Medium, and Light plan.  Others take it a step further and go heavy one week, medium the next, and light the third.
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak


Friday, February 9, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday - More Classic Volume Training

Hey Hey, It's Fitness Friday!
Fridays are always a Great Day To Curl! #GDTC
It's ARM DAY, so let's get to curlin'!
Classic Volume Training, Week 2, Day 3

CVT Day 3:
Tricep Pushdowns: 8x10
DB Curls: 8x10

Use 65% of estimated 1RM for resistance.
Alternate between exercises after a minute rest between sets.
Pushdowns, rest 1 minute, Curls, rest 1 minute, etc.

Shoulder Presses: 4x10
Side Raises: 4x10
Use same style of resting 1 minute between sets and exercises (Press, 1 min rest, Side Raises, 1 min rest, etc)

Core Finisher: Bent Presses with DB or KB per side
Show people what you REALLY LOVE this Valentine's Day.
Order a sweet workout shirt from PJ's Fitness Shop!
Friday's Fitness Tip: Try a Fast.  If you want to try to lose a few pounds, an evening fast is a great thing to try.  Simply don't eat a bunch of snacks in the evening after your last meal.  Try drinking a lot of water to keep you 'full' and also assist you with a bit of a cleanse.  Some people even try a 24 hour fast now and then, but that doesn't work for everyone.  Just wait to eat something until morning.
Still in the need for some solid workout plans to try? Check out some Kindle guides at
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Wimpleton Wednesday

Hey Hey, It's Wimpleton Wednesday!

It's a great day to Squat, so let's get after some CVT (Classic Volume Training)

Classic Volume Training, Week 2, Day 2
Leg Day
Squats or Deadlifts: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Super-Set with Leg Curls 8 x 10 @ 65%
Calf Raises: 5 x 10
Pair up the Squats or DL's with Leg Curls, resting a minute between each set (DL, rest 1 min, Leg Curl, rest 1 min, etc)
Hit it up with an ab finisher with a ladder:
10 KB Swings, 10 Leg Raises
9 Swings, 9 Leg Raises, 8, 8, 7, 7, etc. down to 1.
Make sure you get some coffee in today, and get it in an awesome mug like this:
Today's Fitness Tip: The popular HS and college athlete program, Bigger, Faster, Stronger (BFS) isn't too bad of a program to follow if you're looking for a basic, quick routine.  Their In-Season plan might be ideal for those who are short on time, but still want to make some progress.
Week 1: 3 x 3 (easy) - Go somewhat easy on these sets, its a lighter week. A good guide? Your weight for sets of heavy 5 reps, do 3 of them instead with those 4 to 5 rep weights.
Week 2: 3 x 5 (medium) - much like 5x5 routines, progressively build into a hard set of 5 at the end.
Week 3: 5-3-1 (hard) - build up to some heavy sets here.
Week 4: 10-8-6, 4-4-2  - Use 4-4-2 on lifts like DL's and Power Cleans, 10-8-6 on others.
After 4 weeks, return to Week 1.
Some good pairings are: Squats, Bench Press, Deadlifts, Power or Hang Cleans for these heavier sets. 2-3 sets of 8-10 on auxiliary lifts like Lat Pulldowns, shoulder presses, and ab/core exercises are suggested.
My suggested pairings: DL and Power Cleans, then Bench Press and 1-Arm Rows. 
DL, rest 2 minutes, PC, rest 2 minutes, repeat until done.
BP, rest 2 minutes, 1 Arm Rows, rest 2 minutes, repeat until done.
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, February 5, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday

Good Morning to you on another awesome Muscle Monday!

Let's start with another Chest & Back Classic Volume Training Day!

It IS Monday, another International Bench Press Day....

Week 2, Day 1 Classic Volume Training

Bench Press: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Lat Pulldowns: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Rest 1 minute between sets as you alternate exercises.

DB Incline Presses: 4 x 10 @ 65%, or at 10RM
DB 1 Arm Rows: 4 x 10 @ 65% or at 10RM
Rest 1 minute between exercises

Even if you don't do today's workout - Don't forget to BENCH today:
Get this and other awesome fitness shirts that are guaranteed to either make you bench more, or make your friends laugh a bit at the gym, or maybe both!
Today's Fitness Tip:
Finding a good, affordable solution to supplements is hard. Yes, you can hit up Wal-Mart but do you really want cheap protein shakes that clump up all the time?
I have found a new one that doesn't have any crazy multi-level plan, just a straight up commission on
straight up sales. And the costs don't look to be very astronomical either. 
Finally, a supplement company that makes sense - affordable nutrition and a simple commission for those who want to sell it as an affiliate. 
I'm now a part of AMN Nation, American Made Nutrition.
Discover American Made Nutrition today: 
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, February 2, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday

Hey Hey, It's Fitness Friday!
Fridays are always a Great Day To Curl! #GDTC

Speaking of Curls, here is today's workout!

Classic Volume Training, Week 1, Day 3

CVT Day 3:
Tricep Pushdowns: 8x10
DB Curls: 8x10

Use 65% of estimated 1RM for resistance.
Alternate between exercises after a minute rest between sets.
Pushdowns, rest 1 minute, Curls, rest 1 minute, etc.

Shoulder Presses: 4x10
Side Raises: 4x10
Use same style of resting 1 minute between sets and exercises (Press, 1 min rest, Side Raises, 1 min rest, etc)

Core Finisher: Bent Presses with DB or KB per side

We're only 12 days away from Valentines Day.

Don't forget to show your Valentine what you really love the most:

Today's Fitness Tip:
Classic workouts are classic for reason: They've stuck around because of their simple ability to be productive workouts.  Others have tested them before you and have applied them to others. 
Workouts like the 5x5 plan have stuck around for decades because of the simple ability to apply them to compound exercises and eliminate confusion.
Try not to get caught up in workouts that have 10-12 different exercises per workout day.  Its a lot to learn and the only confusion happening is not to your muscles, but to your brain.
It's like doing algebra in first grade.  First graders don't do algebra, they do simple addition and subtraction.  They get those basics honed down first and progressively are able to do harder math equations.
Same goes with training the human body.
Don't start trying to be like Albert Einstein to solve E=mc2.
Just get your addition flashcards down and make sure you got those skills down first.
Focus on 3-4, maybe 5 compound exercises in a workout and nail them down.
You don't have to do 14 variations of chest exercises. 
Keep this stuff simple, folks.

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak