Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Wimpleton Wednesday

Hey Hey, it's time to Train the PJ Way!
Happy Wimpleton Wednesday to you!
Today, we're sticking with some Classic Volume Training.
It's LEG DAY.  Time to Squat!
Classic Volume Training, Week 1, Day 2
Leg Day
Squats or Deadlifts: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Super-Set with Leg Curls 8 x 10 @ 65%
Calf Raises: 5 x 10

Pair up the Squats or DL's with Leg Curls by resting 1 minute between the two exercises. Squat, rest 1 minute, Leg Curl, rest 1 minute, Squat, rest 1 minute, Leg Curl, rest 1 minute, etc.

Fitness Tip of the Day:
If you're not a morning cardio person, at least get your jets going with some Kettlebells & Coffee.
Start your workout out with some Swings and enjoy some Coffee after the workout before you have a post-workout drink 30-60 minutes after your workout.

Need some KB workouts?

Check out Just Swing It! or Kettlebell XL at

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, January 29, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday - Classic Volume Training

Welcome to Muscle Monday!

We just wrapped up the 7 week, Increase Your Bench workout routine.

Today, we'll shift into a small phase of Classic Volume Training for a few weeks.

Volume Training is basically higher sets and higher reps at lower weights.

The basic plan will be:

Monday: Chest & Back

Wednesday: LEGS!

Friday: Bi's and Tri's!  ARM DAY!

Sets will be done in Super-Set fashion, meaning you'll pair up two opposing muscle groups/actions and alternate between the two.

Bench Press for 10 reps, rest 1 minute, do Lat Pulldwons for 10 reps, rest 1 minute, return back to Bench Press for 10 reps, rest 1 minute, do Lat Pulldowns for 10 reps, repeat through 8 full rounds.
Setting up two areas/stations to alternate between the two exercises will work best.
A 10 to 12 rep max is good to use in this.  65% of an estimated 1RM is a good rule of thumb.

Here we go with Today's Routine:

Bench Press: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Lat Pulldowns: 8 x 10 @ 65%
Rest 1 minute between sets as you alternate exercises.

DB Incline Presses: 4 x 10 @ 65%, or at 10RM
DB 1 Arm Rows: 4 x 10 @ 65% or at 10RM
Rest 1 minute between exercises

Don't forget to BENCH today:
Today's Fitness Tip:
Eat your Eggs!
Eggs are a great, cheap source of protein. We all know that Protein Helps You Grow, Bro.
If you're tired of protein shakes, get some eggs cooked. Hard boil them to get egg whites in your salads or as a supplemental snack to your main meal.
Personally, I'm a fan of a couple fried eggs and some meat on the side.
MMMMM.... it's a tasty way to start the day.

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Train The PJ Way: Top 5 Lifts for the 5x5 Workout

It's the weekend, and its time for a list worth reading!

No slide shows here. The only ads you'll see are for stuff that works. Not that 'one simple trick' stuff.

No tricks here. Just workouts that work.

Today's list is the Top 5 Lifts for the 5x5 workout plan.

For serious people, this may be no surprise list, because these lifts are hard and hard means its worth doing for building true strength.

If you wanted a list full of dumbbell curls and leg raises, this ain't it.

Top 5 Lifts for the 5x5 Workout:

1. Deadlifts - Nothing beats lifting a heavy weight from the floor for getting your whole body to fire up and be ready for a big demand on it. Your legs, core, and upper body have to work together to make this lift happen smoothly. You also find out in a hurry where your weak links are. 

2. Bench Press: Perhaps the most widely popular lift used from newbies to pros, the BP has been a standard of its own in gyms across the world. "Whaddya Bench?" is perhaps the most widely asked question in a gym, next to "when is my membership due again?" The Bench Press remains a "Big 3" for a reason. You gotta be strong to really do it well.

3. Squats - The barbell Squat is another big lift that is widely focused on by serious lifters.  It is a truly foundational movement in sports and in most daily activities. Don't neglect this exercise.

4. Power Cleans - Some claim this exercise, along with #5, is a true test of ultimate strength and power production from the human body. A lot of coordinated movements have to take place in order for Power Cleans to happen right.  Since its a complicated movement, break it down in parts first, such as doing front squats to get used to the catch of it, hang cleans to get down the 'clean' portion, and then full cleans to put it all together.

5. Snatches - Another big test of power in what you can do is the Barbell Snatch. A bit more complicated than the Power Clean, its a combination of deadlift and a violent yank to above your head in a true test of upper body strength and core stability. Don't walk into this one lightly, practice the parts of it first and then work on putting it all together.  Holding an overhead squat is perhaps your first step in learning the pieces of this movement.  Hang snatches would be the next progression, and then to a full body action to get it done. Take your time and get an instructor to help you learn #4 and #5 on this list. 

Honorable Mentions:

Bent Over Rows: a great core and upper back exercise, makes a good exercise to help balance out the Bench Press.

Good Mornings: a great exercise to help strengthen the lower back and glutes, assisting in strengthening the weaker links in the chain.

One Arm Side Presses with Dumbbells - this is an old strongman exercise that should make a comeback, if it isn't already.  A popular lift in kettlebell circles, the dumbbell version is a great core and upper body exercise to try.  This hits your body with a side to side and twisting action, instead of linear pulls and pushes with the other exercises.

The above choices for five exercises in the 5x5 plan can take a long time to do and due to the compound actions involved, serious and experienced lifters even need to take caution. A 3-exercise plan of Deadlifts or Squats, Bench Press, and Power Cleans would be plenty to do in a 5x5 plan as a workout on its own. 

A good way to balance out 4 exercises in the 5x5 workout plan is to super-set two exercises with shorter rests between sets.

An example would be:
Deadlifts for 5 reps, rest 2 minutes
Power Cleans for 5 reps, rest 2 minutes
Repeat this pattern for 4 more times.  This give you 4 minutes and change for rest between each lift's demands, and alternating the exercises gives you a lighter/heavier transition.

A super-set format of two exercises would take around 20 minutes to do. Pairing up another set of exercises makes for a great 45 minute workout, with 4 exercises being done. After a Deadlift/PC pairing, I would pair up Bench Press and Bent Over Rows in the same format:
Bench Press, rest 2 minutes
Bent Over Rows, rest 2 minutes
Repeat 4 more times

If you had time, finish it off with 5 sets of 5 light DB Side Presses. 

All in all, these exercises are a good choice if you're looking at a serious 5x5 plan to follow, with a great classic workout that has been developing muscle and big time levels of strength for decades.

For more classic routines, look to "Just The Workouts" at

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, January 26, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday

Hey Hey, it's Fitness Friday!

Since it's Friday: Make sure you get in your Curls!

 Today is Week 7, Day 3 of the IYBPB50# workout:
It's the LAST WORKOUT in the program!

You made it!

 IYBPB50#, Week 7, Day 3

Bench Press: 1 x 3 @ 105%, 1 x 2 @ 115%, 1 x 1 @ 120% (use spotter!)
Bar Dips: 3 x 8
Lat Pulldowns 3 x 8
1 Arm DB Rows 3 x 8 per side
DB Curls 3 x 8
EZ Bar Curls 3 x 8

 Got time for a little finisher?
 Kettlebell Swings: 4 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest
If you're still chasing a bigger Bench Press after this program, check out the CBP 2.0 Plan from Critical Bench!

Today's fitness tip: Don't skip your legs! Don't be one of those 'mirror guys' who are only concerned with the muscles you see in the mirror. 
In case you missed it in anatomy class, your legs are attached to you for many reasons. They are the foundation for strength for you.  Guess what? You lift heavy weights with legs, it drives up all the muscle building hormones for you as a result. Don't look to crazy pills that you buy off a sketchy website with mysterious videos that sell 'boosters' of testosterone. 
Dude, just lift heavy weights in the form of squats and/or deadlifts. If you want to increase body mass overall, your legs make up like 50-60% of your mass.  There are reasons powerlifters look huge, dude.
Take a lesson from that.
And if you haven't been squatting on Wednesdays, shame on you.  You know the plan here.  Bench-Squat-Curl. Don't try to fool me or others.

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Wimpleton Wednesday - Squats and a Jump Rope Workout

We Bench on Monday, Squat on Wednesday, and Curl on Friday.
Do not mess this up.
I'm serious.
Do NOT screw this plan up.
I even put it on a shirt so you won't forget it, in case you want to follow this pattern daily.

 Here we go with Week 7, Day 2:

 IYBPB50#, Week 7, Day 2
Squats or Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Leg Press: 3 x 5
Leg Curls: 3 x 8
Calf Raises: 3 x 8

Ab Finisher: Leg Raises: 8 rounds of 20s work, 10s rest

One more day left in the IYBPB50# Program!

Today's Fitness Tip: Don't underestimate the Jump Rope.

If you're looking for an alternative to regular cardio AND looking for a high intensity interval workout, you can find one for about $5.

Yep, a typical jump rope can offer a lot of advantages to you in a small space.

You don't have to jump continuously for extended periods of time like for 15 minutes straight.

You can simply jump a series of jumping styles and do for short periods of time.

It's better to go for shorter periods of time so you can get in a high quality effort and also a bit higher speed rate of turning the rope. 

You'd be amazed how quick your heart rate can climb in a short period of high intensity effort.

Start with these four types of jumps:

Basic jump in place
Side to Side Jumps
Front & Back Jumps
Split Jumps, alternating one foot forward, other foot backward

Grab a GymBoss timer and try some 15:15 work/rest periods. Going through all 4 jump styles would take 2 minutes, 10 rounds of those jumps would take 20 minutes. 

Or, do it with a partner and one person jumps while the other times.  It works well if you each have a stopwatch going to time the work/rest periods for both while you're working and resting.

Another option: get a basic clock and watch the second hand for your 15:15 times.

Make sure your calves are warmed up well.  Rolling sticks or foam rollers really help with this.

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Train The PJ Way: Affiliate Spotlight - Increase Your Bench!

Today is Affiliate Spotlight Day.

You know that PJ Wimpleton already has the best programs out there, but there are some other great programs out there too.

This week in the blog, we are wrapping up a 7 week bench press program.

It is a pretty basic one to follow.  However, Coach Mike Westerdal has one hell of a bench press program.

He's pretty much a Bench Press Guru when it comes to this stuff.

Take a good look at Mike's big collection of programs and guides that will help you get your bench press up into a new atmosphere of STRONG.

For the cost of two protein tubs, you can unlock the power to boost your bench press numbers up.

Check it out now:
Lift 50 pounds more in just 10 weeks with this plan!

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, January 22, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday

Good Monday To You, Wimpleton Warriors!

It's International Bench Press Day, as every Monday ought to be. Let's tackle Week 7 of the  IYBPB50# Workout!  It's "Finals Week" in a way with this program!

Today, it is Week 7, Day 1.

Week 7, Day 1
Bench Press: 1 x 5 @ 100%, 2 x 3 @ 110%, 2 x 2 @ 115%
DB Bench Press: 3 x 10
Side Raises: 3 x 10
Lying Tricep Extensions: 3 x 10
Pulldowns: 3 x 10
Barbell Rows: 3 x 10
Bicep Curls: 3 x 10

So, which program is coming up next, once this 7 week plan is done?

Stay tuned!

Don't get cross about getting fit.

Get SortaFit instead!
It's not perfect, but it's not close either.
Today's Fitness Tip: Make the most of your mornings with a bit of exercise to get you started for the day. Even just doing a 10 to 20 minute, bodyweight circuit can do wonders for your body and mind.
I know some of you are just NOT "Morning People".  Some suggestions to change this:
- Go to bed earlier, and get up a bit earlier.  If you catch the evening news, guess what: the local morning news is basically a recycle of last night's news. You'll get the same info and probably a better update on the weather anyway. By getting up a bit earlier, you can fit in a brief little workout circuit.  One of the perfect matches for this are the HWR workouts from Craig Ballantyne. This guy puts out great stuff to get your body going good for a brief morning workout routine.
- Seriously, this waking up earlier thing is worth it, as you can get more done before you even step out the door for wok. I used to be a 10-10:30pm guy for going to bed. Once I switched to 9:30-10:00-ish, I've been able to have more time for:
- Morning workouts of 20-30 minutes
- More time to put my blog together and post things in the morning, getting it out right around 7am.
- More time to check out other things online for future blog posts
If your main workout takes longer, do it in the evenings when you have more time, most nights a week. Right now, I'm riding my indoor bike, and lifting in the evenings at one of my Rats Alley Barbell Club gyms.
So, even though you may workout twice in a day for some days each week, you'll at least start with a great edge to your mornings and be more productive at work.
This keeps up with the mantra of "Lift. Dominate. Repeat." for RABC.
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, January 19, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday

Hey Hey, it's Fitness Friday!

Since it's Friday: Make sure you get in your Curls!

 Today is Week 6, Day 3 of the IYBPB50# workout:

IYBPB50#, Week 6, Day 3

Bench Press: 2 x 3 @ 100%, 2 x 2 @ 110%, 1 x 1 @ 115% (use spotter!)
Bar Dips: 3 x 8
Lat Pulldowns 3 x 8
1 Arm DB Rows 3 x 8 per side
DB Curls 3 x 8
EZ Bar Curls 3 x 8

 Got time for a little finisher?
 Kettlebell Swings: 4 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest

After today, there is only one week to go on the IYBPB50# program.

Did you get your coffee this morning?
Don't you know that Coffee can keep us all safe? Be alert, peeps. Drink your coffee and wake up!

Today's fitness tip: The 3 to 5 Plan is perhaps one of the most common lifting plans that serious lifters follow.

3 to 5 exercises
3 to 5 sets per exercise
3 to 5 reps per set
3 to 5 minutes rest between sets

Choose compound, multi-joint movements, such as squats, deadlifts, cleans, snatches, bench press, rows, military presses or push presses, etc. 

Do 3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps per set.  Take 3 to 5 minutes rest between sets due to the heavier weights and overall heavier volume.

Don't immediately jump into this with 5 exercises, 5 x 5 on the sets/reps, because you're going to get hammered hard.

Start with a 3x5 approach with 3 exercises, such as deadlift, bench, and power clean.

Add more sets for these three exercises over the course of time.

Week 1: 3 x 5
Week 2: 4 x 5
Week 3: 5 x 3
Week 4: 5 x 4
Week 5: 5 x 5

When you're ready to add a 4th exercise, begin again with 3 sets of 5 reps. 
Go through the weekly cycle like this, and in 15 weeks, you'll be doing 5 exercises for 5 sets of 5.

Have a great weekend and DON'T FORGET TO CURL TODAY.

Train the PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Wimpleton Wednesday

Hey Hey, It's Wimpleton Wednesday!

 Wednesday means Leg Day!

 We Bench on Monday, Squat on Wednesday, and Curl on Friday.
Do not mess this up.
I'm serious.
Do NOT screw this plan up.

Here we go with Week 6, Day 2:

 IYBPB50#, Week 6, Day 2
Squats or Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Leg Press: 3 x 5
Leg Curls: 3 x 10
Calf Raises: 3 x 10

Ab Finisher: Leg Raises: 8 rounds of 20s work, 10s rest

Don't forget to tell the guy over on the bench, who seems to just bench all day (though you never see him really benching?) give him some quick advice. All you have to do is walk by him with this shirt on:
Today's Fitness Tip relates to spendy shakes.
Yep, talking about those $3 to $4 packages of shakes with maybe 200 calories or less in them. You put them in your little shaker (and later, you wash out all the little chunks that never break down in the shaker) and try to chug down a pasty drink that isn't really that smooth at all.
Congrats, you just got bamboozled.
I've been there with you.  I had to look for a better way that gave me a better option for less money. If I'm going to spend $4 on 200 calories, that's a lot of money per calorie, and a lot of money per day on shakes. 2 shakes a day at $8 a day is $240.  I can take care of my electric bill with that kind of money.
Want a better alternative? Protein powders at retail stores are pretty much the same thing and if you don't want all that protein, get some slim-fast powder instead.  It has a little less protein and doesn't get so chalky. 
Anyway, the cost per serving is about $1 or less for a good protein powder, and even around 50 cents per serving with a shake like slim-fast.  If you don't like the way slim-fast or a protein powder mixes with milk and becomes too frothy or bubbly (basically too gassy), try to mix it with orange juice or an orange drink like Sunny D.  Vanilla flavors taste the best with an orange juice base.
If you don't like that advice, you don't have to take it.  I don't like spending $4 on a 200 calorie shake, so there. I can make 4 to 6 shakes in a week compared to the cost of one of those little packets.
If you're looking for an easy to follow nutrition plan that goes along with a good training program, The Achievable Body has a great one that comes with it. Check it out at
Train The PJ Way!
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Train the PJ Way Podcast #1

Hey Hey, its time to Train The PJ Way!

Catch the new Train The PJ Way Podcast today!

It's just under 10 minutes, so take a quick listen!

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, January 15, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday

Train The PJ Way Newsletter:
Muscle Monday

Good Monday To You, Wimpleton Warriors!

It's International Bench Press Day, as every Monday ought to be. Let's tackle Week 6 of the  IYBPB50# Workout! 

Today, it is Week 6, Day 1.

Week 6, Day 1
Bench Press: 2 x 5 @ 95%, 2 x 3 @ 100%, 1 x Failure @ 105%
DB Bench Press: 3 x 8
Side Raises: 3 x 8
Lying Tricep Extensions: 3 x 8
Pulldowns: 3 x 8
Barbell Rows: 3 x 8
DB Curls: 3 x 8
If you've been lifting like a beast with the IYBPB50# program, you're probably wondering what comes next?

What would you like to do next?  There are only 2 weeks left of this program, since its a 7 week plan to follow.

Options could be:
1. The Program That Never Left The Weight Room
2. Old School 5x5
3. Classic 3 by 10

Comment in the Comments on your option you'd like to see!

Of course, you know I love this powerful lifting program:

Get your "Lifting Plan" shirt at PJ's Fitness Shop!

Today's Fitness Tip is never underestimating the power of dumbbells. I'm not talking about the 3# pink ones, talking about the adjustable kind that you can get in the sporting goods section at your department store or in a sporting goods store with plenty to choose from.  If you want to setup your own home gym with a lot of hex dumbbells, go ahead if you have the money or the room for it. The adjustable kind of 1" standard weights works greatly and has worked for decades for many home gyms. Dumbbells fit everyone and allow a great range of motion for all your joints.  Working in a 3-D motion to control them is a great benefit of working with dumbbells. Get an adjustable bench for under $100 and you got yourself a great deal on a home gym.  A nice standard weight set with barbell and dumbbell handles is around $100 as well, maybe a little more. I suggest getting the ones with spin collars on them, since they will hold the weights in place a lot better than spring clips, especially if you are lifting heavy.  If you can find a used set at a thrift shop or used sporting goods place, you can probably get a better deal on a complete set and maybe even a bench as well.  If you need more weights, they aren't too terribly expensive either to add more plates.  Walmart and Target have a good selection of additional plates to choose from.

Anyhoo, a good home gym equipped with dumbbells can allow you to do a wide variety of exercises and workouts to follow.  A home gym is always open, you can play your own music (or watch your own shows, as some fitness centers are even taking away your news channels from you! True story, bro...) and you'd be surprised what you can get done with a home gym.

Of course, the best gym you can go to is the Rats Alley Barbell Club gyms all across the country.

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.

Read about how RABC started up and grew to mythical proportions in The Seriously Awesome Guide to Seriously Awesome Fitness. 

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, January 12, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday

Hey Hey, it's Fitness Friday!

Since it's Friday: Make sure you get in your Curls!

 Today is Week 5, Day 3 of the IYBPB50# workout:

IYBPB50#, Week 5, Day 3

Bench Press: 2 x 3 @ 100%, 2 x 2 @ 110%, 1 x 1 @ 110% (use spotter!)
Bar Dips: 3 x 8
Lat Pulldowns 3 x 8
1 Arm DB Rows 3 x 8 per side
DB Curls 3 x 8

Got time for a little finisher?
Mountain Climbers: 4 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest

After today, there are two weeks to go on the IYBPB50# program.

Did you enjoy yesterday's Top 5 Old School Lifting Programs post? 
If you haven't checked it out yet, you're missing out on a little history lesson and some super-awesome programs to try.

Of course, one of the better programs out there is SortaFit.
Order your shirt today at PJ's Fitness Shop!
Today's Fitness Tip: Tired as heck, sorer than usual?  Take a rest day, or take it easier.  Instead of 5 sets of 5, just do 2 to 3 sets of 5.  Keep it lighter than usual.  Sometimes lower intensities can help out with increasing blood flow to sore, tight muscles and since you're not beating up your body with a lighter routine, it could aid in recovery.  A total rest day with using foam rollers and other muscle recovery aids is best if you are completely wiped out. If you begin a workout and it just seems like too much, your body knows best and its telling you to rest.
Train the PJ Way!
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Train The PJ Way: Top 5 Old School Lifting Programs

Training the PJ Way is more than just going to the gym or lifting in your garage or basement at home.

The best lifting plans are based on the success of solid programs from the past.

Quite simply, nothing gets you stronger than lifting heavy stuff and lifting it again.

Today, in a Throwback Thursday kind of way, we'll cover 5 unique old-school programs that many people still follow today. 

Perhaps you didn't even know the program you are currently doing has some roots from decades ago.

Take a trip in the DeLorean (for you Back to the Future fans) and take a look at some historic programs that laid a strong foundation for the iron game throughout the years.

(All links will go to, which has a great collection of over 70 titles from the past and present.)

#5: Progressive Resistance Exercise, by DeLorme & Watkins
PRE is a key, landmark training protocol that many see as a true foundation builder. If you've done programs such as 3 sets of 10 for each exercise, the roots of that basic program come from here. Starting out as a key program to follow in physical therapy of injured soldiers, PRE was published in 1951 and it's importance in fitness history is often overlooked.

#4: The Truth About Weight Lifting, by Alan Calvert
This book is so old-school, it was printed over 100 years ago!  It covers training with dumbbells, barbells and even kettlebells (yes, they existed back then, too!) A great read if you're a history nut, and some classic timeless advice that still rings true today.

#3: The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training
Created by Bob Hoffman, a true leader in the health and fitness iron game, Hoffman was owner of York Barbell and trained many of the strongest men in the 20th century. This package of 6 courses that used to be sold by Hoffman through his Strength & Health magazines is still a solid system to follow.  A true classic program that built strength on heavy lifting, eggs, and steak and steak and eggs.

#2: Training for Power by Reg Park
Created as an advanced version of #1, Training for Power was the next step to the true classic program that #1 is, and is still followed strongly today by veteran lifters who swear by it.  After reading #1, definitely get this one as a sequel!  Reg Park was the first bodybuilder and 2nd man in history to bench 500 pounds, so if you're looking for strength, Reg Park delivered it back then.

#1: Strength & Bulk Training For Weight Lifters and Body Builders by Reg Park
This program is still talked about in training circles and can be found in 100's of 'variations' online. Often imitated, but hard to duplicate its impact on the strength training world.
Commonly called "The 5x5 Program", it became a ground-breaking plan that laid a true foundation for many who were raised in the physical culture movement in the 1950's, 60's, and 70's. Bits of this program still linger around today and some people probably don't even know they are following something that's very close to this program. 
The basis of using complex lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench press, military press, and more exercises that recruit the most muscle, a lot of that advice has roots from this book.  Another reason this program is still looked at as a true classic results producer? Arnold looked up to Reg Park as inspiration, and look what happened with Arnold.  Yes, THAT Arnold.

Honorable Mention:  The Program That Never Left The Weight Room

No matter what gym I've been in, I have always found THIS one program with a handy-dandy 1RM chart to help you out in getting the right weight and reps for each set.  I have yet to find the true origins of this plan, but strength coaches swear by it.  As one strength coach told me, "I don't know who made this program, but damn if it doesn't work every single time."  You can get this program here on Kindle for only 99 cents in the "Just The Workouts" guide, and don't forget to check out "Just the Chart" for your Kindle too, where you can simply tap on your 1RM weight in the table of contents and get all your phases, weights, and reps laid out for you in one tap of our screen.  Yep, this classic program is easy to read on your phone that you keep tweeting workout selfies with. So, put your phone to good use and get this quick to read guide, and the chart guide too, for less than the price of a Mountain Dew.

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Train The PJ Way: Wimpleton Wednesday

Hey Hey, It's Wimpleton Wednesday!

 Wednesday means Leg Day!

 We'll once again go heavy and low reps on the Squat, DL and LP.  Little bit higher reps on the Leg Curls and Calf Raises this time.

IYBPB50#, Week 5, Day 2
Squats or Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Leg Press: 3 x 5
Leg Curls: 3 x 12
Calf Raises: 3 x 12

 If you're afraid of CrossFit, then you might as well do the other program that people were doing well before that style became popular.


You can't go wrong with SortaFit, because on some level, you're at least getting a little bit more fit.
It's okay if you're a part of the 80% of people trying to be the 20% who are fit.
It's all a part of the journey.

Grab this sweet shirt today at PJ's Fitness Shop!

Today's Fitness Tip is answering the question: How many days should I lift per week?

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow is a good plan, but not really the answer you might be looking for.

2 to 3 total body workouts per week is a solid plan. 

Some like to split up lifting plans into upper body and lower body, and alternate them for 2 to 3 cycles (4 to 6 days). 

An example might be: Upper Monday, Lower Tuesday, Rest Wednesday, Upper Thursday, Lower Friday, Rest over the weekend.

Or, Total Body on Mon, Wed, Fri, or Tues/Thurs/Sat, some like Sun/Tues/Thurs with breaks on Fri/Sat due to weekend activities.

There is no perfect answer, but the perfect answer is what works the best with your schedule and helps you keep up with training consistently.

You can find a consistent plan with some Kindle guides at

Keep training hard!

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Train The PJ Way: Affilate Spotlight - The Achievable Body - 7 Day Fat Loss Plan

In today's Affiliate Spotlight, we'll discuss The Achievable Body by Mike Whitfield.

7-Day DOABLE Fat Loss Plan
Unlike other “extreme” plans, today’s 7-day guide is actually doable. That’s why 98% of diets fail – because they aren’t doable, even for 7 days. They all require expensive ingredients, organic foods and exercises that destroy your joints.

Then you end up burned out and feeling guilty for not finishing.

That’s why you’ll love this 7-day plan Master CTT Mike Whitfield put together for his private clients. Not only has he helped thousands of men and women, including 6 Transformation Contest Winners (even with thousands voting), but he shed a little weight himself...
... as in 115 pounds!

Now you won’t lose 10 pounds in a week with this, OK? But you will feel and look leaner, while losing 3-5 pounds if you follow it. And it will be the jumpstart you need to stay on track. Here’s how it works...
1) Focus on Protein
Now the general guidelines are 1 gram for every pound you weigh, but that’s not really necessary. Simply aim for 70-120 grams of protein over 2-4 meals. (That’s right, you don’t have to eat 6 small meals a day!)

2) Enjoy Grains and Other Starches on the Days You Exercise
3 days (every other day), do a full body workout for 30 minutes and enjoy your starches immediately after. Stick to 1 serving (which is the size of your open hand).

3) Fill the Rest of Your Plate with Non-Starchy Veggies, HOWEVER...
Maybe you’re like me and think they are boring and tasteless. That’s why you can sauté’ a bunch at one time for the week in some olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and whatever else to spruce them up. By the way, you can eat a salad with a store-bought low-cal dressing. It won’t kill you. And yes, you can have a few croutons for crying out loud.

4) Do NOT Punish Your Body. Instead, Do This...
Do 3 full body workouts with low-impact movements. Hit your legs first when you’re fresh, then hit your pulling and pushing muscles and finally your core. You can do this without equipment, too. Try for every other day.

5) Enjoy a Planned Cheat Meal
Yep. Other “extreme” plans don’t allow a single cheat, but this one is different. So on day 6 or 7, enjoy a reward meal (anything you want). The only rule – stop eating once you’re 80% full.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do after this 7-day plan? 
Transition into a long-term approach that is actually achievable and gets you results consistently week after week.

Now if you love eating carbs (like Mike does), then you can see what Mike did for a very special client of his named Lori.

He mapped out a plan that let her cheat 4 TIMES every week, and she still lost 2-3 pounds every week...
... until she was satisfied with her 66-pound weight loss.

It’s called “The Achievable Body”.

If having more reward meals than a single cheat day while not destroying your joints sound good to you...
This is how to lose 2-3 pounds a week while enjoying whatever you want all weekend long

Check out The Achievable Body plan today!

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Rick is an affiliate of The Achievable Body.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday

Good Monday To You, Wimpleton Warriors!

It's International Bench Press Day in the gyms across the world.  Let's have some fun with another IYBPB50# Workout!  Today, it is Week 5, Day 1.

Week 5, Day 1
Bench Press: 2 x 5 @ 90%, 2 x 2 @ 100%, 1 x Failure @ 100%
DB Bench Press: 3 x 8
Side Raises: 3 x 8
Lying Tricep Extensions: 3 x 8
Pulldowns: 3 x 8
Barbell Rows: 3 x 8
DB Curls: 3 x 8

Monday's are usually a day in the gym were everyone infiltrates the place, because they feel guilty about a weekend of too much this, too much that.

Well, some people just love working out a lot too. Sometimes they love it...a lot.
If you're a person who loves to lift, and lift again, you need this sweet shirt!
Fitness Tip: Working Out Twice A Day
Sometimes people just want to keep working out for a long time, but time is a crunch in the morning and also in the evening.  Not everyone has 2 hours to kill, but maybe 20-30 minutes in the morning and an hour at night.
Try to split your routines up with cardio in the shorter time frames, and lifting in the longer ones.
Some people love a morning run or ride, others despise it.  If you hate it, then just reverse it:  Do a brief lifting session in the morning and a longer cardio at night if that works. 
A run or ride for me works great during the winter and spring in the mornings.  Summer has me enjoying the evening rides for a longer time, so I'll lift in the mornings and ride in the evenings.  Seasons and where you live can make a difference on your choices, as well as the place you primarily work out, such as at home or the gym.
If you choose to lift twice a day, try to split it up into upper body in one, lower body for the other.
Nevertheless, if you're up for 2x/day workouts, its fine to split them up. 
Train the PJ Way!
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Friday, January 5, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Fitness Friday

Hey Hey, it's Fitness Friday!

Make sure you get in your curls today.  It is Friday, you know!

We're now to Week 4, Day 3 of the IYBPB50# workout:

IYBPB50#, Week 4, Day 3

Bench Press: 2 x 3 @ 95%, 2 x 1 @ 105%, 1 x 115% for one Negative rep (use spotter!)
Bar Dips: 3 x 8
Lat Pulldowns 3 x 8
1 Arm DB Rows 3 x 8 per side
DB Curls 3 x 8

Got time for a little finisher?
Stability Ball Ab Crunches: 3 minutes of 20s work, 10s rest

I'm hoping by now that you've been attacking the IYBPB50# program. 

A great shirt to wear while benching (it may increase your bench, who knows?) is the #WHYBY? shirt from PJ's Fitness Shop!
Today's little fitness tip is getting in some cardio when you really don't want to do cardio.
Want a good substitution?
Kettlebell Swings for 10 minutes to 15 minutes.  Not doing them straight for that long, but doing a series of high rep sets between those times.  100 swings usually takes 2:40-3:00 to do for total time.
If you did a set of 100 every 4 minutes, you will get 300 in under 12 minutes of time.  If you need more rest, take it.  For those new to it, a 1:1 work/rest ratio might be better for you.  Rest less when you feel you are getting used to the feel of kettlebell swings.
Many people do a Kettlebell Swing Challenge in January, aiming for 10,000 Swings within the month. Check out Just Swing It! or Kettlebell XL for a more advanced routine at
Enjoy your weekend!  If its too cold for you and you need to read something, check out the guides on Kindle at
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Train The PJ Way: Newbie To The Gym? Here are the Real Rules

It's the most wonderful time of the year...for fitness centers.

This is the craziest time with people who now join the gym (again) and swear that this year, yes, THIS year, they will finally get it and get after their exercise goals to lose weight, trim up, gain muscle, etc. 

If you're a newbie to the gym scene, PJ's got some basic rules to follow:

1. If you're not sure how to use a machine, ask!  Otherwise you'll look like a future YouTube Gym-Fail Video.  Be careful, everyone's got a phone in the fitness center now. I don't want to see you end up as a meme.

2. Clean up after yourself.  If you're sweaty and leave a bunch of it on a bench, don't leave it for the next person.  That's what the towels are for.  A lot of places even have disinfectant sprays to clean things up. 

3. Put your weights away. From plates to dumbbells, dang it people, put them back where you found them.  Do NOT be THAT guy. Women aren't immune to this either, put your weights away too, ladies.

4. Respect the space of others in the room or workout space, especially near the dumbbell racks. People need room for certain movements, so give them the space.

5. Don't let me catch you curling in the squat rack.  This is a no-no. Squat racks are for Squats.  So knock that off.

6. Some people may toot away while on a treadmill.  Try not to be that person. 

7. If the treadmills are full, go to the bikes.  Or go do some KB swings.  You'll thank me.

8. Don't try to copy an exercise from a magazine that has like 3-4 movements combined.  Yeah, they are fine for circuit type exercises, but don't get caught into doing too many of them.  If you want to get tired in a hurry, lift heavy deadlifts.  Don't think you have to get there by doing 20 squat-curl-presses in a row. 

9. Going along with #8, don't think that you have to follow another person's program, just because you'll think you'll look exactly like them if you do their program.  Doing Arnold's program won't make you look like Arnold.  You'll probably get stronger, but you won't be a carbon copy of Arnold.

10. If you need some guidance, get a good trainer.  They'll hopefully set you up on a progressive plan that goes from 'breaking you in' to "I can do more now" and "Gee, I'm really getting in the habit of working out for a change". 

Here's to a solid start to 2018!

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton

Coach Rick Karboviak

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Wimpleton Wednesday

Hey Hey, It's Wimpleton Wednesday!

Bench, Squat, Curl....
Monday was Bench,
Today is Squat!

No, not jack squat, but Leg Day!

We'll change it up a bit today, go heavy and low reps on the Squat, DL and LP.  Little bit higher reps on the Leg Curls and Calf Raises this time.

IYBPB50#, Week 4, Day 2
Squats or Deadlifts: 3 x 5
Leg Press: 3 x 5
Leg Curls: 3 x 12
Calf Raises: 3 x 12

It is January 3rd, which means that 80% of people who set New Years goals are barely into them.

Except you, because you're committed and not like those 80% of people who love to start and stop things all the time.

I've been training the "80%" to become the "20%" who actually do things.  So, hey, yeah, you're on the right track.

It's simple to stay on the right track when you stick to a solid plan, like 3 days a week:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow is the easiest lifting plan to stick to!
Today's little fitness tip has to do with a little food prep secret.
Want to cook eggs very quickly?  Set up a waffle iron!
Whip up two medium eggs, pour them into your waffle iron, and boom, in a couple of minutes you have waffle-ized eggs and not a whole lot of time wasted in prepping them. Use some non-stick spray on your iron before you pour the eggs into it.
Did you check out Workout Finishers yet?  Add these at the end of your workouts and really give your efforts a boost.
Train The PJ Way!
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Train The PJ Way Spotlight: Workout Finishers 2.0

Train The PJ Way Spotlight:
Workout Finishers 2.0

Trying out a new thing for the newsletter today, a little spotlight on some other trainer's programs.  PJ Wimpleton isn't the only super-trainer out there, you know.

Today's spotlight is on Mike Whitfield's Workout Finishers, 2.0.


What is Workout Finishers, 2.0?

I'll tell you its NOT:

It's not boring.
It's not another goofy program.
It's not a waste of your time.
It's not a lot of money either.

Workout Finishers are unique sequences, tacked on at the end of your workouts, in 10 minutes or less to do.

Get a timer or stopwatch to help you do these in the right timing and sequence, but they are a solid addition to your awesome program you're doing already.

Quite a few of these are with bodyweight exercises, so you don't need a lot of equipment either.

Mike's story is pretty awesome: He lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off, plus he's inspired many others with his training programs.  (The Achievable Body is a great one to look at!)

His Workout Finishers guides are a great addition to what YOU'RE ALREADY DOING.

That means if you're happy as heck with your own plans and progress, these can simply be added to it and change your program for the better. 

Let's face it, after your workout is done, you usually wrap things up and chat with some people at the gym for 5-10 minutes.

Well, use that 5-10 minutes with a Workout Finisher and give your workout time a little more boost in fat loss goals and in your overall conditioning.

He has guides, videos, and even more bonuses tossed into this package. 

It's super affordable too. 

Like, tub of protein from Walmart, affordable.

Take a look today at this wide selection of mini-workouts to add strength and stamina to your overall fitness!

Check out Workout Finishers today!

Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton

Coach Rick Karboviak

Monday, January 1, 2018

Train The PJ Way Newsletter: Muscle Monday

Happy New Year!

Here's to an awesome 2018 for you.

I'm sure you have some goals in mind, especially when it comes to fitness.

All your goals should be focused on getting stronger in 2018.

Today, we'll start with another week of IYBPB50#

Week 4, Day 1
Bench Press: 2 x 5 @ 85%, 2 x 3 @ 95%, 1 x Failure @ 95%
DB Bench Press: 3 x 8
Side Raises: 3 x 8
Lying Tricep Extensions: 3 x 8
Pulldowns: 3 x 8
Barbell Rows: 3 x 8
DB Curls: 3 x 8

Another program to help boost your gains is by Critical Bench's Mike Westerdal.

If you're really into boosting your bench and want a good program to tack on after this one, you might want to check it out:

On the fat loss side of things, a good program to follow is Mike Whitfield's The Achievable Body program. 

If you're looking for an easy to follow program, this is it. 
See how simple it is to follow at

Don't forget to follow the best lifting program ever designed:

Find your next great shirt to wear at the gym at the PJ Wimpleton Fitness Shop!
Keep Training The PJ Way!
Train The PJ Way
PJ Wimpleton
Coach Rick Karboviak