Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Fat Loss 7 Day Plan Results

Last week, I started up a 7 Day Extreme Fat Loss diet/exercise plan from The Achievable Body's extra offering.

The previous week, I started the 4 day detox plan at 209, dropped down to 203 after 4 days on it. After a weekend of reloading up on carbs, I went back up to 208.5 and 18.3% body fat.

I hit the workouts as scheduled until the last 3 days.  Honestly, I did 3 of the 4 strength workouts and became really wiped out from them, becoming very sore.  I scaled back and still stuck to the diet, changing the exercise plans to a KB Swings workout in place of the final strength routine, then following it up with an interval run on Saturday, plus an easy run on Sunday.

Weight and body fat percent changed a bit. I went down to 205 and 18%. Sticking to the same kind of diet plan (basically more sensible eating), I'm doing running workouts in the morning plus a bike ride on Monday afternoon.  I'm now down to 203 and 17.5%. That's a 5.5 pound drop in weight since the start of the 7 day plan until today, which is roughly 10 days of time.  It computes from 38 pounds of fat to 35 pounds.

I'm feeling lighter on my workouts, it is amazing how some small weight loss makes a difference on how you feel. My goal is to get to under 200 by the end of the week.  I want to keep the momentum going.

The detox was quite the fluctuation, looking back at the numbers, but it didn't take long for the rebound in weight to go away either.  One of the biggest changes is the bloated feeling I would have mostly every day.  I think cutting back on pop has been a big part of it, essentially limiting it to the weekends now. I know the detox greatly reduced that. 

If you're interested in this plan, take a look at why Vegetables on Fridays are Stupid. :)
Yes, you read that correctly.

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