Monday, July 13, 2015

Almost a Fat Bike Face-down

After taking Saturday off, I got back on the fat bike on Sunday morning for an early morning ride. After more than 2 miles into my ride, I missed running over a rabbit with my fat bike by just a few feet.  The rabbit kind of darted out of nowhere behind some branches and ran across the trail in front of me.  It startled me, as you'd imagine, something just darts unexpectedly and you get that weird sense around you. It's the first time I've been fat biking and encountered a critter. I have come across deer before on gravel rides but they usually jump out plenty of feet in front of me.

This morning was a nice 2.5 mile run on my usual route for a brief morning run. Sometimes you get bored with the same old routes, but the nice thing with a repeated run on the same route is that you pretty much know where the 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 mile increments are at along your route. I am getting consistent with 7:30, easy pace mile time averages.  Just need to find a race soon!

There might be a race next week. until then, I am getting ready for putting on another race in September locally.  I helped out with another race in a local town on Saturday and they had a tremendous turnout for it. It was for the non-profit fitness center that first hired me after college, so it was nice to see them put on a great race, a race that I once helped direct years ago.

As far as morning coffee, its some OG Black Gourmet once again.

Have you ordered some yet? Maybe you're thinking of getting into selling some coffee yourself: visit the opportunity for both at

Kettlebells & Coffee
Coach Rick Karboviak

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