Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weekly RAW: Week 4 of BSD, HWR still better than...

Greetings, RAW Warriors,

Here is Week 4 of BSD, its 5x3 for the main lifts, 3x6 for others.

Week 4, Day 1 - Bench Press

Bench Press: 5x3
Front Squats: 3x6
Pulldowns: 3x6
DB Lunges: 3x6
ASSU's and Windmills: 20/10 x2 each exercise, rest 1 min, then 20/10 x2 once again.

Week 4, Day 2 - Squats

Squats: 5x3
Military Press: 3x6
DB Lunges: 3x6
DB Rows: 3x6
Leg Raises and KB Swings: 20/10*2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10*2 each

Week 4, Day 3: Deadlifts

Deadlifts: 5x3
Push Ups: 3x6
BW Lunges: 3x6
Pull Ups: 3x6
Total Body Extensions & Mountain Climbers: 20/10*2 each, rest 1 min, 20/10*2 each

HWR Is Still Better Than...

The BB season is winding down for me, and Track is around the corner in just Nine Days!  My runs have been few and far between but the HWR workouts are going great in place of them on days where I don't have the ample time to run. I have been doing KB Swing workouts with the HWR method, getting 100 swings every 4 minute, 20/10 style workout period. In a 12 minute workout, its 300 swings down. I have had a lot of back to back games where there isn't a lot of free time for a workout during the small break I had between work and leaving for the games. The HWR ones fit perfectly into the mix. I have gotten more out of this investment than I ever did from P90X or Insanity. I have done both of those programs and HWR is so much better, as far as versatility and function goes.

My reasons why HWR is better than P90X & Insanity: (And yes, I used to sell Beachbody products and have given them a full scouring in the past, I had okay results with P90X and did not care for Insanity, or Shaun T for that matter. Dance instructors should not claim to be athlete workout guru's, in my quick and honest opinion.)

1. Workouts are shorter! Yes, its true, the workouts are a lot shorter in comparison to P90X and Insanity workouts. The shortest full body ones are only 10 minutes (even Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer series is about 14-15 minutes per workout... Its just 10 full minutes of 10, one minute exercises in TMT). Most range in the 12-15 minute range, others closer to 20. Plus you could do 4-6 minute circuits of ab/core workouts as add on's to your routine.

2. More workouts overall: 50+ workouts to choose from! You get about a dozen workouts from the other guys, and that's for about $120 too, roughly $10 a workout. Not a great deal in my opinion, when 50+ workouts are just $67 and you get to start downloading videos ASAP. No shipping, just straight downloads to your computer. Why pay additional shipping when you get instant access with HWR!

3. You aren't going to be barraged with harassing messages to 'join a unique business opportunity' all the time. This bugged me so much when I was a 'Coach' with Beachbody, and I know it annoyed others. Many people sell P90X type programs from Beachbody and do okay, while others struggle to sell such high priced programs. And frankly, others get really ticked when you keep selling the same message of 'if you become a Coach, you get it for less!' all the time. With HWR, I am a straight, lone affiliate of the program. I don't sell any sort of business opp to get you the program for less than it is. I am not on some 'Team' or have people 'under me'. As an affiliate, Craig Ballantyne gets his cut, I get mine. You get some great workouts. Its pretty simple and uncomplicated. You could become an affiliate of Craig's programs and even sell it yourself, like I do. In fact, for each package I sell of HWR, I make more than I would have with selling a P90X package with Beachbody. I will be making a guide on this soon for Kindle. Stay tuned!

4. No crazy equipment needed, or crazy named exercises! Squat, lunge, push, pull, bend, twist...HWR gives you simple, basic workouts out of simple, basic exercises like pushups, bodyweight squats, lunges, mountain climbers, and more. I always hated the goofy names on some of the DVDs from BB. Plus some exercises just put your body in weird contortions. HWR just has a way of turning simple stuff into golden workouts. If you desire, some exercises could use dumbbells or exercise bands as they mention. I even use KB swings in place of bodyweight squats now and then. CB really hit a homer with this series and its simplicity.

Those are my Top 4 Reasons why HWR is better overall.  See what its all about right here:

Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Rats Alley Barbell Club
Coach Rick Karboviak

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