Greetings RAW Warriors,
Today's Rats Alley Workout (It's been quite a while!) involves the kettlebell. The lone, simple tool that works you out pretty intensely.
Today's workout was a 10 minute Tabata series of 20/10 work/rest patterns, doing 1-Arm kettlebell cleans every 30 seconds, alternating arms every 30 seconds.
I got 10 cleans in per side, 20 per minute, 200 total with a 35# kettlebell.
It has been quite a while since I attacked the kettlebells on a frequent basis, but I have been adding in more swings, cleans, and presses every other day the past week.
I kind of forgot about this blog and noticed its been almost 2 months since my last post, so its time to start blogging once again and keep up with things better. My road trips are winding down for college fairs and high school visits in the area, so blogging should be more frequent now.
My newest project is starting soon in a couple weeks over at, as I'm starting up a motivational, virtual race, fitness testing system. If you are a runner, you will like what the PPS has to offer you! Check it out and give it a look: earn some Podium Power Bands and see where you are at before your next big race!
Don't forget: the Kindle guides are still going strong at Amazon at
If you're a part of the Kindle Owner's Lending Library (KOLL), give the books a look!
Lift. Dominate. Repeat.
Coach Rick Karboviak